Upcoming NJ ACTS and Rutgers Events
Regulatory Knowledge and Support Core Staff Cafés
Do you need help regarding any facet of human subjects protection, FDA requirements or other regulatory issues? Join the Regulatory Knowledge and Support Core Staff at our cafés.
February 24, 2022
2 - 3 pm
March 14, 2022
10 -11 am
NJ ACTS Special Populations Core Seminar Series
Engaging Underserved Communities in Clinical Trials
Presented by:
Shobha Swaminathan, MD
Associate Professor, Division of Infectious Diseases, Clinical Research Site Leader
Christie Lyn Costanza, MPH, BSN, RN
Associate Director, Clinical Research Operations
Jamir Tuten, BA
Community Engagement Coordinator
This seminar provides an overview of the HIV and COVID-19 Clinical Trials conducted at Rutgers New Jersey Medical School Research With A Heart. Content provided includes the importance of strategic community engagement and their learned successes and challenges during the pandemic.
March 8, 2022
1 - 2 pm
Research Resources Workshop Wednesdays (R2W2)
Seminar Series
Rutgers Brain Imaging
Stephen José Hanson, PhD
Rutgers Brain Imaging Center
David Zald, PhD
Director, Center for Advanced Human Brain Imaging Research, Rutgers
Spring Institute for Comprehensive Systematic Reviews
Examining Quantitative and Qualitative Evidence in Health Care
As the demand for health care continues to grow, so does the need for easily accessible, up-to-date evidence on best practices in health care. Systematic reviews are an important vehicle for addressing this need. Participants in the Spring Institute will gain a thorough understanding of the process and tools needed to undertake this important form of research and will work on developing an actual proposal.
March 14-18, 2022
9 am - 4 pm
Registration Deadline: February 25, 2022
NJ ACTS BERD Core Spring Workshop Series
Causal Mediation Analysis
Jason Roy, PhD
Chair, Department of Biostatistics and Epidemiology
RUBIES Director
March 17, 2022
3 - 4 pm
Episode 6:
Kids and Covid: What We Know
Mary Marchetta O'Dowd, MPH
Executive Director, Health Systems and Population Health Integration, RBHS
Lawrence C. Kleinman, MD, MPH, FAAP
Chief, Division of Population Health, Quality, and Implementation Science (PopQuIS)
Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson Medical School
NJ ACTS Services: Clinical Trials Office
Clinical Trials Office
Industry and Government sponsors of clinical research want to work with Rutgers, and frequently reach out to us seeking investigators across a variety of therapeutic areas for various opportunities. The RBHS Clinical Trials Office has created an investigator registry in an effort to efficiently match our clinical research investigators with new opportunities that may be of interest to them.
If you are interested in joining our registry, please CLICK HERE to complete a very brief form in order to provide us with a summary of your research interests and any past experience you may have with conducting clinical trials.
NJ ACTS Welcomes Newly Appointed BERD Co-Lead
Brandon Stewart, PhD
Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology
Department of Politics, Office of Population Research
Princeton University
Watch on Vimeo as Dr. Stewart introduces the interdisciplinary field known as: Text as Data.
NJ ACTS Congratulates IFH/CHSR Member and NJ-ACTS Fellow Amesika Nyaku on her appointment by the Governor to Edna Mahan Correctional Facility for Women Board of Trustees!
Amesika N. Nyaku, MD, MS
Assistant Professor and Investigator
Rutgers New Jersey Medical School
Governor Phil Murphy today announced the groundbreaking appointments of Dr. Amesika Nyaku, Tia Ryans, Dr. Johanna Foster, Bonnie Kerness, La’Nae Grant, and Kathleen Witcher to the Edna Mahan Correctional Facility for Women Board of Trustees. The Governor also reappointed Dr. Karma Brown Warren. The appointments will act to create a diverse, highly-engaged, and forward-thinking Board of Trustees that is well-equipped to supervise the operations of the state’s only women’s correctional facility. Read the Full Article
NJ ACTS Congratulates Grant Writing Training Participants
Luigi Brunetti and Cody Smith
on their New Grants
Dr. Brunetti, Associate Professor of Pharmacy Practice and Pharmaceutics at the Rutgers Ernest Mario School of Pharmacy, received a RO1 award from NIH in January 2022 for his study, Mechanistic evaluation of melatonin as a protectant against antibiotic associated kidney injury.
