May 9, 2022
Per our bylaws, an annual meeting of the members shall be held on the Members Annual Meeting Date established by the Board of Directors.

ACPE will host the 2022 Annual Member Meeting via Zoom on May 11th at 6:00pm ET during the 2022 Joint Annual Conference. If you are not attending the conference, you can register to receive the meeting link here. After registering, we will review your request to ensure membership status. Once approved, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

Please note: if you are attending the 2022 Joint Annual Conference, you DO NOT have to register to receive the member meeting link.
The Accreditation Commission continued their work in 2021 utilizing virtual visits and conferencing in lieu of in-person visits. With 307 Accredited Centers and 445 total training sites as of last year, the Commission took the following actions at its most recent Spring Leadership Meeting: nine Six-Year Reviews were completed for Continued Accredited Membership, two centers moved to System Center Accreditation, seven new centers were granted Provisional Accreditation and four centers voluntarily withdrew their accreditation. Please see the Accreditation Commission Actions for a complete listing of actions.
In Case You Missed It
The 2022 ACPE Annual Conference is presented jointly with the Association of Professional Chaplains. We’ve teamed up to offer “Freedom, Wonder, and Liberation: Anti-Bias Practices of Spiritual Care and Education.  Read more
Once a month the Professional Ethics Commission (PEC) posts a couple of statements from our Code of Professional Ethics for members. Each posting is accompanied by a brief personal reflection from a member of the PEC discussing some ways this person lives these commitments*.  Read more
Thanks to the support of our faithful donors, in 2020, the Foundation for ACPE granted $21,000 in Innovative Program Awards to support “Taking CPE to the Streets,” an initiative led by ACPE Certified Educator Danielle Buhuro and Eden Theological Seminary Dean Sonja Williams. Read more
We invite all ACPE Certified Educators who are working with Certified Educator Candidates to join us for informal consultations and conversations via Zoom. The drop-in meeting (no RSVP required) will take place on the first and third Mondays of the month, from 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm ET. Read more
The Telechaplaincy Community of Practice is hosting a series of trainings and knowledge-exchange events. We invite chaplains, scholars and interdisciplinary team members to contribute to these events by proposing case study presentations, vignettes and didactics. The due date for submission is May 10, 2022. Read more
Weekly Highlights
This Week's Reflection
While the news seems filled with so many awful and painful stories, while the places and people we serve seem to carry so much pain and loss, while we strive to make the world more like we long for it to be, the onset of spring for many is exactly the kind of hope that can invite us into a new view. Barbara Crooker offers a lovely poem where we can imagine just such a hope, both large and small:
by Barbara Crooker

there will be sun, scalloped by clouds,
ushered in by a waterfall of birdsong.
It will be a temperate seventy-five, low
humidity. For twenty-four hours,
all politicians will be silent. Reality
programs will vanish from TV, replaced
by the “snow” that used to decorate
our screens when reception wasn’t
working. Soldiers will toss their weapons
in the grass. The oceans will stop
their inexorable rise. No one
will have to sit on a committee.
When twilight falls, the aurora borealis
will cut off cell phones, scramble the internet.
We’ll play flashlight tag, hide and seek,
decorate our hair with fireflies, spin
until we’re dizzy, collapse
on the dew-decked lawn and look up,
perhaps for the first time, to read the long lines
of cold code written in the stars…

What happens when human-made structures are abandoned or left neglected? Nature claims it. Jonk has an Instagram page of photos he’s captured of all sorts of places that nature has reclaimed. There is a beautiful sadness in these images:

This Week on the Calendar
May 15
Restoration of the Aaronic Priesthood (Latter Day Saints)
LDS celebrate the restoration of the Aaronic Priesthood by the resurrected John the Baptist conferring it to Joseph Smith.
Memorials and Milestones
  • ACPE Certified Educator Rev. Louis (Lou) Serio died on April 26, 2022, at Nottingham Health and Rehab in Olathe, KS. On a later date and time TBD, the funeral will be held at Colonial Church UCC in Prairie Village, KS with a gathering /meal and Collation followed by a rocket display and fireworks.

Visit the ACPE Memorials and Milestones page for more details. Please email to add someone to our thoughts.
UCSF Health seeks an ACPE Certified Educator and Chaplain Supervisor. Come join our collaborative and vibrant team!

St. Luke’s University Health Network in Bethlehem, PA, offers a unique and innovative ACPE Certified Educator position that places CPE students in diverse settings, including mental health care, Level I Trauma and community health care.
Other Educational Opportunities
ACPE: The Standard for Spiritual Care & Education
ACPE is the standard for spiritual care and education. Our diverse membership includes Certified CPE Educators, Spiritually Integrated Psychotherapists, Spiritual Care Professionals and Practitioners, Pastoral Counselors, Chaplains, Faith Communities, and Seminaries. Our multi-disciplinary, multi-faith, multi-racial community of professionals provides education, connection, and formation through continuing education, networking, and leadership development.
ACPE is the premier, Department of Education recognized, organization that provides the highest quality CPE programs for spiritual care professionals of any faith and in any setting. We do this through a rigorous accreditation and certification process for centers and educators that provide CPE.
The depth of our training enables students to realize their full potential to strengthen the spiritual health of people in their care as well as themselves.
ACPE members are actively engaged in a wide variety of professional development activities including communities of practice, conferences, spiritual care research, and informal networking. We are more than just an association: we are a movement committed to the transformation of the human suffering.Our opportunities for formation and community enrich our member's work of healing and transforming people and communities in the US and across the globe.