Weekly E-News - Web Version

Wed. 5/3 - Tues. 5/9

There’s a new email address for your submissions - please send them to by Tuesday at 5:00 pm.

This Sunday, May 7, 2023

"Beyond the Art Room"

with Rev. Karen

Do you think of yourself as a creative person?  What does that mean to you?  This morning, as we embark on the path of creativity, we’ll explore the many ways we can be creative.

Link to service webpage

RSVP to attend in person
Zoom Link for Worship

The Share the Plate for April 30 and May 7 is the Urban League in support of the Black Business Hub. The Hub is devoted to incubating, accelerating, and networking Black and other BIPOC entrepreneurs. It will be a state of the art building in south Madison led by Black business owners and entrepreneurs. 

Our May Theme: The Path of Creativity

Our May theme invites us to come up with new possibilities and make them happen.  In this space, you’ll find a new invitation into reflection on our monthly theme every week.

Check-in question: What’s the last thing you made?

The world is before you, and you need not take it, or leave it, as it was when you came in.

-- James Baldwin

What's Happening in Our Congregation

rev karen image.jpg

Minister's Musings

What do you think of when you think about creativity?  A blank canvas waiting for pencil or paint?  A sheet or screen waiting for words?  Is it something you do on your own, in a quiet room, waiting for inspiration?  I think…

Read more here

Rev. Karen has Covid and will be working from home until she recovers. There will be no in-person office hours on Friday, May 5 or Tuesday, May 9. You can reach her via email for non-urgent matters, or by phone or text for pastoral emergencies.

Minister's Availability
Virtual Office Hours Tuesdays at 5:00-6:00

Religious Education and Family Ministry

This week everyone will be in the sanctuary for a multigenerational service followed by RE classes during coffee hour. Elementary Age children will meet in the multipurpose room, with non COA youth in the youth room. Coming of Age will meet after the service in the library from 11:15 until 1:00 pm, please note this is longer than our usual meeting time.

Call for Talent!

In keeping with May's theme of creativity, Genevieve would like to extend an invitation to all children and youth to share their talents during the Time For All Ages should they wish to participate. This could take many forms including acting, dancing, singing, or other ways to share your talents with the congregation. Please contact Genevieve for more information.

Read more 

Music Ministry

The Sacred Breath Choir gathers on Thursday evenings at 6:45-8:15 pm. Please send an email to our Music Director, Jennifer Hedstrom at with any questions or thoughts you have about music ministry at JRUUC.

This Sunday’s shared music:

Hymn #298 “Wake, Now, My Senses”

Hymn #1017 “Building a New Way”

Hymn #175 “We Celebrate the Web of Life”

Read more

Small Group Ministries

Offering and Receiving Connection, Support, and Spiritual Practice

View Small Group Ministries Descriptions  

Meditation With Friends - Wednesdays at 6:30-7:00 pm (Beginners Welcome)

Sacred Breath Choir - Thursdays at 6:45 - 8:15 pm

Journaling Group next meets Monday May 8 at 7:00 pm - contact Jean Skinner

Building Our Racial Awareness Open Discussions - 4th Sundays at 4:00 - 6:00 pm, next meets May 28

Meditation Zoom Link (New) - Wednesday 6:30
Journaling Group Zoom Link - Monday 5/8 7:00
Building Our Racial Awareness Zoom Link (New) - Sunday 5/28 4:00

Announcements & Upcoming Events

Say hello to our new Music Director!

Jennifer Hedstrom (she/they) grew up in the Chicago suburbs and has called Madison her home since 2010. Jennifer holds a Bachelor’s in Piano Performance from Illinois State University and a Master’s in Collaborative Piano from UW-Madison. Jennifer loves leading a multifaceted musical life and splits her time between composing, performing, teaching, and music directing. Jennifer believes music is a powerful tool for expression, healing, and connection. She also believes music is for everyone, which is the reason she is drawn to congregational singing. She is looking forward to using her musical gifts to lift up the voices and spirits of everyone at James Reeb.  And she is excited to get to know the members of the James Reeb choir. Jennifer lives on the east side of Madison with their partner and two cats. Beyond music, they love reading, walking, dancing, crafting, and spending time with close friends. Jennifer’s spiritual teachers include water, prairies, songbirds, Pema Chödrön, Rumi, and Beyoncé.