Part of his success is attributable to participating in the National Research Mentoring Network-CIC Academic Network (NRMN-CAN) Grant Writing Group hosted at Rutgers. Brunetti learned about the NRMN-CAN grant writing group by way of Dr. Lauren Aleksunes, the Workforce Development Core Lead for the NJ Alliance for Clinical and Translational Sciences (NJ ACTS), and she invited him to participate. “Quite honestly, the clarity of my writing needed help. I had clear ideas but when putting pen to paper it was difficult to present them in way that flowed logically. Grant writing is a tedious task and at times, when writing you become blind to potential gaps in your proposal. The NRMN provided a sounding board to obtain prospective feedback and edits greatly enhancing my grants.”
Dr. Cody Smith, a Postdoctoral Associate in the Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology at the Ernest Mario School of Pharmacy, was awarded a K99/R00 Pathway to Independence Award from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) on elucidating mechanisms of pulmonary disease and toxicity. The award provides for two years of mentored training with Drs. Andrew Gow and Debra Laskin, and an additional three years of funding as an independent investigator.
He credits the NRMN with helping him develop strong application, “My experience with NRMN has reenforced my belief that academic research requires collaboration and peer support. I’ve always been a little apprehensive letting people review and critique my writing because it can be difficult to accept criticism, however receiving feedback on my specific aims pages taught me how invaluable it is to hear from others, particularly those outside of my field…The NRMN group was an excellent networking opportunity for me as a trainee…The NRMN grant writing experience felt very collegial and supportive. The diverse opinions and critiques that were given for the specific aims page for my K99/R00 proposal was truly enlightening. You should consider joining because your specific aims and your grant will be better! “
CLIC TL1 Visiting Scientist Grand Rounds
Targeting N-acetyl-L-aspartate synthesis and transport to treat Canavan leukodystrophy
Presented by:
Vanessa Hull, BS, BA, MS, PhD Candidate
University of California, Davis
February 25, 2022
12 - 1 pm
Transform and Advance Human Health at TS22
Translational Science 2022 is ready to welcome our community of trainees, junior faculty, and senior scientists this April. Are you prepared to transform how we approach translational science and clinical research?
Register today to take advantage of our early bird rate and reserve your spot to reconnect in-person with the ACTS community in Chicago. Explore our scientific sessions and presentations offered during this year's meeting and start planning your TS22 experience.
April 20-22, 2022
Early Bird Registration Deadline: February 28, 2022
NCATS Online Course in Preclinical Translational Science
March 28–May 13
In this course, students will learn key principles of translational science, taught by way of a case study of a highly successful translational research partnership involving NCATS, the National Cancer Institute (NCI), Northwestern University and the University of Kansas. The partnership produced a promising potential drug shown to inhibit metastasis in animal models, which is being examined in a first-in-human clinical trial.
Registration now open for 2022 CTSA Program
In-Person Spring Group Meetings
This Chicago, IL event is first in-person spring CTSA Program Group Meetings in over two years!
Friday, March 25, 2022
Registration Deadline: Friday, March 4, 2022
Friday, April 22 & Saturday, April 23, 2022
Registration Deadline: Friday, April 1, 2022
Master’s of Science in Clinical Research Management. Academic Clinical Research Track. This track is especially designed for students with no clinical research or pharmaceutical experience who would like to participate in clinical research at an Academic Medical Center (AMC) functioning as a “study coordinator”. Application Deadline March 1, 2022.
Rare Disease Day at NIH 2022. Each year, NCATS and the NIH Clinical Center sponsor Rare Disease Day to raise awareness about rare diseases and the NIH collaborations that address scientific challenges and advance research for new treatments. February 28, 2022, 10am - 6p. Read More and Add to Your Calendar
Build a Successful Collaboration with NJ ACTS Team Science - The Team Science Core offers general and project-specific consultations on building and maintaining successful research teams and collaborations. To set up a consultation, please fill out the intake form. Read more about the Team Science Core.
NJ ACTS is a partnership between Rutgers, NJIT and Princeton. NJ ACTS advances clinical and translational science to develop new therapies and treatments and improve population health.
This newsletter is supported by the National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences of the National Institutes of Health under award number, UL1TR003017 to Rutgers University. The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not represent the official views of the NIH.
New Jersey Alliance for Clinical and Translational Science
89 French St., Suite 4211
New Brunswick, NJ
Copyright 2020 New Jersey Alliance for Clinical and Translational Science, all rights reserved
UL1TR003017, KL2TR003018 and TL1TR003019