PACFA Newsletter - Spring 2022
Program Updates
Disease Control and Treatment Standards (DCATS) Development Team

This DCATS Development Team has been meeting since March 2022. The meetings are being facilitated by Lisa VanRaemdonck with CU Denver's School of Public Affairs.

The DCATS Development team is focusing on the issues surrounding the importation of animals into the state with illness, disease, and parasites.

This team's mission is to help develop standards and potentially future rules to better protect the animals and consumers who adopt or purchase pets that have been imported from outside Colorado.

There will be opportunities for future stakeholder engagement as these standards get developed so everyone who is interested has an opportunity to contribute to the conversation. More to come in our next newsletter!
Behavior and Enrichment Standards (BES) Development Group Update

The BES Development Team has also been meeting since March 2022 and these meetings are also being facilitated by the CU Denver School of Public Affairs and are being led by Deb Kleinman.

House Bill 21-1160 is now codified as 35-80-106.6. C.R.S. called the Care of Dogs and Cats in Shelters and Rescues became effective in September of 2021.

Future opportunities for stakeholder engagement will happen later this year. This team will work to develop standards, definitions, and potential rulemaking to implement the requirements to provide resources to address stereotypical and self-mutilating behavior and provide enrichment for shelter and rescue dogs and cats.
PACFA Rulemaking Update
The rulemaking process to implement the requirements of House Bill 21-1102, requiring pet stores to make certain disclosures became effective in September 2021 and is now codified as 35-80-108.5, C.R.S. was recently completed. The public hearing for the new rule additions was held on April 1, 2022. The new rule was approved by the Agriculture Commission on April 13, 2022, and will become effective on June 15, 2022.

PACFA Legislative Update
Senate Bill 22-167, which will remove the exemption for greyhound breeders, was recently signed by the Governor. The law will become effective 90 days after the legislative session ends, which we anticipate will be in early August of 2022.
PACFA's New Lead Inspector!
We are excited to announce we have promoted one of our own, Inspector Becky Robison, to be our new Lead Inspector!

The Lead Inspector oversees the day-to-day activities of the inspection and investigation work unit, assists with inspections and investigations, and oversees the field training of new inspectors. Becky also works an inspection territory overseeing Denver County. Becky has been with PACFA for almost 7 years. Prior to coming to PACFA, Becky worked for the Arvada Police Department for 24 years as an animal control officer and supervisor.
Upcoming PACFA Advisory Committee Meeting
Wednesday, May 18, 2022, 10 am to 2 pm
In person at the CDA offices in Broomfield
We will be sending out a meeting notice to our email listserv later this week to RSVP if you would like to attend the meeting.
PACFA Advisory Committee Vacancy Announcement
We are currently recruiting to fill the Groomer Representative vacancy. We are looking for applicants who are licensed as grooming facility owners to serve on the committee.

Eika Haas, who was the grooming representative on the PACFA Advisory Committee resigned in January of 2022. We thank Eika for her service to the Advisory Committee and her passion for and dedication to pet groomers and the pet grooming industry.

Please click on the link below to access the application form. We will be accepting applications until May 31, 2022.
Frequently Asked Questions
PACFA program inspectors and administrative staff are dedicated to helping PACFA licensed facilities understand and comply with PACFA and its rules and regulations. PACFA also receives and investigates consumer complaints on both licensed and unlicensed facilities.

When will my inspector do my next inspection?
Routine inspections are typically unannounced and are scheduled based on several factors. PACFA's program goal is to perform a routine inspection of each facility once per year. Please reach out to your inspector with any questions.
Where can I get a copy of my license?
Our online licensing portal, AgLicense, simply log into your account and click on the PACFA license button and a PDF of your license can be printed or saved.
How do I make changes to my license?
Most changes require a new application. Please call your inspector or the office for assistance.
What are the new Qualifying and Continuing Education Requirements?
Please visit our "Qualifying and Continuing Education" website to learn more about these requirements.
Spread the Word
Please help support our efforts in safeguarding pet animals in pet care facilities throughout Colorado, protect consumers who purchase or adopt pets, and who use pet-related services.

Share this newsletter with anyone who may be interested. Our goal is to educate everyone about the PACFA Program.

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305 Interlocken Parkway
Broomfield, CO 80021