E-Spirit Weekly Newsletter | July 30, 2024 | |
Deadline to Register for COM is August 13th | | |
Only 2 Weeks Left to Register for Conference on Ministry |
We are excited to invite you to the 2024 Conference on Ministry, held this year at the stunning Mission Inn in Howey-in-the-Hills, FL. Join us from September 16-18, 2024, for an inspiring and rejuvenating retreat featuring our guest speaker, Dr. Barbara Rossing, professor of New Testament at the Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago.
Our theme, "The Lamb's Alternative Power Story for the Healing of Creation," will guide us through the book of Revelation. Dr. Rossing will help us uncover its powerful message of hope and envision a renewed world where all are welcome and have enough. This is a unique opportunity to explore Revelation's theme of hope, not fear, as we journey to the beautiful city and river of life.
In addition to the enlightening sessions, the conference is a wonderful chance to connect with fellow rostered ministers, relax, and enjoy the picturesque surroundings of Mission Inn. We look forward to seeing you there for this enriching experience!
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God’s Love Made Real: A Conversation With Bishop Eaton
The Rev. Elizabeth A. Eaton, presiding bishop of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA), will join congregations in the Caribbean, Florida-Bahamas, North Carolina, South Carolina, Southeastern and Virginia synods on Tuesday, Aug. 13, at 12 p.m. Eastern time for a regional conversation on God’s Love Made Real. The Rev. Pedro M. Suárez, bishop of the ELCA Florida-Bahamas Synod, will host the online conversation.
God’s Love Made Real is a movement encouraging the ELCA to create a world experiencing the difference God’s grace and love in Christ make for all people and creation.
During this discussion the presiding bishop will share why God’s Love Made Real is meaningful to her and the future of the church. Participants will have the opportunity to share experiences and ask questions.
“The Spirit is calling us to move together as one church to share the grace and love we experience every day,” said Eaton.
More conversations about God’s Love Made Real will be scheduled with regional groups in the future.
Join the discussion! You can learn more about God’s Love Made Real at lovemadereal.elca.org.
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Ordinations & Installations
August 3, 2 PM – Ordination of Roger Raddatz at Living Lord Lutheran Church in Bradenton; Bishop Suarez will preside. Roger has been called to serve as Pastor of River of Life Lutheran Church in Chugiak, Alaska.
August 10, 5 PM – Installation of the Rev. Matthew Shapton as Pastor of The Community Church Babcock Ranch; Bishop Suarez will officiate.
September 1, 3 PM – Installation of the Rev. Callie Torres as Associate Pastor of Christ the King Lutheran Church in Miami; Bishop Suarez will officiate.
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A prayer of Martin Luther | Behold, Lord, an empty vessel that needs to be filled. My Lord, fill it.
I am weak in the faith; strengthen me. I am cold in love; warm me and make me fervent, that my love may go out to my neighbor. I do not have a strong and firm faith; at times I doubt and am unable to trust you altogether.
O Lord, help me. Strengthen my faith and trust in you.
In you I have sealed the treasure of all I have. I am poor; you are rich and came to be merciful to the poor. I am a sinner; you are upright.
With me, there is an abundance of sin; in you is the fullness of righteousness. Therefore I will remain with you, of whom I can receive,
but to whom I may not give. Amen | | |
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Just Love awarded a Jackie Maddox Racial Justice Advocacy Grant
The Just Love ministry of the Florida Bahamas Synod partnered with the Florida Council of Churches and together, they were one of the first recipients of the Jackie Maddox Racial Justice Advocacy Grants. These grants support ELCA-affiliated state public policy offices and are awarded to new and sustained racial justice initiatives for a three-year cycle. Read more…
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Adam Baroni (All Saints Lutheran Church; Tamarac, FL), and Munira Ather (Jacksonville) served as Young Adult Leaders at the 2024 ELCA Young Adult Gathering in New Orleans, Louisiana. | |
ELCA Youth Gathering 2024: Created to Be - A Week of Faith, Service, and Community in New Orleans
by Adam Baroni
On July 15-20, 2024 over 15,000 Lutherans rocked New Orleans in service, worship, and love. The theme of the gathering was, “Created to Be.” It was the long awaited Youth Gathering postponed by over four years due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Every three years, thousands of high school youth and their adult leaders from across the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America gather for a week of faith formation known as the ELCA Youth Gathering. Through days spent in interactive learning, worship, Bible study, service and fellowship, young people grow in faith and are challenged and inspired to live their faith in their daily lives.
Due to the cancellation of the 2022 ELCA Youth Gathering, MYLE and tAble, many young people were not able to participate in these life-changing faith formation events four years ago. In partnership with ELCA Young Adult Ministries, the first-ever ELCA Young Adult Gathering was held in conjunction with the Youth Gathering. The young-adult gathering had different programming, but joined together at the Mass Gathering event held at the Smoothie King Center near the famed Caesars Superdome.
