
Mary Magdalene Church

1008 Main Street

East Rochester, NY 14445

2022 Stewardship Campaign

May 31- June 19

Stewardship: We at Mary Magdalene Church believe that stewardship is about sharing one's time, talent, and treasures. Stewardship helps us serve our mission of being church. It also helps us meet the needs of our community at Mary Magdalene as well as the larger community beyond ourselves.

May 31, 2022

Dear Denise,

Can you feel the sun shining on Mary Magdalene Church? It certainly feels like a new day!

More of us have been returning to Mass in person, and even more join us virtually. Who could imagine that over two hundred households have joined us online each week? When we always say-- ”all are welcome here!”--we mean it!

This Spring, we learned that our beloved Bishop Denise Donato will retire at the end of August, but as she says: ‘I will still be in the pews!” For the last year, she has been co-pastoring with Rev. Lori Vail. Together they are so much more than just two half-time pastors. We have truly been blessed by their explosions of energy, love, humor, and inspired preaching.

We became convinced that we could not thrive with just one half-time pastor, especially since we have been graced with so many new members, in town and virtually.

To accommodate these needs, the parish voted twice this Spring. First, we overwhelmingly approved the creation of one full-time pastor position and we committed to supporting the additional costs. Second, we unanimously called Lori Vail to be our full-time pastor and Lori graciously accepted our call. She will begin serving as our full-time pastor on September 1st.

So, here we are. We need to add $35,000 per year to our budget. Since $13,000 per year has already been pledged, our remaining goal is $22,000. We have the summer—three months—to meet our goal. We know we can do this, but we need your participation. Yes, this letter is about money but not all about money; there are many invaluable ways you can support our campaign.

We believe we can meet our goal if our members participate in one or more of the following four ways: 

  1. Pledging: Members who are able could increase their annual donation by 20% (or more). New members, including our virtual participants, could also make pledges. Anyone could donate by cash or check in person. Making a pledge electronically means that you can stretch your contribution over a period of time—e.g. once a month for a year. Recurring, regular donations absolutely helps us with our budgeting because we can count on guaranteed income over the year. The form below will help you determine the easiest ways for you to make your pledge. Of course, there are many other ways you can help!
  2. Welcome Team: Are you someone who would be willing to welcome Mass visitors and spend some time, at Mass or later, being an “MMC mentor” and orienting them to the parish?
  3.  FUNraising: Could you volunteer to help with a fundraiser? Do you have some ideas for events and projects? We have several suggestions already: our pasta dinner, a plant sale, a wine, cheese and music evening, and a silent auction. We need more ideas and folks to make this happen!
  4.  Tell Our Story: We know there are many in the Rochester and virtual community searching for a friendly, inclusive church. Where are they? Do you know them? Can you help us meet with them? You know that we always love to meet and welcome newcomers! Please don’t keep out light or yours under a bushel.

The pledge form you need is below. Please feel free to contact one of us if you have questions or comments.

Thank you so much for being part of the Mary Magdalene family.

With love and stewardship,

Bob Pizzutiello                               Betty Jerabeck                      Mike Salamone         

(585) 330-0350                                (585) 736-0354                       (315)409-5244


“This isn't the right time for me to increase my pledge. Is there anything else I can do to help?"                                                    

 ~Beck Hazard

“I never gave much thought to how much I donated to the church. Now that I understand where we are and our financial needs, I think I can give more.”          

~Betty Jerabeck  

Stewardship QR Code.png




  Mary Magdalene Church


2022 Stewardship Campaign

May 31- June 19, 2022


Pledge Form


Parishioner Information


Name(s):       ________________________________________________ Date: ___________

Address          _________________________________________________________________

City, State, Zip ________________________________________________________________

Phone:    ________________ Email: ______________________________________


Time & Talent


I would be happy to find out more about other ways I can contribute. Please contact me!


_____ FUNraising                           _____Welcome Team                      _____Tell Our Story





I Pledge ________(Total)

Check one: ____ per week  ____ per month  _____one-time donation


Payment Method

For payment info, please contact Sue Gerber in the MMC office at 585-586-4104 or 


_____  Electronic debit/credit card (Please contact Sue Gerber with your information)


_____  Bill-pay through bank (Complete the necessary process with your bank.)


_____ Contribute online through our website or weekly bulletin via DONATE, PayPal or Venmo


_____  Cash/Check in person or by mail

Thank you so much for your generosity!

If you are making any kind of pledge, please return this form to us. You can mail it, scan it, email or text a photo and send it to:   

Mary Magdalene Church*1008 Main Street *East Rochester NY 14445

(585) 586-4104