Volume 11 | Issue 08 | October 9, 2023 | |
Here is your Things@King's weekly update. | |
Celebrate Women's History Month | |
The government of Canada designated October as Women's History Month in 1992. This annual celebration of the outstanding achievements of women throughout Canada's history includes International Day of the Girl on October 11 and Persons Day on October 18.
Our Women's History Month page highlights interdisciplinary courses at King’s, books on women’s history by King’s faculty and recommendations for further reading from the King’s Library.
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World Homelessness Day Sock and Mitten Drive
October 10
10 a.m. - 2 p.m.
Garron Family Learning Lounge, Student Life Centre
The Community Fundraising Committee, KAMP, KUCSC, and Campus Ministry are co-hosting a sock and mitten drive for World Homelessness Day. You can toss your donations into a cornhole game for a chance to win a gift basket from KUCSC and Campus Ministry. Donations support St. Joe's Café and Health and Homelessness Fund for Change. Enjoy coffee and hot chocolate provided by KAMP.
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Law School Application Workshop
October 10
10:30 a.m. - 11;30 a.m.
Vitali Student Lounge
Thinking about law school? Come to this workshop with Haley Collins, Admissions & Recruitment Associate from the Faculty of Law at Western University.
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Dr. Thomas Tieku on Informal International Relations
October 11
1 p.m.
Dante Lenardon 112
As part of the Research Seminar Series, Dr. Thomas Tieku, Associate Professor of Politics and International Relations, will present on his current research, which focuses on informality in international organizations and conflict mediation. Lunch will be provided.
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Western Career Fair
October 11 and 12
10 a.m. - 3 p.m.
Mustang Lounge, UCC
Meet employers who have full-time and part-time jobs, and work-integrated-learning opportunities. Open to ALL programs, academic levels, and alumni.
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St. Joe's Cafe
October 21
10 a.m. - 2 p.m.
Campus Ministry will be volunteering at St. Joe's Café beginning on October 21. As the café's demands grow, our new commitment includes preparing nourishing soups and sandwiches for lunch service. You can help make food on site, or serve the meal. Snacks of fruit and treats will still be welcomed before the café opens for lunch. If you are interested in volunteering, please contact Annette Donovan.
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Ecological Day of Reflection
October 28
8:30 a.m. - 7:30 p.m.
Discover and create a life connected to earth and others by reflecting, meditating and conversing with one another. Join fellow students for a day of reflection at the Ignatius Jesuit Centre in Guelph. Cost is $20 which includes meals and transportation. Register before October 24, 2023 (space is limited).
For more information or questions, contact Annette Donovan.
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Hours for Thanksgiving
All administrative departments at King's will be closed on Monday, October 9, 2023, for Thanksgiving. Please see our full hours of operation. We hope everyone in our community will take time to give thanks for the blessings in our lives and our time spent together in this place of higher learning, teaching and research.
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October is Cybersecurity Awareness Month
King’s ITS will be promoting the importance of cyber security, providing tips and best practices to enhance your digital protection. Look for our unique posters on campus and a booth in the Student Life Centre on October 23 -24. 2023. Visit ITS' Cyber Security page.
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Health and Wellness Services for Students
Health and Wellness Services is located in Thames Hall room 2170 at Western. To book an in-person appointment with a doctor, call 519-661-3030. For hours of operation, visit their webpage.
COVID-19 Vaccines and Flu Shots
University community members can receive a COVID-19 vaccination at a pharmacy in London. Vaccinations will be available at Western through Health and Wellness Services from October 30 - November 10, 2023. Health and Wellness Services expects to receive vaccinations effective against the latest variants of the COVID-19 virus as well as influenza.
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Feedback Requested for Gender-based Sexual Violence Policy and Code of Student Conduct
King’s is reviewing our Gender-based Sexual Violence Policy to better support survivors and students and ensure that there is a clear process for disclosures and complaints. King's Code
of Student Conduct is also being reviewed to better support students.
We welcome your feedback and suggestions, so we can improve these policies. You can share your comments and ideas regarding our Gender-based Sexual Violence Policy and our Code
of Conduct until the end of December.
For more information, contact Joe Henry.
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Free French Peer Tutoring
The French Program at King's is proud to introduce the free French peer tutoring service. Drop in if you need help with your French, or if you are interested to chat in French with welcoming native speakers.
If you are interested message
@Olivier_Bouthot or @oli_ruest on Instagram for more details.
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Participate in a Research Project About Safety and Equity
Students experiencing barrier(s) to safety, inclusion, and wellbeing on campus are invited to participate in a student-led, collaborative research project exploring students' priorities for additional campus resources, and their responses to racism, ableism, gender-and sexual-based violence, violence against 2SLGBTQIA+ people (and their intersections).
Register before October 27, 2023.
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Nominations for King's Recognition Awards
Just a reminder that nominations for the King's Recognition Awards are open until October 27, 2023. If you haven't already, please be sure to submit your nominations for the two new annual awards for non-faculty staff: the King's Culture Award and the King's Service Excellence Award. The awards will be presented by Dr. Malloy at the King's Christmas luncheon.
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MEM Career Readiness
Career Readiness workshops will help you enhance your professional, technical and networking skills. Students who attend a certain number of Career Readiness events by their third year at King's will qualify for their co-curricular record and a certificate from the Registrar's Office. This program is open to all students but tailored to the students in the School of Management, Economics, and Mathematics.
See October event dates.
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Join us for Sunday Eucharist
Masses are offered in The Chapel at Windermere on the Mount (WOTM) on Sundays at 10 a.m. and at 5 p.m. followed by the community meal in the parish hall. Weekday Masses will be on Tuesdays at 7 p.m. at WOTM and noon mass on Thursdays and Fridays at King's Christ the King Chapel.
For regular updates, follow us @kingscampusmin on Linktree, X and Instagram, KUC.Campus.Ministry on Facebook, King's Campus Ministry on YouTube and visit the Campus Ministry website.
| For all upcoming Campus Ministry events, please visit the King's Campus Ministry page for more details. | |
The Communications and Media Relations department wants to share your events and news with the King's community.
- Do you have news to share with your classmates and the King's community about an on-campus student initiative? Submit your content by 4:30 p.m. on Tuesday for consideration for next Monday's issue.
- We want to help promote your events! Submit your event via the posting request form.
Do you have something you'd like to share on our video bulletin boards (VBB)? Submit your VBB image for consideration. Image size must be 945 px x 540 px and maximum upload size is 2 MB. Note that the maximum run time is three weeks.
We look forward to sharing your news and events.
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Check your Western email inbox every Monday at approximately 10 a.m. to read Things@King's. Missed an issue? Check our archives to read previous issues.
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