Thursday, May 18, 2023

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THIS SUNDAY: Join us for our 2023 Missions Festival happening this Sunday! We are excited to hear from Guest Speaker Steve Shank, who will bring us an inspiring message at both services titled "Be Fruitful & Multiply."

BELONG: The Journey - The focus of BELONG this Sunday will be on “Serve.” In this session, you will be given tools to discover who God created you to be and the gifts and passions that make you unique. Join us in the BELONG Room at 9:30 or 11:30 a.m.

SONGS - 1000 Tongues, Holy Forever, I've Witnessed It, Missionary Anthem, Take My Life And Let It Be

Missions Festival - We encourage you to browse the 30+ display tables that will be set up throughout the Lobby and Atrium. Both local and global missions will be represented. Learn about our Petra missionaries and other various mission-sending ministries in both our community and worldwide! Who knows, you may find a new way to get connected to a mission you've never heard of before!

Steve Shank is HarvestNet International’s strategic coach. He has served with Eastern Mennonite Missions for over 20 years. He worked as their Strategic Coach, planted three churches in Latin America, and helped initiate a movement among the former unreached people, the Garifuna nation. Steve has also planted churches in PA. Prior to his work with EMM, Steve was a consultant first with Regents University AIMS ministry and then with Advance, helping churches and networks of churches develop missions and church planting from vision to implementation. Steve has taught in mission training schools, short-term missions preparations, colleges, leadership training schools, and graduate schools in the areas of missions, church planting, and leadership development. Steve is married to Rose. They have 3 married daughters and 7 grandchildren.

Church-Wide Events

Deeper Night

Join us tomorrow night for a time of worship, prayer, and personal ministry as we set apart a time and space for you to connect with Jesus on a deeper level. Deeper Night begins at 7 p.m. in the Sanctuary. Come with expectant hearts as we pursue the presence of our Creator together in community! Pastor Nacho Barrera will be sharing a few words of encouragement. These nights are a good refresh for your spirit and are open to everyone, so please bring your friends and family!

First Responders Appreciation Sunday

We will be recognizing first responders on Sunday, June 4, as a way to give our thanks for their courage, sacrifice, and commitment to our community. After each service, you'll have the opportunity to check out emergency vehicles in the East Parking Lot and visit with several mounted police officers and their equine partners. Lancaster’s K-9 Unit will also give a short presentation to the kids during Children’s Church. First responders and their families are invited to a pizza lunch after the 11 a.m. service. Please invite any and all first responders you know to this special service!

The Send Pre-Rally Worship Gathering

A Pre-Rally worship gathering, hosted by YWAM is happening here at Petra on Friday, June 9 at 7 p.m. in the Sanctuary! YWAM will be leading worship and bringing in a speaker for this evening. Don’t miss this night of worship, prayer, and vision as we prepare our community for THE SEND event on August 5 at the Santander Arena in Reading, PA.

Kingdom Kids

VBS Registration NOW Open!

This summer, our VBS kids will launch on a cosmic quest where they’ll have a blast shining Jesus’ light to the world. Any child age 4 through Grade 4 is welcome to join us for the fun! VBS will run Monday through Friday, June 12-16, from 6:30-8:45 p.m. Register below by Wednesday, June 7!


We’ve had a phenomenal volunteer response but are still in need of 30 Elementary Crew Guides (age 13+). Consider the impact you could have on a child's life this summer! If interested in joining the team, head to the Kids' Hub to sign up! If you’re unable to help that week, we could still use your help after the 11 a.m. service on Sunday, June 11, to get the church decorated and transformed into a kids-only zone! Lunch is provided. Please contact Pastor Andrea at if you're able to lend a hand!


Petra Men

Men's Breakfast

Don't miss the Men's Breakfast happening this Saturday at 7 a.m. All guys 13 and up are invited to come out to Shady Maple and hear from Brad Ortenzi. Brad, Eastern USA Director of ZOE International, will be sharing his testimony along with his current work. Brad has served with Zoe International since 2014 when he began his work in Thailand as the Director of Child Rescue, where he managed numerous child trafficking investigations and rescues. Brad travels to Thailand multiple times yearly to work alongside the Thai Police and conduct training. Most of his work is now done in the States, coordinating the Berks and Lancaster County Human Trafficking Task Forces. We look forward to seeing you there! The cost is $10; please pay onsite.

Men's Backpacking Trip

There are only 13 spots left to join the Spring Men’s Backpacking Trip happening

Friday, June 2 - Sunday, June 4! They will be hiking approximately 20 miles of the Appalachian Trail. It's a moderate skill-level hike from Boiling Springs to Pine Grove Furnace. Saturday evening will end at a campground with a lake and a visit to the Appalachian Trail Museum. You will need to provide your gear and food. The cost is $20/person for transportation. Register below or at the Resource Hub by next Sunday, May 28.


Local Outreach

Refugee Connect

We are still collecting household and baby items for 2 local refugee families as there are still quite a few items they are in need of! Please take a look at the list below to see ways you can contribute and make a difference in the lives of our local refugee families!

If interested in contributing anything from the list, please contact Kris Flewelling at 717-951-5241 or Thank you for your consideration!


Missionary Prayer Focus

At the beginning of this month, Steve & Sara Petersheim began their assignment as Petra Missionaries with WeCare Prison Ministries in Alabama, where they serve as hosts and with facilities maintenance. Pray for God’s peace and joy as they adjust to their new roles and host those doing ministry outreach in the local prisons. Pray also for God’s protection and health over them and for their support needs to be met.



Congratulations to Alexander & Sharilyn Deeds, Dan & Gladys Kolb, and Fernando & Francheska Ramos as they have become members of our Petra Family!


Congratulations and blessings to these couples on their marriages:

Rosa Stoltzfus & Allen Fisher

May 13

Ella Gingerich & Sheldon Beiler

May 19

Fern Lapp & Mahlon Fisher

May 23

May God bless all your marriages and remain the center of this exciting season!



Our prayers and sympathy to Jarrod & Regina Deel, as Jarrod's father entered his eternal home on May 13. May you feel God's arms of peace around you and your family.


May 14, 2023



General Fund

Weekly Budget:


Last Week's Giving:


Building Fund



Petra Church | www.Petra.Church

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