Monday, September 11, 2023

Cantor's Pick of the Week

by Arlene Frank

Achat Sha'alti

A Setting of Psalm 27 (Psalm for the Days of Awe)

By Chava Mirel

This beautiful musical setting by Chava Mirel mirrors the quietness and confidence of the words of Psalm 27. It has a flowing melody and the video images are peaceful and calming. It offers me much gladness and comfort. 

We officially pronounce Achat Sha’alti starting the first day of Elul, through the end of Elul and then continuing to the tenth of Tishri, Yom Kippur. We read, chant or sing it for 40 days, which include the Days of Awe; Rosh Hashanah through Yom Kippur. Rabbi Ari Lev suggests that the poetry of Achat Sha’alti lies somewhere between both anthem and mantra for this time period of introspection and self awareness. 

Our High Holiday Season is a time of inner reflection and personal change wherever possible, yet the message of Achat Sha’alti is not penitential or remorseful, it is a message full of light and hope. 

Achat sha'alti me'eit Adonai, otah avakesh 

Shivti b'veit Adonai, kol y'mei chayay

Lachazot b'noam, b'noam Adonai, u'l'vaker b'heikhalo

One thing I ask of You, Adonai, I earnestly pray

That I might dwell in Your house all the days of my life

Knowing the beauty of Adonai and to dwell in Your holy place!

The Velveteen Rabbi in her essay on Achat Sha’alti offers: As we count down these final days of Elul, I'm finding comfort in knowing that this is only the beginning of our journey. If you haven't been able to make time during Elul to do the inner work of figuring out where your course needs correction, take heart: the new year, with its chance to kick your spiritual processes into high gear, is just around the corner...

I now have a new view of the tender words of this psalm. Perhaps adding listening to, reading quietly, pronouncing out loud or singing out the mantra/anthem of Achat Sha’alti might become a part of your own preparation for our High Holy Day Season?  

L’shana Tova,

Cantor Arlene Frank

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