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August 6, 2024


Lower Russian River MAC: Thursday August 8

logo: Lower Russian River MAC

You're Invited: Public Access, Safety, and Stewardship along the Lower Russian River

Attend the August Lower Russian River MAC Meeting to learn about and share your perspective on this important topic.

Date: August 8

Time: 5:30 PM

Location: El Molino Library, 7050 Covey Rd. Forestville

Hybrid meeting: Attend remotely via Zoom

More information

Cafecito Wednesday Aug 7 at Guerneville Satellite Office

Tomorrow: District 5 invites you to our first "Cafecito Comunitario"

Drop in on Wednesday August 7 between 8-10 AM at our Guerneville office for some coffee, pastry, and conversation. Everyone is welcome! 16390 Main Street – Suite C. 

More information

Workshop on Renters' Rights: Tell us your Preferred Date

We are excited to offer a free workshop, "What Renters Can Do Prior to an Eviction," led by an experienced lawyer. This session will cover essential information and practical steps renters can take if facing eviction.

To help us schedule the workshop on a convenient date for most participants, please use the poll below to select your preferred date. The workshop will be held at the 5th District Satellite Services Center, located in the former Bank of America building in Guerneville.

icon: free workshop
Which date would you prefer? Click your choice.
Wednesday, August 28 at 6 PM
Thursday, August 29 at 6 PM
Neither of these dates work for me and I am very interested in the topic

Introducing Commissioner Nox Riley

Introducing Nox Riley, District 5 Appointee to the Sonoma County Commission on Human Rights

Nox Riley is a dedicated advocate for community well-being, with their most recent work as a Shelter Aide at West County Community Services. They have a strong background in customer service and management and their diverse experience has been complemented by their skills in leadership and communication.

As a non-binary and demisexual individual, Nox is committed to advancing human rights and representing the LGBTQ+ community. They are honored to represent District 5 on the Human Rights Commission

photograph of Commissioner Riley
Learn more about the Commission on Human Rights

Groundwater Sustainability : Voluntary Groundwater Monitoring

Sonoma County well owners invited to join the voluntary Well Monitoring Program

Sonoma County’s groundwater sustainability agencies are now seeking property owners with wells in the Santa Rosa Plain subbasin, Petaluma Valley basin and Sonoma Valley subbasin to participate in a local voluntary groundwater well monitoring program. Well owners may sign up with some basic information about their well and then, two times a year, in April and October, when water is typically highest and lowest, measure the well water level. Well owners may then submit that information to be included in a new online Sonoma County Groundwater Data Dashboard launching later this summer. Most participants in the program will measure these levels following our DIY training, but select wells may be included in a facilitated program where one of our trained staff members will take measurements twice a year.

Benefits to participation

Participating in the program benefits well owners by providing vital information about the conditions of their own water resources from season to season, and year to year. Participating in this program benefits our community and local ecosystems by assisting the groundwater sustainability agencies in identifying trends in groundwater levels throughout the year, observing patterns of winter recharge, and developing effective sustainability measures that balance current usage with long-term viability of the aquifer.

Working together for sustainability

Program organizers are hopeful that groups of well owners located in the same area might work collaboratively to conduct measurements on the same day using a shared water level sounder device. The groundwater sustainability agencies will have a few devices available for free temporary loan at different locations in the county for this program. If you are interested in helping coordinate efforts in your area, please note your interest when signing up.

Informational Webinar Monday, Aug. 19, 5-6 p.m.

Register to attend an informational webinar on Monday, Aug. 19, 5-6 p.m. to hear an overview of current groundwater conditions, get a tour of the new Sonoma County Groundwater Data Dashboard, see how the well monitor sounder device works and learn how to submit information to the online portal. If you already track water levels and are interested in submitting data, we will cover that too. These sessions will provide an opportunity for local well owners to ask questions and learn more about the program. If you can’t attend the webinar live, a recording will be available on our website after Aug. 20.

Sign up for Voluntary Well Monitoring Program
sign up for well monitoring
sign up for webinar
Register for Webinar

Moscow Road to be Restriped

road with double yellow line striping

Residents and drivers on Moscow Road, please be aware that Public Infrastructure's road maintenance crews are planning fresh striping on Moscow Road later this month. The crews will be eliminating the 'Passing' Zone, so the entire length of the road will have a double yellow line for centerline marking.

All other requests relating to Moscow Road (such as signage and traffic calming) are pending the upcoming traffic study by a consultant.

Upcoming Meetings & Events

  • August 7, 8 -10 AM – Cafecito Comunitario, 6390 Main Street – Suite C
  • August 8, 5:30 PM – Lower Russian River MAC: Main Topic - River Access
  • August 15, 6 PM – Special Meeting: River MAC Land Use
  • September 3, 10 AM - 2 PM – Save the Date! Supervisor Hopkins invites you to a District 5 Doran Beach Day with The Marine Mammal Center and Sea Otter Savvy. Come learn about sea otters and from 11 AM - 12 PM you can participate in a sea otter sandcastle competition judged by Supervisor Hopkins. Stay tuned for more information.
  • September 26, 5:30 - 7:30 PM – Save the Date! Mental Health Tools & Resources Meeting, 4389 Price Avenue, Santa Rosa

save the date: September 26, Mental Health Tools Meeting

Fifth District Supervisor Lynda Hopkins | County of Sonoma | 707-565-2241

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