February 16th, 2022
Jesus asked, “Who do you say I am?”
Matthew 16:15 

We were at a park. I was a young boy with my family at my father’s work party in a park on the western side of metro Denver. The adults were doing what adults do; talking with a beverage in their hand, while us kids were doing what kids do; we were sliding down slides and swinging on swings. I was young, maybe 4 or 5. I ran from the park to check in with my dad. Have you ever just stopped and watched kids? They do this, they need to be reassured and comforted knowing their parents are still present. I ran from the park, shouldered my way through the knee caps of giant talking adults. I found the back of my dad’s leg and hugged it and looked up. For a child, looking up at a six-foot tall adult is like looking up the side of the empire state building. I looked up at the bottom of the can being held by his hand. I looked beyond his belt, and past his belly. When I saw his face, my smile fell with my sinking heart. The man, the monster of a man, looking down at me was a stranger! I didn’t know him, he didn’t know me and I was hugging his leg! His build was similar to my dad’s, but I had mistaken him for my dad- it was mistaken identity. Embarrassed, I promptly let go of the stranger’s leg, and I found my dad's and hugged it as hard as I could. Though the man gave a confused smile, and was kind, he wasn’t my father. I knew I was safe with my real father.  

Jesus was with his disciples and asked them, “Who do people say that I am?” They answered, “Some say John the Baptist; others say Elijah; and still others, Jeremiah or one of the prophets.” Others thought Jesus was important, but they did not know who he was. Mistaken identity.  

But then Jesus asked the most important question he ever asked. “But who do you say that I am?”  

That question is not old and dusty, it is just as new and important today. Who do you say Jesus is? Do you think he was just a great man, a prophet, an important historical figure, or just a great preacher? If that is your answer, you are suffering from a serious case of mistaken identity. Simon Peter didn’t say that, no he did not. He said something else. He said, “You are the Messiah, the Son of the Living God.” Jesus went on to tell him that upon this statement he would build his church.  

My friends and fellow redeemed in the Messiah, Jesus is not just a part of our lives, a nice quiet place in our hearts, not just a nice guy, not just a great physician, no he is Messiah, the Anointed One, our Savior. He died and rose from the dead for YOU!  

If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. - Romans 10:9 

Who do you say Jesus is? 

See you Sunday I can't wait!
Grace Fellowship LWML will collect boxes of cereal at church over the next month for donation to the Eagle Food Bank. The gift of food is greatly needed in our community. 

LOVE continues ALWAYS as we serve with gladness while we continue to help those in our community.

If you have questions, please contact Nancy Kraft
The point is this: whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows bountifully will also reap bountifully. Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.

2 Corinthians 9:6-7
Would you like to submit your offering online? Thank you!
Simply click the link to securely give to Grace Fellowship.
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Please send offerings to

Grace Fellowship Church
PO Box 4280
Gypsum, CO 81637
March 2nd - Ash Wednesday Service at 6:30 pm

March 6th - New Service Times & Sunday School!

Sunday Services
February 20th, 2022

9:00 or 10:30
KIDS CHURCH at 9:00 am service
(Ages 3 through 2nd grade)
Kids Church follows the kid's sermon. We can’t wait to see them!

Nursery for Newborns – 2 year olds.
Nursery is open! We are ready and excited to see your little ones!
Join us on Facebook Sunday morning at approximately 9:15 AM, or view the recording anytime on Facebook, Vimeo or YouTube.
Click the image below to connect.

Please pray for . . .

  • Lourdes, Claudia's sister who is struggling with health complications. Pray for comfort and healing.

  • Diego, who was severely injured in a “new build” home explosion in Aspen. At this time his prognosis is heartbreaking. He may never be able to walk again. Pray for peace and provision for him and his family.

  • Rosemarie, Dora's niece, who is experiencing serious trials with her health and is waiting for a kidney transplant. She is currently awaiting transfer into a new care facility. Pray for her husband's strength during this time, healing, and that she receives a kidney.

  • Jose Domenech, who was in the hospital suffering from covid pneumonia. He is making great improvements with each day and is now home. Pray for continued healing and comfort.

  • Todd Purse, who has been diagnosed with cancer. Pray for healing and comfort.

  • Kayla, who is still recovering after her ankle surgery. Pray for a full recovery.

  • Jackie's sister-in-law, Gwen, who is dealing with serious heart and kidney complications. Pray that her kidneys begin to function properly again and that she is healed.

  • Debra's mom, who is struggling with health issues. Pray for comfort, peace, and answers.

  • Carol Proffitt who has been sick and is homebound, and her daughter Pam who is caring for her. Grant them peace and comfort

  • Everyone in our congregation and their families who are dealing with the pains and trials of cancer, including Todd Purse; Connie Kerr; Pastor Sid; Keith; Chris; Sharon Hlavinka; Rance Ketterling; Amanda; Jerry; April; and Suzanne.
See you Sunday!
Contact Information
Phone: 970-445-3101

Staff and Volunteer Staff
Pastor Austin Kraft, 970-688-1100, [email protected] 
Brookelyn Sharpe, Administrative Assistant, 970-445-3101, [email protected]
Nancy Kraft, Service Coordinator, 303-870-3433, [email protected]
Susan Flock, App and Website Coordinator, 970-361-4771, [email protected]
Israel Hernandez, Worship Team Leader, 970-331-6177, [email protected]
Jesse Meryhew, High School Youth Leader, 970-390-3617 [email protected]
Pastor Dan Rohlwing, Pastor Emeritus in Memoriam

Sunday Schedule
Worship Services: 9:00 and 10:30 am (nursery provided).
Kids Church: During sermon-time at the 9:00 am service.

Grace Fellowship is affiliated with the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod (lcms.org).

Our Mission
Proclaim, Nurture, and Serve. 

Proclaim Jesus as Savior. 
Nurture faith in Jesus. 
Serve in the name of Jesus.

Our Purpose
Embrace Christ!