Wednesday eBlast

Church Updates, Missions, Around Town, Youth/Family Activity

September 27, 2023

On October 28th we will host our 2nd "Fall-o-ween Jesus Trunk or Treat". This will be at our church from 2-4pm and will include "trunk or treat" for community kids. Think about how you can participate by opening your car trunk and passing out candy, stickers, stamps, pumpkins, apples, or whatever you think appropriate. You may decorate your trunk and dress up in costume if you'd like. PLEASE, no witches, devils, ghosts or other scary decorations or costumes, we want to glorify God in this event. There is a sign up sheet located on the Welcome Table in the Gathering Space. Put on your thinking caps and come up with fun ways to show the kids in our community how to 'follow Jesus.'

New Hope Seminar: Hope for the Holidays

Grief is difficult and special days and holidays seem to make it even harder. Our hope is to give you practical tools to help navigate the upcoming holiday season as we hear stories from those who’ve experienced loss and found Hope for the Holidays.


Saturday, November 11th at Waterville UMC


This seminar is free to participants, but registration is required.

Click Here to Register

Deppen Family Donations

WUMC has the privilege to minister to a local family, Brian and Kami Deppen, who lost their home and two vehicles in the devastating fire. A special offering gives us the opportunity to bless a family in need. Please keep them and their son who lives with them in your prayers.

There is a bird house located on the Welcome Table where you can leave your donations if you wish to do so.

We had a total of 88 School Kits and 52 Health Kits which will be delivered this coming week to the local collection site. That is at least 10 more of each from our collection last year! Our congregation is very generous when it comes to Mission Projects! Thank you to everyone who donated and assisted!

September Mission Focus

Susie's Coats and Hannah's Socks

Our September Mission Focus is Susie’s Coats for Kids/Hannah’s Socks. This non-profit organization collects new coats, hats, scarves, gloves, mittens, and socks for needy children in the Toledo, NW Ohio and SE Michigan area. Many of the requests for items comes from schools in the area throughout the year. Since this is an ongoing project, we collect all year.


When you shop, what for these items on sale.


Remember, “Whatever you did for the least of these, you did for me”

(Matthew 25:40)

OCC Year-Round Shopping pdf



  • Susie’s Coats and Hannah's Socks
  • Teacher’s Toolbox
  • Used ink cartridges                   
  • Empty PB jars
  • McDonald’s House Pop tabs

Free Ways to Donate to WUMC!!!


Set your Kroger's Reward Card to “Waterville United Methodist Women” 

MacQueen's Festival

October 7th and 8th

Apple Picking, Rides, Entertainment! Come on out to enjoy a family fun event!

46th Annual Grand Rapids Applebutter Festival

October 8th, 10am - 5pm

​Since 1977, the Applebutter Fest has been known for its historical re-enactments, handmade crafts, live music, food, and apple butter. Beginning as a small gathering, our festival has now grown to welcome more than 40,000fest-goers annually! Spearheaded by the Historical Society of Grand Rapids Ohio, our team of volunteers is proud to serve you each year.

These coffee filter leaves SO PRETTY and really easy to make! This is such a fun fall craft for any age! It's an easy craft that makes the perfect homemade decoration for Thanksgiving or Halloween. Place them on the mantel, make a garland, or hang them in the window as an autumn suncatcher!

If any kids want to make them for the church office, we would love to hang them up! :)

Click Here to Watch How

Office Hours: Tuesdays through Friday 9:00 am to 2:00 pm

Email Us / 419.878.3645 / 7115 Waterville Monclova, Waterville, OH 43566

Web Facebook