Vice President for Research & Economic Development
Proposal Services & Faculty Support
May Funding Focus Newsletter #1
What is a Limited Submission?
A limited submission solicitation (RFA, RFP, etc.) places a cap on the number of proposals that Auburn may submit to a sponsor. Auburn coordinates limited submissions by sending out a notification via this newsletter and creating competitions in the Auburn University Competition Space (also known as InfoReady). To apply to any limited submission posted in this newsletter, click on the link below and search for your competition listed on the page. Please refer to the Limited Submission Procedures page for a general list of requirements. However, it is recommended that you go to the specific competition as soon as possible and review the requirements to ensure that you are preparing what is requested since the required information for competitions may vary.
Limited Submission Announcements

This program supports the creation of a prototype Open Knowledge Network — an interconnected network of knowledge graphs supporting a very broad range of application domains. Open access to shared information is essential for the development and evolution of artificial intelligence (AI) and AI-powered solutions needed to address the complex challenges facing the nation and the world. Knowledge graphs, which represent relationships among real-world entities, provide a powerful approach for organizing, representing, integrating, reusing, and accessing data from multiple structured and unstructured sources using ontologies and ontology alignment.

Projects funded by this program will provide an essential public-data infrastructure to power the next information revolution similar to the Internet — transforming our ability to unlock actionable insights from data by semantically linking information about related entities.

This Proto-OKN solicitation will support research projects in the following categories:

  • Theme 1 – Proto-OKN Use Cases
  • Theme 2 – Proto-OKN Fabric
  • Theme 3 – Proto-OKN Education and Public Engagement

Institutional Limit: 1 Proposal
Internal Deadline: May 19, 2023 4:45pm CT
Full Proposal Due: June 20, 2023 5:00pm CT
Important Updates
Thursday, May 11
10 am – 4 pm ET

The Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Program is a Foundation-wide activity that offers the National Science Foundation's most prestigious awards in support of early-career faculty who have the potential to serve as academic role models in research and education and to lead advances in the mission of their department or organization. 
This NSF workshop is intended to provide guidance and mentorship to prospective CAREER applicants to the NSF Directorate for STEM Education. It will serve as an opportunity for participants to gain a better understanding of the program - including eligibility requirements, the application process, and outcomes of past CAREER awardees, as well as interaction with other applicants, former awardees and NSF program officers.

The workshop is aimed for potential CAREER applicants to the NSF EDU Directorate, including early-career faculty who conduct or plan to conduct research in STEM education.

RSVP: Pre-registration is required for this event. A Zoom meeting link and password will be sent after registration is confirmed.
May 31 - July 28
Registration closes May 31
(This workshop has a fee.)

The University of South Florida Summer Grant Writing Workshops program is tailored for early career grant seekers and doctoral students in all research disciplines. At the core of this course is to advance the understanding of how to prepare a clear, comprehensive, compelling grant proposal. Participants are encouraged to identify a grant opportunity early in the program, draft a proposal, and participate in mock peer review receiving constructive feedback that will help move your proposal from good to great. Supplementing the course are keynote speakers invited from sponsor agencies.

As part of the workshop, participants -

  • receive the Training Activity Guide (TAG) - a grant writing guidebook;

  • experience the Wednesday Workshop (begins June 7), delivered from 12-2 pm ET and recorded for those who cannot participate at that time; and

  • participate in Funding Friday (begins June 9) from 3-5 pm ET, an interactive workshop where participants discuss the writing activities and learn how outcomes are applied in practice.

Groups can tune in to Wednesday Workshops. Group rates may apply. Email
June 5 – 8, 2023

Join the National Science Foundation (NSF) for the Spring 2023 NSF Virtual Grants Conference, to be held during the week of June 5 – 8, 2023. 

Registration is free and opens Wednesday, May 10 at 12 pm ET. Be on the lookout for a Registration is Open email, which will provide the registration links and details for this event. 

You can check out for the most up-to-date information and view recordings of sessions from previous conferences. You may also view the Fall 2022 Virtual Grants Conference recordings on the NSF Outreach YouTube page. 

For those who cannot attend the live conference, all recorded conference sessions will be available on-demand shortly after the event and posted on the NSF Outreach website and YouTube page. 

If you have any logistical questions about this virtual conference, please contact .
NSF Guidance on Requirements for Conferences and
Off-campus/Off-site projects

In 2019, NSF provided specific guidance related to fostering harassment-free environments at NSF-supported conferences, workshops, and symposia. A new guidance document has been developed to assist investigators in complying with NSF’s requirements to inform participants of Auburn’s commitment to this goal, as well as to provide access to the relevant AU policies and resources. The sample participant notice should be provided to all participants prior to and during NSF-supported conferences, symposia, and workshops.

In addition, as of January 30, 2023, Auburn is providing a certification upon submission that any NSF proposal that includes off-campus/off-site research will have a plan in place for safe and inclusive research environments (PSI-FVAR). Details regarding these requirements are included in the guidance document referenced above as well as including a link to the required plan that must be filed prior to submission of an NSF proposal which includes off-campus or off-site research (this includes field research and research activities on vessels and aircraft).

