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April 2023

Minute for Mission

Easter Offering 2023

by Rick Greene


“My Master in a garden lay, perfumed with spices rare,

for tender hands had laid Him there to rest amid the roses.

‘Twas on a cross they laid Him bare, and pierced His hands

with nails, that we poor men might live again and be with

Him in glory. Alleluia. My Master from a garden rose to go

for us to heav’n and He will come and take us there, to be

with Him forever. Alleluia.” Gordon Young


The Bible has many scripture verses on gardens, with nearly 75% of the books containing garden references. Some of the more familiar Holy week and Easter stories include the Garden of Gethsemane and the site for Jesus’ burial in the garden of Joseph of Arimathea. More obscure Biblical references include Ahab’s gardens of herbs, the royal garden at Susa, and king’s garden near the Pool of Siloam. Early in the Bible in Genesis, God made Adam a gardener in the Garden of Eden to work and take care of it.


The quote at the head of this article was written by composer Gordon Young with words affirming the risen Christ for Lent and Easter celebrations. The Choir will sing a lush arrangement by Eleanor Daley of this piece on Easter.


In light of the importance of gardens and Spring, the Easter Offering at First Community for 2023 will be split between the South Side Family Farms and the Share and Learn Garden.


South Side Family Farms

Founded in 2014 as a community garden, the Family Missionary Baptist Church on Oakwood Ave, Columbus started South Side Family Farms, an urban farming mission. This organization works side-by-side with Columbus South Side neighbors to cultivate a community of wellness that heals bodies, souls, and minds. This program strives to address food insecurities and provide safe havens for discussion, learning, reflection, and encouragement to bring forth fruit and nourishment.


It is the passion of South Side Family Farms to serve its community in Planting Seeds of Progress. It produces plants—fruit on the vine—as agents of change towards better food access, equity, quality, and fair food. It wants to sustain and equip generations going forward through knowledge transfer and learning to grow food and food systems.


The South Side Family Farms features hands-on teaching in the gardens, interactive learning about proper nutrition, and how to cook delicious recipes with the harvest. The organization shares fruits of its labor with all in the community through Community Supported Agriculture (CSA). In this, it participates with the CSA by bringing fresh food access to homes in the South Side community. Youth in the program participate in the growing and harvesting of our bounty and deliver it to houses in the community.


The organization currently has two farms at both 1204 and 1269 Wilson Avenue. In addition, it has the Seedlings of Change Farmsite in Johnstown which has plants for seedlings and production.


Share and Learn Garden

The Share and Learn Garden, located behind First Community North, receives tender loving care by volunteers, as well as the children, staff, and teachers of the Mary Evans Child Development Center. Our loyal volunteers teach the children about growing healthy foods. In addition, the garden produce is donated to the Heart to Heart food pantry to provide fresh vegetables to those in need.


During the past few years, the Garden has supplied up to 1,500 pounds of produce each growing season for Heart to Heart food pantry. For the 2021 season, this team grew and supplied garlic, onions, lettuce, green beans, bell and hot peppers, tomatoes, cucumbers, collard greens, carrots, okra, and herbs. In addition to vegetables, volunteers have also planted hundreds of tulips at the Lincoln Road Chapel and transplanted rose bushes to save them due to FC North construction.


Just as important as providing fresh, nutritious produce for clients at the food pantry is the hands-on education and enjoyment for children attending the Mary Evans Child Development Center. They are always eager to learn about (and sample) the produce.


During recent years, the children enjoyed the newly implemented zinnia bed—both beautiful to look at and beneficial to pollinators such as monarch butterflies. During these uncertain times, the volunteers feel it is important to provide a little beauty and help to others.


The First Community Church has provided a variety of opportunities to make a donation to this Easter Offering which will help support these two mission partners:

  • If making a donation by check, please indicate on the memo line “Easter Offering”. Send a donation to First Community Church at 1320 Cambridge Blvd., Columbus, Ohio 43212
  • Donations can also be made online here. From the drop-down menus, please choose "Mission Designated Funds", then "Easter Mission" in the Sub-Fund drop-down.
  • You will also have the opportunity to donate during worship, on the attendance form and in the collection plate.


If you would like more information about First Community Church and its other Mission programs, please email us at

Celebrate Deep Griha

Brunch and Webinar

by Kitty Rohrer, Event Chair

Saturday, April 22

Grace Hall, First Community North

  • 9:30   Brunch Webinar - $20.00
  • 10:30  Webinar Only - $15.00

In 1977, Neela Onawale, MD, and Rev. Bhaskar Onawale (UCC) returned to their home in Pune, India following a reverse missionary and educational trip to the States, time spent mostly in Columbus. Upon their return they founded the Deep Griha Society (DGS) to embark upon the momentous task of addressing the needs of the residents of several slums in Pune. Deep Griha translated from Marathi to English means “The Lighthouse”. The Lighthouse has humble beginnings in the Onawales’ home, but has grown to a multifaceted, cutting-edge, community outreach program leading the way for untold improvements in the services and resources available to the marginalized residents in and around Pune. First Community Church has been a supporter of this visionary program since its inception.

