As our new childcare center, Blue Bells Academy, continues to grow and thrive here at Westminster, we are looking for a few people to step in and serve as a liaison team between the childcare and the congregation. This would mean being a point of contact for Blue Bells leadership to communicate with us if a need arises or there is a way we can help them out! We are experiencing a really exciting time at Westminster as we become a leader in transforming church education wings into hybrid childcare/Sunday school spaces. Currently Blue Bells is providing care for 30 children and expects to continue to enroll families through the summer into the fall. If this sounds like something you have some energy to contribute to, please contact Vik Schaaf ( or Jill Whitney ( Thank you so much for prayerfully considering this way to help Westminster as we move into the future!
The School Supply Drive is on! During the months of July and August, we are collecting basic school supplies for needy students in the community. Collection boxes have been set up in the Narthex for the following schools: Lee Elementary, McKinley Elementary, Miller Elementary, Scott Elementary, Wright Elementary, Leslie Middle School, and South Salem High School. All donations appreciated … paper, pencils, pens, markers, crayons, binders, calculators, etc. Thank you in advance for helping make this school supply drive a success.
Vacation Bible Camp is approaching and many kids are already signed up! For those who would like to help during the week of August 26-30, please let Terri Crall ( know you are willing to volunteer. Together, we can create a fun and educational experience for our kids!