Last week, the insightful Jessica Gendron shared valuable insight on the significance of self-advocacy. This internal exploration not only boosts our individual development but also brings external advantages. We learned that when we advocate for ourselves, we create a place for ourselves at the decision-making table, fostering an environment with increased female representation. And, naturally, more women at the table make the world a better place!
As we approach the culmination of this year's luncheons, we are thrilled to welcome Tina McIntosh, President and CEO of Joy’s House. An honoree in USA Today's "Women of the Year" list for 2023, Tina will undoubtedly leave us inspired. We hope you will join us on Wed., October 23rd, to hear from Tina and celebrate our annual award winners.
Your service to the healthcare industry, our community, and EWHC is greatly appreciated.
All the best,
Emily D. Tisdale (she/her)
Founder & Partner, Radius10 + RadiusCare
2023 & 2024 EWHC President