We are available Monday through Friday.
We encourage you to call or email us with any questions.
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A note from the CPAC Directors:
As we reflect on the 2020-2021 school year, we remember that it was a year like no other. While we are well aware of the long list of challenges we all faced this past year, we wanted to take a moment to thank the students, family members, teachers, and other professionals who worked so hard to make educating students with disabilities work in a less than ideal situation. This year has taken its toll on so many of us both physically and emotionally, and we hope this summer provides you with moments of respite to recharge and refuel.

Enjoy the summer!
Beth Reel & Jane Hampton-Smith
Co-Executive Directors
CPAC’s Workshops, Series, & Presentations:
CPAC’s Learning Series with Early Childhood ProfessionalsFood for ThoughtBest Practices in Education SeriesTransition Tuesdayand Youth Chats will be taking a break until August. In the coming weeks, we will be busy planning, creating, and recharging, and refueling. Stay tuned for our Back to School series and many other exciting and informative events.
CT Youth Advisory Board (YAB) and Birth Support, Education & Beyond (BSEB) presents a four-part series on Sexuality Education & Healthy Relationships:
Anti-Racist Reading List
Looking to add to your summer reading list? Share My Lesson has created a range of diverse, anti-racist reading lists for grades PreK-2, 3-5, and 6-8. Find the lists below:
From the Center for Parent Information & Resources:
Summer and Sensory Processing Issues

(Also available in Spanish)
For many kids, summer vacation holds the promise of school-free fun. For children with sensory processing issues, summer can be a challenging time. Think about the effects of summer's onslaught of unfamiliar sounds, smells, and places: beach sand, fireworks, an amusement park, the shriek of animals at the zoo. Yet with preparation and planning, parents can help kids with sensory issues get the most out of summertime.

19 Parents Share Their Favorite Summer Activities for Their Kids with Disabilities

What are your favorites?! We would love to hear them!

For more events visit
our website!

Please visit our YouTube channel where you will find recordings of online workshops and Zoom sessions in English and Spanish.
Address: 338 Main Street
Niantic, CT 06357
Phone: (860) 739-3089