Save the Date for the JRUUC Annual Congregational Meeting! Sunday, May 21

The multiplatform meeting will be after worship. Watch this space for details in the coming weeks.

New Newsletter Submission Deadline: Tuesdays at 5 PM

Beginning this week, please plan to submit anything you'd like included in the weekly newsletter by Tuesday at 5 PM rather than 10 PM. All submissions can be sent to

Caring Tree Co-Coordinator Needed!

Caring Tree news: Marla McFadden has joined as temporary co-chair of the caring tree. We are looking for someone to be a long term co-chair beginning in June. This is a great way to strengthen your ties to the JRUUC community and get to know Reeb friends and members better. We meet once a month and the amount of support requested varies from month to month. Please contact the Caring Tree on the JRUUC website if you are interested in being a co-chair or have questions about this opportunity.

MOSES invites you to a free community event

Let Justice Roll Down Like a River: Who will Defend You?

Dinner and an evening with Kelli Thompson, State Public Defender

Free and open to the public. Child care provided. Meal served at 5:30 PM, with program to follow. Register here by May 8. A free will offering will be taken to benefit the work of MOSES.

Location: Lake Edge Lutheran Church, Lower Level. 4032 Monona Drive, Madison (Driving Directions: From Monona Drive, turn onto Lake Edge Blvd., then turn left on Hegg Ave. into the church parking lot).

Help Beautify Our Grounds!

Our members & friends run community counts on people to sign up to mow grass and pick up litter around our building. Mower provided. Sign up here for a week or two.

Interested in playing or singing in an informal, just-for-fun folk group?

We will get together at church once a month or so and play what we please (and maybe sometimes play at a service!). Once we know who's in, we can figure out a day and time to meet. Please contact Mike if you're interested.

Want to be in our Members and Friends Directory?

The JRUUC Directory is being updated. If you are not currently listed and would like to have your contact information in the directory, please contact with your name, address, phone number, and email address. Note that the directory is shared only with people listed in it.

View JRUUC Events & Activities Calendar
More Ways to Be of Service Within Our Congregation

What's Happening in Our Community

See our Justice and Community Update page for activities & events

What's Happening In Unitarian Universalism

General Assembly is the annual gathering of Unitarian Universalists, where we conduct business of the Association, explore the theological underpinnings of our faith, and lean fully into our mission and principles. This is a great year to go, especially for first-timers! There will be exciting work done on the process of revising Article II of our Bylaws, worship is always wonderful, and it’s an amazing experience to be surrounded by thousands of UUs. Early bird registration ends on February 28, and there are many opportunities for financial support. Follow these links for general information, volunteer opportunities, other financial support, registration, and housing reservations.

The General Assembly and Conference Services Team leads the initiative to ensure that diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging (DEIB) are woven throughout, from planning to fruition. You’re invited to watch this video about historical trauma and transformative healing, which is informing our work.

More UUA Updates

Click the banner to learn what you can do to promote social justice along with our national organization.

2022 Actions of Immediate Witness

 Abortion, Anti-Racism, Reparations, Restorative Justice, Medicare

Click the banner to learn how you can get involved in getting out the vote. 

Donate to JRUUC
Visit JRUUC Website
Visit UUA Website

Do you have an announcement for our congregation?

Please send it to and submit by 5 p.m. on Tuesdays - earlier if possible!

Please specify where you would like it listed by writing

Sunday Announcement and/or Weekly and/or Website in the subject line of your email


Our office is the central point of contact for all Reeb communications.

Please send your questions to