Join us on Saturday, April 22, in Grace Hall at 9:30 am for Brunch and an international webinar updating us on the programs and direction of this amazing non-profit as it has reassessed and regrouped following the pandemic. If you are unable to attend the brunch, you can still join the webinar on Zoom. Registration links below.

Register for In-Person Event
Register for Webinar on Zoom

Welcome Amanda

Missions Administrative Assistant

Please welcome Amanda Brofford to First Community! Amanda joined the staff on March 20 as the part-time Missions Administrative Assistant, which includes support for Heart to Heart, Tri-Village Trading Post, and Refugee Ministry Team. She will work both in the office at First Community South and remotely. We hope you will say hello when you get the chance to meet her!

The Trading Post

Goodness All Around

by Beth Hanson

Business has continued to be brisk down at the Trading Post. Every week we meet new customers who have heard about us from a friend or who have found us on Google (via Thrift Shops Near Me). Last month a young man came into the shop who said it was his first visit. He explained that he had saved a Dispatch Letter to the Editor from several years ago (pre-Covid) that had been written by our former Director, Rebecca Wolfe. The letter encouraged people to buy local and gave the Trading Post as an example of such a store. The article had been stuck on his refrigerator with a magnet (and was no doubt yellowed and dog-eared), but he finally decided he would come in to see us. He was surprised and delighted with what he found and seemed quite pleased with his bargains. He said he would be back. 

Another shopper this month was checking out at the cash register and she enthusiastically exclaimed that our store is her FAVORITE place in Columbus to shop! A woman standing next to her said, “Well, the prices are great, the store is well-organized, the people are nice…’s just goodness all around!” It is always heartening to hear these spontaneous, unsolicited compliments when we put so much of our hearts and souls into making the store a happy, welcoming place.

One of our regulars is an elderly widower who lives in the neighborhood. This week he and I were briefly chatting, and he said, “You know….I’ve been coming here since 1956. I grew up in Flytown and our family didn’t have any money. When I was in high school I got offered a job at the Big Bear grocery store on West 5th Ave. and their dress code required that we wear a white shirt and bow tie. I had heard about the Trading Post and decided I would go there to try to find clothes I could afford. So I found my three white shirts and was able to get the job.” He is still a grateful customer of the Trading Post 67 years later! Although still a man of very modest means, last year he gave the Trading Post a $100 donation. It was the only cash donation we received.  (Flytown was located in what is now the Short North. It was considered one of the worst slums in the city.)

The Trading Post, which has been in business since 1953, has deep roots in our community. So many shoppers come down just for the familiarity and cheerful ambiance, a friendly face, the fabulous 1960’s music we play, and the slower pace of our processes. I always think people experience a little bit of backwards time travel upon entering our shop. Consensus seems to be that the Trading Post is a unique gem of a place with a certain magical je ne sais quoi. I like to think we are an important face of our church to all who enter. And of course, all of the money we raise goes to the missions of our church, so, yes, it is goodness all around!

Come see us for yourself in the basement of the Annex Building at the back of the South Campus parking lot. We are open Monday, Wednesday, Friday and the first Saturday of the month from 10am – 4pm. (We take donations of your unwanted goods during open hours.) The Trading Post will be open on Saturday, April 1.

Heart to Heart

Monthly Update

by Yohan Kim


Heart to Heart continues to grow in our pursuit of feeding neighbors across Central Ohio. We just purchased a spiffy new van to transport items, much to the excitement of the volunteers who pick up and deliver for us. It’s good news for our Pop-Up Pantry, who delivered food to 129 families in March, as of the writing of this article. There will be another site added to their busy schedule, which adds up to six altogether. Our Drive-Thru volunteers have also served 268 families, so far, with a potential spike arising with the end of COVID-era SNAP benefits. And we finally received new signage for the Annex building at First Community South, which has needed an update for a long time.

The Heart to Heart Ministry Team has begun work addressing critical areas of need. That began with a volunteer covenant, which is on our website, SignUpGenius, and the pantry spaces at FC South. Their focus going forward in 2023 will be volunteer recruitment, training, and retention.

This is also the year that we have begun collecting themed donations for the pantry at First Community’s worship services. The theme for March was dental hygiene products, which resulted in 113 pounds of toothbrushes, toothpaste, floss, and mouthwash. April will be feminine hygiene items, such as tampons and pads, which will be collected on Sunday, April 16. These are in high demand, with pads tending to be preferred by the immigrant populations we serve. There were also major donations and help with volunteering from groups such as Kitchinodin Longhouse, Our Lady of Victory, Society of St. Vincent DePaul, Grace Fellowship, etc.

We’re able to nourish our neighbors with help from a multitude of friends at First Community and other groups and churches who choose to uplift empathy through compassionate action time and time again. 

Prison Ministry Update

Good News for Greg

by Jeff Leister


Greg Esparza, A179450, had been on Ohio’s Death Row for 40 years. Greg was among the first to be visited in 2013 when Rev. Dr. Wing and Tony Apanovitch began the Death Row visitation program. Greg has been appealing his case during all of these years and his prayers were finally answered this January when a Lucas County judge, Judge Stacy Cook, ruled that he did not meet the criteria to be sentenced to death. She re-sentenced him to 30 years with time served and ruled that his case be referred to the Parole Board and proceed towards release.


