This radical demand to love one's enemies includes sharing one's possessions with them; for Jesus says, “give to EVERYONE who begs from you” and “do not demand back from the person who takes them.” With this in mind, Luke brings in the ‘golden rule’ as the jewel in the crown to this teaching on the love of enemies. The disciples are to “do to others as they would love others to do unto them.”


*Mass Intentions
*Links to Explore


True Happiness
There is only one happiness in this life: to love and be loved.
-George Sand

Happy Anniversary, EDee and Dave Steckler as you celebrate 49 years together. May the Good Lord bless you with many more.

Keep your faith and remember that God will never break His promises.
Feast of the Chair of St. Peter
As long as there is a Church, it will teach objective truth, and objective truth requires objective leadership. And that objective leadership, symbolized in the Chair of St. Peter, is directed toward unity.