The BPSI Community and Friends
BPSI Leadership Team
Jack Foehl, PhD, President
Catherine Kimble, MD, Executive Director
James Barron, PhD, Chair, Board of Trustees
Donna Fromberg, PsyD, President-Elect
Carole A. Nathan, MBA, Managing Director
April 24, 2022
Open Conversations on Race, Equity, Diversity, and Otherness
Tuesday, May 10th - 7:00-8:00 pm
“BPSI READS” is an initiative to facilitate regular conversations within BPSI, the larger psychoanalytic community, and the public on issues of Race, Equity, Diversity, and Otherness. Thank you to everyone who has participated thus far. We invite you and your guests to please join us for the next BPSI READS:
Special Guest: Lauren Levine, PhD
Tuesday, May 10th, 2022
7:00-8:00 pm

Psychoanalytic Dialogues, 32:2, 99-113

Optional Reading: Michelle Stephens (2022) Relational Racialization and Segregated Whiteness, Psychoanalytic Dialogues, 32:2, 114-120
What does it mean to deeply engage with race in the clinical encounter? How do we think about the particular responsibilities of White analysts working with persons of color? Do conceptions of the psychoanalytic frame need to shift in these cross-racial dyads vis a vis issues of race and power? Dr. Lauren Levine’s compelling paper will start our dialogue about these questions. She writes: “Through clinical encounters as a White analyst working with several women of color, I argue for a radical shift in our conception of the analytic frame, necessitating stepping outside of a familiar, comfortable role in which we have been taught to follow what patients bring to analysis. Rather than waiting for our patients to bring up issues of race, I believe it behooves White analysts to take the lead in listening for and speaking directly about race, racism and racial identity, to make it clear that we are invested in, and up for these challenging discussions. I will argue that as psychoanalysts, we must step into our discomfort, wrestle with our shame and shared vulnerability, and the ways in which we are all implicated; not equally, but meaningfully. I emphasize the crucial imperative for White analysts, in particular, of struggling with our inclination toward silence, complicity and dissociation.” – Lauren Levine

In this BPSI READS evening, we look forward to a conversation with Dr. Levine about her paper, crucial issues of engaging with race in the clinical encounter, and to deepening the dialogue about race and psychoanalysis.

Lauren Levine, PhD is on the Faculty of the NYU Postdoctoral Program in Psychoanalysis, and The Stephen Mitchell Relational Study Center, where she is Co-Director of the One Year Program in Relational Studies. Dr. Levine is Visiting Faculty at the Institute for Relational and Group Psychotherapy in Athens, Greece, and the Tampa Bay Psychoanalytic Society, and Supervisor at the Institute for Relational Psychoanalysis of Philadelphia.

Dr. Levine is Joint Editor-in-Chief of Psychoanalytic Dialogues. She has published numerous articles about trauma, resilience, and creativity, and teaches and presents both nationally and internationally. Currently, she is writing a book about the transformational power of stories, and storytelling; the power of stories to heal, to create shared symbolic meaning and coherence out of ungrieved loss and trauma. Her book also addresses the impact of cultural, intergenerational, and migration trauma on the challenge of creating one’s own story—one resonant with personal authenticity, and a shared sense of culture and history.
We are honored that Dr. Levine will be our guest
on May 10th - Please join us.
This BPSI READS Drop-in group is for members of the BPSI Community, friends,
and all interested guests. Please feel free to forward this invitation.

As part of BPSI’s Anti-Racism Commitment, (Click here for Commitment Memo), we have created The BPSI Resources Web Page, that intends to make readily available psychoanalytic and interdisciplinary scholarship resources on, Race, Equity, Diversity and Otherness, for colleagues and the public. The site is updated regularly with more readings and resources. Please see what is new!  BPSI Resources:  On Race, Equity, Diversity, and Otherness. Psychoanalytic and Interdisciplinary Voices (linked here).
Thank you, to all who have your shared experiences, questions, and ideas for how BPSI can fulfill our commitment to Anti-Racism, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. We welcome your feedback, contributions, and participation in BPSI’s ongoing work and initiatives. You may contribute ideas here.
We hope to see you for the next BPSI READS.
Jack, Catherine, Jim, Donna, and Carole