Growing up without dental care was difficult for Theresa Page. Her Family didn’t have the resources for routine and preventative dental care. Her unchecked cavities led to teeth loss and constant pain. As a child, she was embarrassed and teased about the gaps between her teeth. By the time she was old enough to afford dental care, the damage during those early years of neglect had taken its toll. As an adult, she had many failed trips to dental offices as they struggled to fit her with dentures. Her anxiety grew with each unsuccessful trip. 

Then she met Dr. Nathan Laskowski at Marian Dental Clinic. She credits him for changing her life. "Dr. Nathan never gave up on me... it was always, ‘we’re going to make this work.’” Together, Dr. Nathan and his assistants succeeded in helping Theresa overcome her anxiety and the physiological complications that came with that. Patience, understanding, and relaxing music were tools Dr. Nathan used to ease Theresa into being properly fitted for dentures. Suddenly what the other dentists had said was impossible, was now a reality. 
 The difference in Theresa is unmistakable. “Everybody’s seen the change in me. I’m a new me!” Not only does Theresa smile now, but she is happier, less anxious, and ready to walk out into the world with a self-confidence that had been missing all her life. “Dr. Nathan is wonderful...I can’t say enough good things about him. I recommend him to everyone!”  

We're so happy for Theresa and grateful for Dr. Nathan. It's one more success story on the road to healing our patients.
Michele Surber
Executive Director
Caritas Clinics