View as Webpage | September 2022
Dear Friend,

Our calling is to serve the Lord Jesus in mission not as independent individuals but in a brotherhood. Our community life refreshes the faith that makes our work a ministry and not just employment; it fortifies us by the example and encouragement of our confreres, and it protects us from being overwhelmed or discouraged by our work.
-- Constitution of the Congregation of Holy Cross, 4:33
I spent two months living and working with our Holy Cross community in Canto Grande, Peru. It's a remarkable place – an enormous, busy, growing neighborhood in one of the poorest areas of Lima. Three hundred thousand people, the vast majority of whom are Catholics, live within our parish boundaries.

The college recently installed a bronze statue of The Calling of Matthew to follow Jesus in front of the Meehan School of Business at Stonehill College. The location seemed appropriate given that Saint Matthew is the patron saint of accountants, bankers, bookkeepers, security guards and tax collectors.

Around The Province

Rev. Fred Jenga, C.S.C., provides an update prior to his departure to spearhead Holy Cross Family Ministry efforts. 

The college has chosen Rose Marie Panzitta as the 2022 recipient of the Rev. James Lackenmier, C.S.C., Award for Achievement and Leadership.

The University of Notre Dame's Campus Ministry choirs recently performed their annual concert to benefit Holy Cross Missions in Kenya.
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