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Drum Camp

February Newsletter

Drum Camp....Final Performance featuring students and teachers.

Tonight..... February 10th from 7:00-8:30pm at Englewood Christian Church, 511 North 44th Ave, Yakima

Reserve you free tickets here

(There will also be a live stream of this performance on YouTube)

Join us for Sunday Worship

Adult Study with Pastor, 9:30 am. Meets every Sunday morning.

Prayer Group,                                          

10:00 am. Meets every Tuesday

Afterschool Arts,                                     

4:00 pm. Every Tuesday afternoon.

Adult Study with Doyle Hardy, 10:00 am. Meets every Wednesday.

Elders Meeting, Meets every 1st Tuesday of the month.

Ministry Council Meeting,  Meets every other month, 4th Thursday of the month. Next meeting March 23rd, at 10:00 am.

Drum Camp, Feb 6th-10th, 3:30 –7:00 pm.

Heart to Heart Program,  Feb. 20, 10 am.

Men’s Breakfast, Feb. 18, 8 am.

Dawn on vacation, Feb. 15th -24th.


Happy Birthday

April Yates Hardy---February 07

Karlene Jacobs------February 09

David Biddle----------February 18

Frank Coburn---------February 23

John Zylstra-----------February 22

Cheryl Prokop--------February 23

Men’s Breakfast

February 18,

8 am.

Coffee Hour-Cluster 2

Feb. 5th:  Dixie Kisner & Robin Ford, 

Feb. 12th: Bob & Carrie Chicken,

Feb. 19th: Pam & Herb Schmidt,      

Feb. 26th: Pat Christianson & helper.

***IF anyone needs a different Sunday, please try to switch with someone in        

Cluster 2. Contact Pam or Dixie with any other concerns.

***Remember, Feb. is Valentine’s month. This may guide you on the type of cookies you choose to bring. Just a heads up! Pam 

February Elders

5th    Becky Buell & Dennis Boyd

12th  Sue & Bob Scott

19th  Becky Buell & Dennis Boyd

26th  Joyce Cowin & Shari Lovell

February Deacons

Feb. 5, Jim & Kay Hartshorn

Feb. 12, Kathy & David Helseth

Feb. 19, Dixie Kisner & Curtis Young

Feb. 26, Paul & Sharon Brunn

Sunday Building Lockup

1st Sunday--Nick Shultz

2nd Sunday--Jim Harwood

3rd Sunday--Jim Hartshorn

4th Sunday--Dennis Boyd

Subs: Herb Schmidt, Curtis Young