Young Adult Gathering involved listening to young people serving in the Lutheran World Federation in their respective countries including: Palestine, France, Germany, Indonesia, Chile, Argentina, Brazil and more. In addition to keynote speakers, Young Adults served in their Accompaniment Days to go out in the community and share their time, labor, and gifts to help local organizations and congregations.
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Global Mission News: Ordination in Suriname
Bishop Suárez and Rev. Carlos Ham participated in the ordination of Rafael Van Ommeren of ELKS---Evangelisch Lutherse Kerk Suriname--on July 28. Ordinations are not a frequent occurrence for ELKS, making it particularly meaningful that Bishop Suárez and Rev. Ham could be part of the service. Further, Bishop Suarez both read the gospel and preached.
Rev. Ommeren is a graduate of ecumenical seminary UTCWI in Jamaica and completed his CPE in the US. Through the leadership of Marcee Wilkes, Global Mission Team Leader for Suriname, Rafael has visited Florida and received prayer and financial support from the synod. Thanks be to God!
What’s a Pastor to Do to Help a Congregation Cope with the Stresses of this Election year: A Suggestion
by Rev. Dr. Janice Mynchenberg
When I received a flyer from United Lutheran Seminary offering a series of online presentations on several ELCA Social Statements entitled, “What Does It Mean to be a Lutheran in this Crucial Election Year?” I was excited. I had been looking for a way to invite members and friends of Epiphany Lutheran Church into a safe discussion of the current political landscape. This series provided the perfect opportunity to do that.
At the next council meeting I asked the members to approve the expenditure of $80 to purchase a congregational subscription to the series. I would combine the online presentations with gatherings for questions and discussions and exploration of related topics. The idea received unanimous approval.
I announced this new Christian education offering during Sunday announcements. Within the week I had 17 subscribers to what would be a hybrid offering. This is about half of our usual Sunday morning attendance wanting to join the hybrid Tuesday evening sessions either in person or through Zoom.
The seminary’s first online program was an introduction to how and why the ELCA creates social statements. A recording of it is available for viewing with a personal ($20) or congregational ($80) subscription.
There was a summer gap of several weeks before the fall presentations would begin. I chose to create three discussion sessions of my own to occupy a few of those weeks: “Faithful Conversations” (with help from the ELCA’s somewhat outdated social document, Talking Together About Tough Issues), “Civic Life and Faith” (using the current social statement draft to discuss selected topics), and “The Spirit of Our Politics” (an introduction to Christian nationalism and why the ELCA is concerned by this version of Christianity).
When the seminary presentations resume on August 27, we will alternate between the online program and the in-house hybrid discussions every Tuesday evening until the week before the election. During that last week, the topic will be how we will deal with whatever the outcome of the election is – because we will still be a nation divided against itself in so many ways.
Class discussions have been lively, thoughtful, and helpful. People have been grateful for the opportunity to engage in conversations about America’s political climate and the issues it raises that do not become angry quarrels. Those with opposing points of view have listened respectfully to one another and discovered pieces of information and insight from those with whom they disagree.
The most helpful resources I used to plan the classes I created were
David French’s book Divided We Fall: America’s Secession Threat and How to Restore Our Nation
- A webinar David French offered in late 2023 through the McClendon Scholars ministry of New York Avenue Presbyterian Church in Washington D. C., which can be found – along with other wonderful speakers – on that congregation’s website.
Michael Wear’s book The Spirit of Our Politics. Mr. Wear writes about what he has learned in several years of serving as a political consultant on religious matters.
Dean G. Stroud’s Preaching in Hitler’s Shadow provided a fascinating look at how Hitler inspired the Christian churches of Germany to support his political rise to power, as well as examples of the pastors who opposed his policies.
H.W. Brand’s Our First Civil War introduced me to the forgotten history of violent conflicts between patriots and loyalists prior to and during the Revolutionary War. Divisive and hateful political battles are nothing new; they haunt all of American history.
My brother recommends The Righteous Mind by Jonathan Haidt and Speak with the Earth and It Will Teach You by Daniel Cooperrider, which I’m still reading in preparation for this fall’s sessions.
If you would be interested in trying a similar program in your congregation or ministry site, I would be happy to discuss how I conducted the sessions between seminary presentations and/or work with you to design class discussions for the fall topics. You are welcome to contact me at revjem@msn.com.
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Paraments available from Joy, Ocala
Joy, Ocala has altar paraments that they wish to donate to any congregation in need. Photos of the paraments can be found here. For more information, please contact Bob Bonomo at 352-220-4307.
