Last night I spent about 4 hours at the warehouse listening to my SC Gamecocks get their season back on the right foot while working on listing projects for this week. For those of you that know me patches and Gamecock football are two of my lifelong passions. I listened to the radio call over the Internet which is a lot of fun to hear the partisan banter of our play by play team.
One of the strategies that I've kinda abandoned (again) is keeping a valuable separate inventory for TORs. I had about 12-15 long boxes of Carolina OA that I was going to save for shows but with my new listing goal I've cannibalized these to go on eBay. The problem with a TOR is you are in a room of people selling stuff to a very small pool of buyers. It's just not a great way to move lots of $10 patches. So I've put those up on eBay and had lots of success finding new homes for these pieces.
I am still a huge supporter and proponet of TORs. There are many deals to be had! But if you are hoping that a dozen guys are going to come to your table and drop $100 each that's probably not going to happen. You can buy stuff in can sell stuff in bulk...and you can make one off purchases. But I will still have plenty of stuff to haul to shows just not boxes and boxes of carded and priced OA.
On Santeeswapper I have 126 live auctions mainly on Carolina/Georgia OA and camp patches. I have 84 auctions running on OApatch with some vintage pieces ending tonight. This weekend I am running a big 35% off sale on over 2,900 items in my Santeeswapper Store.
Next weekend I'm planning on attending (for some amount of time - wife negotiations LOL) the Fall Induction Weekend for Muscogee Lodge 116 at Camp Coker. I don't think I've been back at camp since our big reunion weekend for the final OA fellowship there before the merger. There are some big plans for investing in Camp Coker (more on that soon) and I look forward to spending some time in one of my favorite spots on the planet.
Jason Spangler
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