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Walking Tour in South Park

Each year at Park ’til Dark we host free activities in the parks as a way to encourage park visitors to learn something new and interact with the park in meaningful and connective ways. One activity from this year's South Park event was a Parks Foundation Projects Walking Tour of all the projects we have accomplished in the Southern section of the park. Since the walking tour was so well received, we are inviting you to enjoy this 1.5 mile self-guided walking tour on your own. Read our blog now to begin your tour!

The Parks Foundation

is featured in

North Hills Monthly Magazine!

We were thrilled to have our Executive Director, Joey-Linn Ulrich, interviewed for North Hills Monthly Magazine's Perspective feature in their July 2024 edition! You can read the full magazine here, and find our article, entitled "Allegheny County Parks Foundation Enriches Residents' Lives", on pages 34-37.

Project Updates

South Park to White Oak Trail Connectivity Study is Complete

We envision a future in which all of the county parks are connected by world-class trails. Recently we got one step closer to that vision with the completion of the Trail Connectivity Study between White Oak and South Park. In partnership with Allegheny County, the communities of South Park, Jefferson Hills, Clairton, Glassport, McKeesport, and White Oak, along with the Montour Trail Council and Steel Valley Trail Council, a steering committee was established with working group sessions in 2022 and 2023. Input from local municipalities, trail groups and individuals was provided throughout the process during public meetings and a public survey that took place in spring 2023 and winter 2024 to ensure the proposed system met all of the unique community needs. The efforts resulted in a study that lays out approximately 23 miles of on-road and off-road trail through 6 communities linking these two southern parks. The communities and trail groups can now use the information to support fundraising efforts for future trail construction. We would like to thank all of the partners who made this work possible, especially Allegheny County. We would also like to thank the project funders, the Claude Worthington Benedum Foundation and FedEx. Read the Trail Connector Study!

Trail Maintenance Work with Columbia Gas in

Settlers Cabin Park

On July 23, we organized trail maintenance work in Settlers Cabin Park with volunteers from Columbia Gas of Pennsylvania. All the volunteers worked hard to improve the conditions along the Waterfall Trail, ensuring that the trail is clear for park explorers. We would like to extend a huge thank you to all the volunteers from Columbia Gas for their hard work and to the Allegheny County Parks Rangers for leading the project. We are so grateful for the improvements made to the Waterfall Trail and for the volunteers helping to make a positive impact in Settlers Cabin Park!

Carol R. Brown Sculpture Garden is Featured in Sculpture Magazine

Each summer, the July edition of Sculpture Magazine highlights select Sculpture Gardens and Parks from around the country. We are so excited to share that the Carol R. Brown Sculpture Garden is featured in this year's edition.


Twilight Picnic for the Parks is on August 17!

Twilight Picnic for the Parks, hosted by Highmark Blue Cross Blue Shield, will take place at the Caren Glotfelty Meadow in Hartwood Acres on Saturday, August 17. Join us as we come together for an enchanted evening amidst the luster of twilight in support of the parks that provide recreation, relaxation and serenity to so many of us.

All proceeds from this event support our goal to accomplish transformative projects so that our county parks retain their significance to the economic, social and environmental vitality of our shared region. Since its inception in 2017, Twilight Picnic for the Parks has raised $2.65 million to improve, conserve and restore the nine Allegheny County Parks. Please join us and help us surpass $3 million raised for the parks this year!


Thank you to our growing list of Twilight Picnic for the Parks Sponsors!

Presenting Sponsor

Lead Sponsors

Supporting Sponsors

Moonstruck Sponsors

Babst Calland

Giant Eagle

Carole King & Chip Burke

Koppers, Inc.

For a full list of sponsors, please visit our Twilight webpage.

We would love to add your corporation or organization to our growing list of sponsors

for Twilight Picnic, Park 'til Dark and/or Pour at the Park!

To discuss sponsorship opportunities, email Barbara Brewton or call her at 412.606.9692.

Save-the-Date for Park 'til Dark and Pour at the Park!

In the Parks
Share your favorite park story, memory or what you love about the parks! We would love to feature your love of the county parks in our newsletter or on our social media.

Garden in the Park

In South Park

Join the Penn State Master Gardeners of Allegheny County for Garden in the Park. This annual event will take place in South Park on Saturday, August 17, 2024 from 9:00 am - 1:00 pm and is free to attend! Learn more!

Household Chemical Collection Event in Boyce Park

The Pennsylvania Resources Council (PRC) is collecting automotive fluids, e-cigarettes/vapes, household cleaners, pesticides, paints and other household chemicals on Saturday, August 17, 2024 in Boyce Park. Learn more about the event in Boyce Park and PRC's Household Chemical Collection events.

Best of the 'Burgh

Each year, Pittsburgh Magazine hosts the Best of the 'Burgh awards to showcase our region's most popular destinations. Your county parks received two Readers' Poll Awards this year for Best Dog Park in South Park and Best Pickleball Courts in North Park! Congratulations to North and South Park on their wins!

August Park Ranger

Featured Event

This August, join the Park Rangers for a Guided Walk through the Carol R. Brown Sculpture Garden in Hartwood Acres Park. On August 15, visitors can experience this tour starting at either 5:00 pm or 6:30 pm. The tour is free but registration is required.

Learn more and register for all Allegheny County events HERE!

Ways to Support

Trees Support Us. Will You Support Our Tree Fund?

Trees give so much to us and help to mitigate stormwater. One example of this is the Pussy Willow Tree which is found in North Park and throughout your 9 county parks. The Pussy Willow is known as a stormwater superstar because of its extensive root system which absorbs large amounts of water, thus reducing runoff and soil erosion while minimizing flood risks. Donations to our Tree Fund ensure native trees like the Pussy Willow will continue to be planted throughout your 9 Allegheny County Parks, thus reducing the chances of flooding. Will you give back like trees do and make a donation for the Pussy Willow today?

Boyce Park | Deer Lakes Park | Harrison Hills Park | Hartwood Acres Park
North Park | Round Hill Park | Settlers Cabin Park | South Park | White Oak Park
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Contact Us:
Allegheny County Parks Foundation | 675 Old Frankstown Road | Pittsburgh, PA 15239