Northwest ISD Families,

From the recent rains and new green grass to the excitement of students and staff leaving for a week-long break, it is evident that spring has arrived. After my first two months in Northwest ISD, I continue to be amazed by the talent of our students and teachers. Celebrations have been rolling in across the district this semester with record-setting student success.  

First, I want to recognize our Lady Texan’s Wrestling Team for making school history as Northwest High School’s first UIL team State Champion. Many of our schools are having excellent athletic seasons, including Byron Nelson High School breaking their own school’s records for teams advancing to the postseason.

Our students competing in Destination Imagination are also having record-breaking success. Eleven DI teams advanced to state in the creative problem-solving competition. This is the most teams NISD has ever sent to state. Our Career and Technical Education programs have also celebrated recent success, with 13 students from Byron Nelson High School TAFE (Texas Association of Future Educators) advancing to Nationals and 27 students from the Business Management and Entrepreneurship Academy at Eaton High School advancing to VEI National Competition.

From celebrating the 1,100 students showcasing their projects and innovations at NISD EXPO to the incredible talent displayed at the districtwide Dance Showcase (special kudos to our middle school dance team), I truly admire our students’ talents, skills and work ethic. These achievements represent just a sampling of all that our students are accomplishing, and it’s still early in our spring semester.

I hope you and your family find time to have fun, laugh and reenergize during the upcoming break. The spring semester is always a busy time, so I want to encourage our students (and staff) to recharge and be prepared to make the most of the learning opportunities available these next few months of school. We look forward to our students’ return to class on Wednesday, March 22, following our break and staff professional development days.

Have a safe and wonderful Spring Break!


Mark Foust, Ed.D.