Auburn University can nominate two applicants for NEH Summer Stipends (summer 2024). Dr. Scott Phillips is head of the committee that selects our nominees. Last year we had several competitive applicants, and we hope to have another successful cycle. 
Summer Stipends carry an award of $6,000 for scholarly projects including books, articles, digital materials, translations, editions and other scholarly resources.
Applicants should read the NEH guidelines carefully and submit an electronic copy of a polished draft of the NEH application form to the Auburn NEH Committee by the deadline:  July 21, 2023 at 5:00 pm. The official form is available here.
The application is composed of
  • The cover sheet
  • 3-page narrative
  • 1-page work plan
  • 1 page bibliography (which should demonstrate preparation for the project)
  • 2-page resume (in editing the full resume, proof of competence for the project should be a priority)
  • Appendices if relevant
Applications should be submitted to Dr. Scott Phillips at who will be collecting them and coordinating with the committee this summer. The committee will make its selections after that and will work with the selected nominees to refine their proposals. The NEH deadline is September 20, 2023. NEH accepts applications only from those nominated by their university or organization.
Hanover GLC Offers NIH and NSF-CAREER modules

Hanover Research has developed a Grants Learning Center (GLC) on-demand grant development training portal that offers faculty enrollees the unique opportunity to receive targeted training in the form of self-paced, interactive modules with step-by-step guidance and templates for prospective applicants to develop compelling proposals. Auburn faculty interested in signing up for this training should contact Christine Cline at for registration information.
Hanover Research Queue Proposal Review Availability

Slots available after October 1, 2023

In order to provide resources for faculty and staff, Auburn University has partnered with Hanover Research for a number of grant development solutions including: Pre-proposal Support; Proposal Development; and Capacity Building. Their full-service grant development solutions are available to set goals, build strategies to achieve key grant-seeking objectives, and develop grant proposals that are well-planned, researched, and written. For information regarding Hanover’s core capabilities and project timelines, click here. If you are interested in a slot in the queue, please e-mail Tony Ventimiglia ( ).

Auburn subscribes to several training modules via the CITI Program website that may be of interest to researchers and research administrators. Each module is self-paced and can be finished in one or multiple sessions. Click on the link above to read descriptions.
  • Essentials of Grant Proposal Development
  • Essentials of Research Administration

Auburn maintains an annual subscription to this monthly newsletter published by Academic Research Funding Strategies, LLC. Access is available only for Auburn University faculty, staff and students with a valid user ID. This is another good source for current STEM and humanities funding opportunities, tips and resources.
Funding Opportunities

This NOFO is the first in a series that NTIA will issue and administer under the Public Wireless Supply Chain Innovation Fund (Innovation Fund).

The purpose of the Innovation Fund Program is to fund efforts that accelerate the development, deployment, and adoption of open and interoperable radio access networks (RAN) through a competitive grant program. In response to this first NOFO, NTIA looks forward to receiving and reviewing a broad range of applications proposing creative ways to:

(1) expand industry-accepted testing and evaluation to effectively facilitate and assess the interoperability, performance, and/or security of open and interoperable, standards-based 5G radio access networks; and

(2) develop new and/or materially improve existing testing methodologies to test, evaluate, and validate the interoperability, performance, and/or security of these networks, including their component parts, in order to address needs not currently met by industry-accepted tests and best practices.

Applications Due: June 02, 2023 11:59 pm ET

Funding opportunities are available for the control and prevention of CWD in wild cervids, to include the development and/or implementation of CWD surveillance, testing, management, prevention, and response activities. The overall objectives of the funding opportunity are to control, manage, and/or prevent CWD in wild cervids. Through this funding opportunity, APHIS WS is soliciting collaborators who will further develop and implement wild cervid CWD surveillance, testing, management, prevention, and response activities, including the use of funds for providing the information or tools needed to control and prevent CWD. Funds may also be provided for applied research to further develop and evaluate tools, techniques, and strategies for preventing and controlling CWD in wild cervids.

An eligible applicant may submit multiple proposals for this funding opportunity, requesting up to $250,000 per proposal for activities to control and prevent CWD in wild cervids. Applicants who wish to submit multiple proposals must submit each proposal as a separate proposal package.

Proposals Due: June 12, 2023 11:59 pm ET

The Alabama Center of Excellence (ACoE) at the Dauphin Island Sea Lab seeks grant proposals focusing on emerging technologies that will enhance and advance data collection networks benefiting Alabama’s coastal research and monitoring. ACoE encourages proposals that will test new methods and those that may involve significant risk taking in efforts to upgrade Alabama’s abilities to monitor, understand and predict how coastal resources may change in the foreseeable future.
All proposals must focus on science, technology, and monitoring in the following disciplines:

  • Coastal and deltaic sustainability, restoration and protection, including solutions and technology that allow citizens to live in a safe and sustainable manner in a coastal delta in the Gulf Coast Region;

  • Coastal fisheries and wildlife ecosystem research and monitoring in the Gulf Coast Region;

  • Sustainable and resilient growth, economic and commercial development in the Gulf of Mexico;

  • Comprehensive observation, monitoring, and mapping of the Gulf of Mexico.

Applications Due: June 15, 2023 5:00 pm CT

The National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) Office of Digital Humanities is accepting applications for the Digital Humanities Advancement Grants program. The program supports innovative, experimental, and/or computationally challenging digital projects leading to work that can scale to enhance scholarly research, teaching, and public programming in the humanities.

These funds may support DHAG projects that further the IMLS mission to advance, support, and empower America’s libraries, archives, museums, and related organizations. IMLS funding supports innovative collaborations between library and archives professionals, humanities professionals, information scientists, and relevant public communities that advance the preservation of, access to, and public engagement with, digital collections and services. IMLS encourages DHAG applicants to work in collaboration, and employ the expertise of, library and archives staff at your institution or across the country to strengthen knowledge networks, empower community learning, foster civic cohesion, advance research, and support the traditionally underserved.

Proposals Due: June 15, 2023, 11:59 pm ET
Proposal Services & Faculty Support
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