We are thankful for Greg’s release later this year and pray for God’s continued support of our friend Tony Apanovitch and death row First

Community Church members, Keith Henness, and Curtis Clinton. Greg Esparza is also a member of First Community and hopes to attend services here upon his release.

A lot has changed in 40 years. There was no Internet then. He will need our support to adjust to the community.

Refugee Ministry News

Wilondja Family Update

by Shirley Barney

Wilondja Family Update:

  • Mateso (father/50), Alimasi (eldest son/22), Asukulu, and Mmunga (twins/19) are working at Acoustic Fiber every Friday through Monday. 
  • Mary Buzby continues ESL (English as Second Language) lessons every Tuesday afternoon
  • Crystal Allen and Shirley Barney dropped of 3 additional bikes, helmets. Now all kids and older kids all have bikes. Thank you to everyone that donated a bike. 
  • Makene’s (mom/45) sister and her family will arrive in Columbus on March 23. The Refugee Ministry Team (RMT) will provide a monetary grant to her sister and her family. 
  • RMT provided spring clothing and shoes to the kids to wear to school. 


Other RMT Activities:

  • Works with C.R.I.S. to support other existing refugee families in need
  • Refugee families arriving in Columbus by providing/sourcing donations for Welcome Kits that includes household items such as furniture, dishes, used cell phones, lamps, toiletries, washer, dryers, etc.  


Help Wanted:

  • Pro-Bono Doctor

Makene (mom/45) is experiencing health issues. She has been to the doctor and ER many times and she is still suffering. We are looking for a doctor who can work with Makene on a pro-bono basis to help resolve these issues. 

  • Car donation

Looking for a car in good condition to be donated to the family for transportation to work, school, appointments, etc. 

  • Volunteers

Are you interested in supporting these families or joining the RMT? Supporting resettling refugee families is extremely rewarding.


If you are interested in volunteering or donating, please contact Shirley Barney    

Contact Team Leader
Refugee Ministry Page

Monday Night Meals

for Friends of the Homeless

We are looking for groups to sign up for:

  • July 17
  • August 21
  • September 18
  • October 16
  • December 18

If you're interested, please sign up online.

You can help feed the homeless by signing up for Monday Night Meals. Your small group will prepare and deliver a meal for about 100 men to the Friends of the Homeless shelter! We have some regular groups signed up, but we are looking for help on the third Monday of every month.

You can review what all is involved on our website here, but it's not as complicated as it may seem! If you're hesitating, please get in touch with Pat Porterfield. She'll happily walk you through the process and support you every step of the way. This experience is rewarding and worth the effort. Once your ingredients are gathered, it is not very time consuming, either. 

In The Garden

Updates from the Share and Learn Gardens

at First Community North

The Share and Learn Garden at First Community North sits on the property behind the Mary Evans Child Development Center. All the produce grown in the garden comes directly to Heart to Heart. The garden is managed and harvested by a small but mighty and fun group of volunteers. Master Gardeners Cheryl and Loren VanDeusen, and their daughter, Kate Paulson, are the group's leaders. The group has convenes on Tuesday mornings, weather permitting. We receive weekly updates from Kate Paulson during the growing season, which will start soon.

Here's an update from Kate below.

March 14, 2023

Hi all! 

At this point in mid-March, this is what is “going on”. I have started the collard seedlings in my basement. The 15-20 pounds of garlic seed I planted in early November is up the amount it should be. 

Dad chose 2 new archways that will be adjacent to two of the growing beds (by the parking lot). In addition, 4 new large all weather garden pots will be used in tandem with the arches to increase our growing yield and selection. I also purchased agribon to recover all of the row covers and all of the seeds we should need for the season (maybe, lol). 

We were awarded a grant from the Columbus Foundation as well as product from scots-miracle grow (mulch, soil and manure). The dollars awarded are to use for additional vertical growing. This is a great thing…should be low stress for us and our backs, and more interesting to look at for everyone else! 

The 2 new archways are currently in their shipping boxes in my trailer, but will stand about 7.5 feet tall once assembled and secured. 

The pickup date (using my trailer) for the Scots product is April 21st at Franklin Park Conservatory. ***muscle for the product pickup as well as the Arches assembly would be greatly appreciated! 👏🏻***

I have attached a few photos….enjoy!!!

Kate Paulson 

Shared Resources from our Community Justice Ministry

Take Action with LOVEboldly

Are you or your congregation looking for ways to take action with the LGBTQIA+ community? LOVEboldly is building a take-action section of our website around bills we are working on and/or following. As a small organization with limited resources, we can only take a leadership role on a few issues. Further, our status as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit also limits the amount of time we can spend on organizing. We are grateful, therefore, to work with outstanding partners who are taking the lead on other essential issues. Please explore the links below for resources and ways to be involved.

Ohio House Bill 6

Ohio House Bill 8

Ohio House Bill 68

Bills of Interest

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Back Bay Mission

Deep Griha Society

Healing Art Missions

Rafiki Global AIDS Ministry

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