President's Message

Dear Colleagues,

During this bustling back-to-school season, EWHC members are embracing a dynamic journey of learning and personal growth.

Last week, the insightful Jessica Gendron shared valuable insight on the significance of self-advocacy. This internal exploration not only boosts our individual development but also brings external advantages. We learned that when we advocate for ourselves, we create a place for ourselves at the decision-making table, fostering an environment with increased female representation. And, naturally, more women at the table make the world a better place!

As we approach the culmination of this year's luncheons, we are thrilled to welcome Tina McIntosh, President and CEO of Joy’s House. An honoree in USA Today's "Women of the Year" list for 2023, Tina will undoubtedly leave us inspired. We hope you will join us on Wed., October 23rd, to hear from Tina and celebrate our annual award winners.

Your service to the healthcare industry, our community, and EWHC is greatly appreciated.

All the best,

Emily D. Tisdale (she/her)

Founder & Partner, Radius10 + RadiusCare

2023 & 2024 EWHC President


Help us plan for 2024! Do you know a great speaker or a topic that would make for a great program? Bring your ideas to our 2024 Brainstorming Session! All are welcome.

Sign Up to Attend!
Register Here

Please take a moment to nominate one or more female healthcare leaders for the EWHC 2023 Awards. Your nominations can be for any or all of the award categories, and we encourage you to share the reasons why you believe your chosen nominee deserves recognition.


  • EWHC Member Commitment Award (Member) Honors an EWHC Member who displays a dedication to EWHC and has made a significant impact on our organization.
  • Excellence in Leadership Award (Member) Honors an EWHC Member recognized as a leader in healthcare as well as the community at large, who makes an impact on healthcare delivery through visionary and innovative approaches.
  • Excellence in Leadership Award (Non-Member) Honors an EWHC Non-Member leader who has made a significant contribution to the healthcare industry.
Submit a Nomination

EWHC Q3 Luncheon with Jessica Gendron


Call for Applications!

It's time to elect some new chapter leadership. We will be electing a new Treasurer, Secretary, and new Directors.

The Treasurer and Secretary serve 1 year terms and Directors serve for 3 years.

In addition, we are also accepting nominations for the Program Committee Chair or Co-Chairs.

Applications are due by October 1st, 2023.

We encourage all interested members to nominate themselves or someone else for one of these important leadership roles. Getting involved in EWHC is a great way to shape the direction of our organization.

If you have questions, please email We look forward to receiving your applications.

Submit an Application!


Learn More
Sponsor Opportunities

EWHC proudly supports and sponsors this remarkable event, offering an exclusive opportunity for our members. We're delighted to announce a restricted allocation of VIP tickets, ensuring an unparalleled experience. Should you wish to partake in this event as a VIP guest, relishing privileges such as a copy of the acclaimed "Under the Skin," we kindly invite you to connect with us via email at These VIP tickets will be distributed on a first-come, first-served basis, so we encourage you to secure your spot promptly.

Learn More Here

Interested in becoming a member of iHEN and ACHE? They are offering a DE&I Early Careerist Membership Scholarship. The deadline to apply is August 31st.

Apply today!


Welcome New Members!

  • Rhea Khatra, MHA candidate at Indiana University Richard M. Fairbanks School of Public Health
  • Margo Keller, MHA candidate at Indiana University Richard M. Fairbanks School of Public Health
  • Hannah DeBlock, MHA candidate
  • Jessica Gendron with The Center for Leadership Excellence
  • Michelle Trowell with Blue & Co. LLC
  • Rachel Kruer with IU Health
  • Olivia Lackey, MHA candidate
  • Htayni Sui with Blue & Co. LLC
  • Kaitlyn Mundell with CBIZ Somerset


Career Opportunities

Cornerstone Companies Careers

Would you like to advertise an opening in an upcoming newsletter? Send us your opportunities at

2024 EWHC Sponsorship Opportunities and Application

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