Message from Pastor Carolyn

Friday, April 21, 2023

Dear Saint Mark Family,

As we journey through Eastertide, I pray we will remember that we are resurrected people, and are called and equipped to do the good works God has created in advance for us to do.

I have been reflecting on Ephesians 2:10 this week, and imagining what our church could be if we live fully into this understanding. In the introduction of his letter to the early Christians in Ephesus, Paul prayed for them that “the eyes of [their] heart may be enlightened in order that [they] may know … [God’s} incomparably great for us who believe.” 

This is the same I am now praying for us, Saint Mark.

When our hearts are enlightened, and we know the power of God at work in us, we can, and I dare say will, live as resurrected people, embodying the power that raised Christ from the dead, so we can transform our world.

The recent weeks have highlighted again the need for transformation in our communities and our country. Reading or listening to the news reveals the urgent need for a Spirit-led change, especially where gun violence is concern. In addition to the number of mass shootings that has happened since the start of the year, in schools and other public places, the last week has shown the vice-like grip gun violence has on our communities, even in the ordinary every day way of life. On two different occasions, a 16-year-old and a 20-year-old were shot by elderly homeowners because they mistakenly went to the wrong homes. The 20-year-old died.

My heart breaks over and over, again, when I read or listen to the news. Having experienced an immediate family member being shot multiple times several years ago, I can imagine what the families and loved ones of the victims are experiencing. There has to be a change, and it will not come from our politicians, or political parties. They have been “talking” about it for a long time, and nothing has changed.

The good news is, we the resurrected people of Christ have the God-given power, and the opportunity to make a difference in our neighborhoods, community, and country. We must begin with prayer. We will then join in partnership with other churches in our Midtown community, and other non-profit organizations and city leaders to engage our youths and young adults, and work towards holistic way of life that creates better paths for their future.

I will be meeting with other clergy members in our neighborhood in the next few weeks, and this is one of primary topics I will speak on in our meeting. I will seek their input and wisdom, and consider ways to have a united approach to do this needed work.

Please be in prayer, as we seek to work towards a better and safer community and country.

God’s goodness and mercy follow you,

Pastor Carolyn.

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