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Two job openings at Grace in Tallahassee
PT Keyboardist (Piano and Organ)
We are seeking a part-time Organ/Keyboard/Piano player. The keyboardist will serve as a member of the Music Ministry Team for Grace Lutheran Church, and will prepare and perform music for the weekly 9am and 11am Sunday services, as well as other special days in Lent and during Holy Week, and Advent and Christmas on organ and piano. This position is available immediately, and inquiries and resumes may be submitted to Dr. Leslie Heffner, Music Program Coordinator at heffnerl@gmail.com.
PT Guitarist/Song Leader for Contemporary Service
We are seeking a PT Guitarist/Song Leader. The position will serve as a member of the Music Ministry Team for Grace Lutheran Church, to prepare and provide music leadership for the Contemporary Worship Service (Sundays at 9 am) in coordination with the Music Program Coordinator and Keyboard Player. This position is available immediately, and inquiries and resumes may be submitted to Dr. Leslie Heffner, Music Program Coordinator at heffnerl@gmail.com.
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Lutheran Church of the Resurrection, Palm Harbor seeks Interim Music Director
Lutheran Church of the Resurrection in Palm Harbor is in need of a Director of Music to plan and organize the music ministry for worship services. Their services are Saturday at 5 p.m. and Sunday morning. They are a small ELCA congregation currently in transition awaiting a full time pastor. Click here for details.
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ELW Lutheran Hymnals available
Christ the King Lutheran Church in Sebastian has more than 30, brand new, red ELW Lutheran Hymnals (ISBN#: 978-0-8066-5618-2) available for donation. Please contact Dawn Bliska to arrange meet-up or delivery at ctklutheran3@gmail.com.
Living Lord Lutheran Church In Vero Beach, FL is seeking a Director of Evangelism and Outreach
Living Lord Lutheran Church, a welcoming community of faith in Vero Beach, FL, seeks a passionate Director of Evangelism and Outreach to join our team! In this dynamic role, you'll play a key part in expanding our reach and fostering connections within the congregation and beyond.
Leveraging your social media expertise, you'll craft engaging content that showcases the church's vibrant ministries and develop impactful video testimonials from our members. You'll collaborate with church partners to strengthen existing relationships and identify new opportunities for service in the Vero Beach community. A strong communicator, you'll keep our congregation informed through regular newsletters, bulletins, and participation in worship services.
We're searching for a committed Christian with a heart for sharing the gospel and a talent for building relationships. If you're energized by the prospect of using your skills to connect people with God and each other, we encourage you to apply! Please submit your resume to info@livinglordlutheran.com.
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St. Andrews, Jacksonville Seeks PT Organist/Pianist
St. Andrews Lutheran Church by the Sea (ELCA)– Jacksonville Beach, FL
We are seeking a part-time Organist/Pianist. The position would include preparing and performing music for the weekly 8:00 AM and 10:30 AM services as well as other special days including Lent, Holy Week, Advent and Christmas using an organ and piano. This position is available immediately. Inquiries and resumes can be submitted to Pastor Jody Rice at jjrice2002@yahoo.com.
Primary Duties and Responsibilities:
- Coordinate with the Pastor appropriate music for worship services and other church programs.
- Provides organ music for weddings and funerals as needed.
- Plan for seasonal choirs (Christmas and Easter). Accompany choirs during worship services.
- Accompany congregational singing.
- Work with worship committee to plan for the ministry of the church.
- Cooperate with the Pastor by performing any other duties as needed. Prelude, Lutheran Liturgy, Offertory, Background During Communion, Postlude. Certain music (Prelude, Postlude, and others) will be at your choosing.
Skills and Qualifications:
- College student or bachelor’s degree preferred
- Proficiency in playing organ with foot pedals
- Piano proficiency
- Familiarity with liturgy and the liturgical year
$12,000-$16,000 per year
St. Andrews Lutheran Church by the Sea 1801 Beach Blvd. Jacksonville, FL 32250
Small Congregation of about 75 on Sunday between the 2 services
Grace, Lakeland Seeks Admin Assistant
Grace Lutheran Church in Lakeland, Florida is seeking an Administrative Assistant to provide part-time (15 hours per week) office support, confidential program support, and administrative assistance for the pastor and congregation of Grace Lutheran Church. Click here to view details about the position.
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What does it mean to be Lutheran in a crucial election year?
As our faith informs our day-to-day lives, Lutherans recognize that “faith is active in love [and] love calls for justice in relationships and structures of society” (The Church in Society: A Lutheran Perspective, an ELCA social statement). We also know the church is called to be a community that prays, deliberates and acts together when it comes to complex social issues. In this election year, how might our Lutheran faith shape our thinking, acting and voting on major issues? Join United Lutheran Seminary to learn and ponder timely social teachings of the ELCA and to learn tips for leading discussions in your community. This informational flyer has more information, including how to register.
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September 21: School of Lay Ministry Annual Retreat and Graduation Worship, Mandarin Lutheran Church, Jacksonville
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