Future Energy eNews
We are happy to announce for the local readers that Integrity Research Institute will be exhibiting at the Natural Living Expo to be held on Sunday, October 2, 2022 here at the Marriott Hotel on the University of Maryland campus at 3501 University Blvd East, Hyattsville MD. We are striving to present our products, books, DVDs, reports, and the Patent Progress poster about once a year at such events but it is a rare occurrence, so I hope you can stop in to visit our exhibit booth and perhaps attend my Modern Meditation workshop at 2 PM (scroll down the list to 2 PM). The event also has lots of speakers and exhibit booths with a mind-body-spirit theme to them and about $10 general admission to everything .
Story #1 seems to be an exciting new development of the Einsteinian equation, E = m c2 in that instead of an atomic bomb explosion converting matter into energy, the University of Manchester researchers were converting high electric field energy into matter, specifically, electron-positron pairs right out of the quantum vacuum or in everyday language, “out of thin air.” There is a Big Think article linked “Something Out of Nothing” that goes into detail about such a process for students to understand but for me, I wanted to know why this is a new process, since old fashion cloud chambers have been exhibiting such pair production for decades (including the Science Center in Toronto, Canada). So the next link leads us to their graphene superlattice article in Science magazine. This finally tells us the surprising capability of graphene to sustain the huge electric field gradients necessary to break down the vacuum:
“Electrons that contribute to electrical conduction in a metal typically occupy high energy levels near the Fermi level. To get electrons from lower bands to join the flow, extremely large electric fields would be needed. In graphene and its superlattices, Berdyugin et al. show that small, experimentally accessible fields are sufficient to achieve this regime.” However, what I found to be the most interesting is the last part of their abstract: “Key signatures of the out-of-equilibrium state are current-voltage characteristics that resemble those of superconductors, … and a marked anomaly caused by the Schwinger-like production of hot electron-hole plasma.” So this discovery is a bit unexplained.
Story #2 should excite all of those who look for science and mysticism to start overlapping. How about two participants in a video game separated by miles or kilometers? Up until now, inter-brain neural synchronization has only been measured in face-to-face situations. Now the University of Helsinki reports that “without physical presence,” such continuous brainwave synchronizing over time also can happen with the help of internet gaming. This finding may lead to more studies of empathy and social communication, besides more books on mystical implications.
Story #3 offers great hope for vehicles that like fuel rather than electricity. Sometimes retrofitting gasoline, explosion-powered vehicle to run on the implosion of hydrogen is a simple task of timing adjustments. Therefore, the hydrogen production discovery at room temperature is a big boost to the renewable transportation sector. The key to the success of such catalytic electrolysis is a 3-to-1 mix of gallium and aluminum nanoparticles in water, which automatically releases hydrogen, as reported by the University of California at Santa Cruz in the ACS Applied Nano Materials journal. What’s more, the online article “Aluminum Nanoparticles from a Ga–Al Composite for Water Splitting and Hydrogen Generation” offers all of their data and photos on the site, so we don’t have to buy the article if you don’t want to.
Story #4 has all the hallmarks of an early bunch of research by the famous trio, Drs. Robert Becker, Arthur Pilla, and Andrew Bassett. They discovered that broken bones could knit in half the time with electrodes applying low-level current directly to the fracture zone. Then years later, they all received patents and more journal articles on a non-invasive magnetic coil pulse method around the leg or arm to accomplish the same thing. Now researchers at the University of Boston found that electrodes on the side of the head (Experiment #1) for 20 minutes, four days in a row, stimulated working memory in seniors with benefits lasting at least one month afterward. In Experiment #2, they applied the same bunch of electrodes to the left forehead to stimulate long-term memory for 20 minutes, four days in a row, and saw similar results. Our institute is now engaged in the famous trio scenario, offering a magnetic pulser version of a “repetitive neuromodulation” laboratory protocol, so people can try it at home, fresh from the pages of Nature Neuroscience (August 2022) -- open access article.
Story #5 offers a win-win situation for carbon capture, one of the pet projects that I have been researching with a passion for gigaton CO2 removal from our overly heat-trapping atmosphere. Now the University of Illinois discovered a 100% utilization of the CO2 from the industrial exhaust to produce high purity ethylene, which is good for making plastics but also for producing antifreeze, medical sterilizers, and vinyl siding for houses. Instead of the usual process for ethylene that emits CO2, this new process grabs 6 tons of CO2 out of the exhaust and completely converts it into 1 ton of ethylene, making it carbon negative. Thus, a sector that emits 260 megatons of CO2 per year may start to become a 260 megaton carbon capture machine.  


Tom Valone, PhD
1) Scientists Create Matter from Nothing
MSN News. September 2022

We've probably all heard the phrase you can’t make something from nothing. But in reality, the physics of our universe isn’t that cut and dry. In fact, scientists have spent decades trying to force matter from absolutely nothing. And now, they’ve managed to prove that a theory first shared 70 years ago was correct, and we really can create matter out of absolutely nothing.
2) Researchers Demonstrate Brainwave Synchronization Without Physical Presence
Scitech Daily September 2022

Researchers demonstrated that the brains of people playing an online game together were synchronized without physical presence. Online gaming and other types of online social interaction have become increasingly popular during the COVID pandemic. This trend is likely to continue due to increased remote working and investments in social technology.
Previous research has shown that people’s brains activate in a similar and simultaneous way during social interaction. Such inter-brain neural synchronization has been associated with empathy and cooperation in face-to-face situations. However, its role in online, remote interaction has remained unknown.
3) Hydrogen from Water at Room Temperature
Science Alert September 2022

A new study provides us with another promising step in that direction, provided you can make use of existing supplies of post-consumer aluminum and gallium. In the new research, scientists describe a relatively simple method involving aluminum nanoparticles that are able to strip the oxygen from water molecules and leave hydrogen gas.
The process yields large amounts of hydrogen, and it all works at room temperature. That removes one of the big barriers to hydrogen fuel production: the large amounts of power required to produce it using existing methods. This technique works with any kind of water, too, including wastewater and ocean water.
4) Brain Stimulation with Electricity leads to Long Lasting Improvements in Memory
Nature, September 2022

People’s ability to remember fades with age — but one day, researchers might be able to use a simple, drug-free method to buck this trend. In a study published on 22 August in Nature Neuroscience1, Robert Reinhart, a cognitive neuroscientist at Boston University in Massachusetts, and his colleagues demonstrate that zapping the brains of adults aged over 65 with weak electrical currents repeatedly over several days led to memory improvements that persisted for up to a month.
Previous studies have suggested that long-term memory and ‘working’ memory, which allows the brain to store information temporarily, are controlled by distinct mechanisms and parts of the brain. Drawing on this research, the team showed that stimulating the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex — a region near the front of the brain — with high-frequency electrical currents improved long-term memory, whereas stimulating the inferior parietal lobe, which is further back in the brain, with low-frequency electrical currents boosted working memory
5) Breakthrough discovery in carbon capture conversion for ethylene production September 2022

A team of researchers led by Meenesh Singh at University of Illinois Chicago has discovered a way to convert 100% of carbon dioxide captured from industrial exhaust into ethylene, a key building block for plastic products. Their findings are published in Cell Reports Physical Science. While researchers have been exploring the possibility of converting carbon dioxide to ethylene for more than a decade, the UIC team's approach is the first to achieve nearly 100% utilization of carbon dioxide to produce hydrocarbons. Their system uses electrolysis to transform captured carbon dioxide gas into high purity ethylene, with other carbon-based fuels and oxygen as byproducts.
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