October 2023
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ChatGPT, Assignments, and Your Class | |
Is ChatGPT completing my students’ assignments for them? For almost a year, this has been a common fear amongst instructors in higher education, who are worried that these new types of artificial intelligence (AI) tools could reasonably mimic student work.
The Centre for Teaching Excellence recently developed instructor recommendations for the use of generative AI...[read more]
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Featured Community of Practice:
Generative AI and ChatGPT
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Join this Generative AI Community of Practice to test out your assessment makeovers in a friendly environment with curious faculty. Experiment with a group of interested faculty to test ChatGPT’s capability. Sharpen your prompts, test out lesson plans, write code, generate topic lists, provide presentation questions, and play with plug-ins. Limited to 10 faculty members. |
Meets Online: Thursdays 10:00-11:00 am starting October 26, 2023.
Click here to register.
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Thanks to the Provost's Office, up to 15 Faculty members will be funded to attend Studio 23 either online or in person. | |
To register your interest, complete the forms from the links below
by October 17 at noon. The CTE will randomly confirm with
15 Faculty members and register you for the conference:
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Featured Workshop: Inclusive Teaching Practices | |
Interested in teaching strategies that you can use to make your class a more welcoming space?
This workshop consists of three days, spread across three weeks, dedicated to exploring how your own experiences influence your teaching choices, and the myriad of experiences represented by students which can result in your teaching choices not working for all of them.
You will walk away with greater knowledge of inclusive teaching design, practical in-class strategies to address difficult situations, and a renewed sense of confidence in your teaching choices.
Three Tuesdays: November 14, 21, 28
*must attend all three days
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Save the Date: CapU Teaching and Learning Symposium | |
2024 Capilano University Teaching and Learning Symposium
April 24, 25, and 26, 2024.
Mark your calendars now - more information to come!
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Three Ed Tech Tips for your eLearn course: | |
Do you want to help keep your students on track? Using the Calendar feature in your eLearn course will allow you to include reminders - any assignment that has a date stamp will be also be included in your calendar
For an alternative assignment type – have you considered a video submission? eLearn has the Kaltura Media Assignment activity that allows students to embed a video and then you can grade similar to an uploaded document.
Did you know that you can send messages to your students directly from within your eLearn course? The Quickmail block allows you to easily send (but not receive) email messages to one or all your students.
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If you would like to explore all or any of these strategies, book a time with Frank or Mary!
Not sure how to get started? Email us at edtech@capilanou.ca
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Current Inspirations from the CTE Team | |
Inspired by the possibilities of Generative AI? Dig deeper with these resources: | |
Upcoming Events and Workshops | |
ChatGPT Community of Practice (online)
Thursdays, starting Oct 26: 10:00-11:00am
Inclusive Teaching Practices (in-person)
Nov 14, 21, 28
9:00am - 3:00pm
New Faculty Orientation (in-person)
Dec 18: 9:00am-3:00pm
Scholarly Inquiry (online)
Jan 17, 24, 31, Feb 7, 14, 28, Mar 6, 13: 9:30-11:30am
Instructional Skills Workshop (in-person)
Feb 21-23, 2024: 8:30am-4:30pm (Reading Week)
Assessment and Evaluation of Learning (online)
Feb 21-23, 2024: 9:30am-3:30pm (Reading Week)
CapU Teaching and Learning Symposium
April 24-26, 2024
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SoTL Canada Writing Group | |
Through a partnership between the Provost’s Office, the Centre for Teaching Excellence (CTE), and Creative Activity Research and Scholarship (CARS), Capilano University Faculty members who submit a successful SCWG proposal will be eligible for a section release in the 2023-2024 fiscal year. | | | |
Looking for a workshop or a faculty learning community on a specific topic? Interested in professional development for your department?
Contact us at cte@capilanou.ca!
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We are also available for 1:1 consultations, in-person and virtually.
Drop by Fir 402 Monday to Friday 8:30am - 4:00pm
or reach out to book a specific time from the link below.
Book your appointment now
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The Centre for Teaching Excellence (CTE) fosters excellence, innovation, and collaboration in teaching and learning by supporting faculty and staff through programming, mentoring, professional development opportunities, and research on effective teaching. | | | | |