The CAB has also recommended a timeline for distribution of the funds over the next eight years. This initial timeline is subject to change based on capacity restraints, community opportunities/changes, and allocation committee decisions.
Next Steps - Allocation Committees
We are now in the process of convening four separate allocation committees — one for each priority — to ensure a widespread competitive process for the distribution of funds.
The HOUSING allocation committee, comprised of 12 seasoned experts spanning nearly every facet of the housing industry, recently held its inaugural meeting. Membership is now closed. Stay tuned for more information in the upcoming months outlining how and when to apply for the funds earmarked for housing.
The ECONOMIC MOBILITY AND FINANCIAL STABILITY and the MENTAL/BEHAVIORAL HEALTH allocation committees will meet sometime this winter into the spring of 2024.
The FOOD AND NUTRITION allocation committee is slated to begin in the summer of 2024.
Members of the allocation committees are selected with these criteria in mind. If you are interested in joining one of the committees focused on economic mobility, mental health, or food and nutrition, please reach out to Sylvia Chiang.
Spanish Translation Available
Visit the MGH Community Health Impact Funds website for more details and the latest information on this historic funding. Please note that the website is also available in Spanish.