It has been a pleasure to work with you these last two years and to help kick-off age-friendly planning efforts in so many towns across Franklin County and the North Quabbin. I have really enjoyed meeting hundreds of community members throughout this time, and connecting with so many Councils on Aging members, elected officials, Village leaders, service providers and other stakeholders who care about the future of elders in our region. Thank you all for believing in this work we are doing and for being the driving force for the positive change that is needed to better support and include older adults in our communities.

At the moment, LifePath has started the search for the next age-friendly coordinator, and would appreciate your help in sharing the position announcement and referring folks who you think would be a good fit. This new person will oversee the next few of phases of the project, including finishing the needs assessment process, the creation of an Age-Friendly Action Plan for the region, and the start of implementation of identified actions.

If you have a referral or any questions regarding the position, the project overall, or your town's participation, please get in touch with one of the following folks:

1) Lynne Feldman, Director of Community Services at LifePath:
2) Meg Ryan, Public Health Nurse at FRCOG:

If you would like to reach out to me, here is my personal email address:

Thank you so much once again for welcoming me into this region and into this very important work. I hope our paths cross again soon.

Nour Elkhattaby Strauch