Monthly News & Updates
November 2022
Upcoming Events

See what's happening in the coming weeks:
11.09.22 | ACC St. Louis Fall Social & Sponsor Appreciation Event at Third Degree Glass Factory | 5200 Delmar Blvd. - 63108 | 4:30-7:00 pm |
11.17.22 | CLE: Annual Legal Update with Tueth Keeney | Westborough Country Club - 631 S. Berry Rd. - St. Louis 63122 | 11:30 AM - 1:30 PM CDT | Register
11.21.22 | First Call Country Series: UK Edition | 12:30-1:30 pm CDT | more details to come!!!
12.14.22 | Holiday Social | Ruth's Chris Steakhouse in Chesterfield | more details to come!!!
ACC - St. Louis Honored
with National Award
for 2021 Best Diversity Initiative
Last month, the Association of Corporate Counsel - St. Louis Chapter (ACC STL) was honored to have received the 2021 Diversity Award by the Association of Corporate Counsel global association for the Diversity Bridges Program: Underground Railroad Program that provided members with the opportunity to take a guided tour of the Underground Railroad in Southern Illinois.

The program was organized by the ACC STL Bridges Group, a sub-committee of the Diversity and Inclusion Committee, the Co-Chairs of which were Nancy McCahan, Managing General Counsel, Sugar Creek Capital, and Denise Campbell Whitener, Senior Company Counsel, Wells Fargo & Co. At the time of the planning of the Underground Railroad Program, the 2021 Diversity Chairperson was Tamee Reese, Assistant Vice President – Senior Legal Counsel, DIRECTV, and the current Diversity Chairperson is Vikas Sunkari, Senior Managing Counsel, SSM Health.

“It’s an honor that the St. Louis Chapter was given this award, and I’m glad I was able to assist in that recognition with the planning and execution of our Bridges Group event. Our committee planned this event to provide an opportunity for our members to experience an important part of the history of our area and country up close and personal,” said McCahan.

Hiring and Compensation Trends in the Legal Field
By: Megan Usosky, Robert Half
Despite soaring inflation, rising interest rates and general chaos in global markets, talent shortages remain a major obstacle for companies, legal employers included. At a time when demand for skilled candidates is high, job seekers are finding numerous opportunities, including fully remote jobs offered in other markets. Across industries, 51% of hiring managers said quits at their company have increased while 78% are concerned even more employees will leave.

Corporate legal departments are doing all they can to attract and keep skilled professionals. They know how long-term open positions and the inability to bring in new expertise can jeopardize their client service quality and growth plans, including digital projects.

Getting to Know ACC St. Louis Board Member,
Denise Campbell Whitener
Title: Senior Company Counsel
Company: Wells Fargo
Law School: Saint Louis University School of Law

1.    If I was not a lawyer, I would be: a forensic psychologist

2.    My hobbies are: My hobbies include hiking, skating, and playing the piano.

3.   When I want to relax: I will go for a long walk or relax in the hot tub.

4.   My music playlist is dominated by: 80’s music... I can’t get enough of it!

5.   My food guilty pleasure is: Sushi

Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Taking Aim
at The Fair Credit Reporting Act

By: Eric Martin, Partner and Global Practice Co-Leader -
Financial Services Disputes and Investigations
Earlier this year, we wrote that the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) was signaling a not-so-quiet transition to aggressive compliance activities in 2022 after an extended period of flexibility during the COVID-19 pandemic (link). The Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) is one of many consumer financial laws that have been directly in the CFPB’s cross-hairs during the first-half of 2022. In a series of amicus briefs, advisory opinions, and interpretive rules, the CFPB has communicated new positions that significantly raise the bar for FCRA compliance and limit state-law preemption, even going as far as to take positions that contradict long-standing judicial precedent. These ongoing developments will be worth monitoring as we proceed into the second-half of 2022 and beyond.