March 28, 2023

Ray-Pec Community,

One week from today, on April 4, municipal elections will be held across Missouri. One of the items on the ballot in Ray-Pec is Proposition RP-1. Proposition RP-1 is the Board of Education’s first priority from the new strategic plan: to help recruit and retain teachers and staff by improving compensation. Proposition RP-1 will ask voters to authorize the District to transfer 50 cents from the debt service tax rate to the operating tax rate. The proposed tax rate transfer will be phased in over three years, and the overall tax rate is expected to remain at its current rate. If approved, the amount produced by the tax rate transfer will be used to help recruit and retain teachers and staff. 

We have prepared several informational videos to explain in greater detail what this election is for. Those videos can be found here

In addition, we have compiled a list of answers to some frequently asked questions. Those FAQs can be found here.

One question from those FAQs is this: Why does the ballot language reference an increase? 

The answer is this: When the debt service levy transfer question appears on the ballot, the District is asking voters: Can we shift existing tax contributions from one levy to the other, without changing the overall tax rate? The April ballot reflects the District's intention to increase the operating tax levy by 50 cents over three years and decrease the debt service tax levy by the same amount over three years to accomplish no net impact on the overall tax levy.

I hope you will be able to take a look at the other FAQs to provide you with information about this election.

Voting in elections is a great aspect of our democracy. I hope you will exercise your right to vote in this election.

Thank you for entrusting your children to the Ray-Pec School District.


Raymore-Peculiar School District