Grant Beacon Middle School

Kepner Beacon Middle School

Vea el boletín en español aquí.

Our zone, our schools, our educators, and our kids need your help. 

Dear Beacon Families and Staff,

As you may have heard, Denver Public Schools Superintendent Dr. Alex Marrero has recommended revoking the Beacon Network Schools Innovation Zone status at the end of this school year. This impacts Grant Beacon and Kepner Beacon Middle School. 

We promised you and your children a unique personalized learning model which provides every student with enrichment activities, blended learning, and character development—that’s what makes us Beacon Network Schools. 

If the superintendent’s recommendation is approved by the DPS board, it would have a devastating effect on our ability to provide the robust enrichments we offer for all of our students. It also doesn't take into the 99% staff approval vote and the parent support we have received in support of the plans.

Our Innovation Zone status allows us to provide our students with enrichment activities and learning environments that excite and interest them, and meet their academic and social-emotional needs. Last week, Fox31 featured Liz Kailey, a former Beacon parent, who teaches aerospace engineering to our students. Liz has offered this opportunity to hundreds of Beacon students, some who are now pursuing engineering degrees.  

Our Zone status also empowers the educators at Grant and Kepner Beacon. It gives them the ability to work together to make our personalized curriculum stronger. We came together because we wanted to share resources and ideas; as a result, we have two thriving programs that are making a difference for our kids. 

Our teachers feel supported because they have a community of educators who help them deliver outstanding learning opportunities for our students every day. They also feel trusted to do what’s best for our students. That’s evident in the numbers—99% of our teachers voted in favor of our Innovation Zone plan and school plans.   

Without our Innovation Zone, our teachers said there would be fewer opportunities for students to express themselves. They also said teachers would have less creativity to meet their students’ needs. Our teachers are reaching out and we need your help in doing the same. 

One teacher said it best: “Without innovation, we would see just heartbreaking results for our students.”

If the Denver Public Schools Board of Education votes on March 23 to follow the superintendent’s recommendation and revoke our Innovation Zone status at the end of this school year, we will lose what makes our school communities so special. We have been nationally recognized for what we have accomplished and for what we continue to offer our students and families. We have so much to be proud of, and we encourage you to speak up and share your Beacon story.  

Some of us attended the DPS Board Meeting on March 9th, DPS Board Meeting 3-9 ( Begins at 3:08)and several DPS Boards questioned the rationale and voiced concern about the impact on students, families, teachers, and staff. Your story and your child's story can help them make the decision on March 23rd.

Please join us for public comment or watch it on March 23rd. You can also contact the Board of Education to advocate for our zone. If you have questions about how you can help Beacon Network Schools, please contact me directly by emailing me or sending me a text message.

Committed to our families and students.

Alex Magaña, BNS Executive Director

Jennifer Anderson, GBMS Principal

Dan Walsh, KBMS Principal

Share your Beacon Story

If you cannot sign up for public comment, we encourage you to contact the members of the Board of Education to advocate for our zone and schools. Grant Beacon is in District 1, which is represented by Scott Balderman and KBMS is in District 2, which is represented by Xóchitl Gaytán. At-large board members Auon’tai Anderson and Scott Esserman represent all districts. 

Below, you’ll find contact information for Directors Gaytan, Anderson and Esserman, as well as all other members of the board of education. 

Date and time for public comment:

  • March 21 at 4:30 p.m.

How to sign up for public comment:

  • Sign-up starts Monday, March 13, at 9 a.m. and closes Thursday, March 16, at 5 p.m. You can sign up online or by phone. 
  • Online sign up here
  • Phone: 720-423-3210


  • Public comment is in person only.
  • Each individual speaker has three minutes to speak and 10 minutes for a group. Substitutes are not allowed; only the person who signed up to speak may address the board.

Other things to consider:

  • Free parking for board meetings is available beginning at 4:30 p.m. in the “Yellow” Lot located just north of the Emily Griffith Campus building. The entrance and exit to the lot is on 19th Ave. Please note: parking is on a first-come, first-served basis, until filled.
  • In addition to speaking at public comment, email your comments to

Structuring your public comment testimony:

  • Be simple, concise and authentic in your messages about innovation and about our Beacon Network Schools. 
  • Include the reasons why you love your school.
  • Tell how and why your school serves your student(s) well.
  • Say why you want the board to allow Beacon Network Schools to remain an Innovation Zone. 

Contact Board Members

If you cannot sign up for public comment, we encourage you to contact the members of the Board of Education to advocate for our zone and schools. Kepner Beacon is in District 2, which is represented by Xóchitl Gaytán and Grant Beacon is in District 1, which is represented by Scott Baldermann. At-large board members Auon’tai Anderson and Scott Esserman represent all districts. 

Below, you’ll find contact information for Directors Gaytan, Baldermann, Anderson and Esserman, as well as all other members of the board of education. 

District 1: Scott Baldermann

District 2: Xóchitl Gaytán

At-Large: Auon’tai Anderson

At-Large: Scott Esserman

District 3: Dr. Carrie Olson

District 4: Michelle Quattlebaum

District 5: Charmaine Lindsay