Engagement in Wraparound training


Good morning! A reminder we have an Engagement in Wraparound training tomorrow, Wednesday, 10/11/23, from 9a - 5p. It is via Zoom; you must have your own audio and video; and you must attend the whole training.

This is a required training for cohort completion. You must have completed the 3-day Introduction to Wraparound prior to taking this training

We have over 100 individuals who needed this training and only a few signed up. The sign up process had differed from previous training as noted when the dates were sent out. This training will not be offered again until January 2024.

As enrollment has closed, you MUST e-mail Holly Glick Sly at glick4@marshall.edu to attend tomorrow.

If you are unsure if you need the training,

also e-mail Holly Glick Sly or check with your Wraparound Supervisor.

Wraparound Supervisors - the training portion of the Wraparound Staff List is up to date. If there is no date under the "Engagement" column, then that individual has not taken it. .