American Province Ministry Connections
May 2022
Hope Partnership for Education 
Virgil Sheppard - President and CEO
A Hope 8th grader stands in front of Parkway Center City Middle College where she will receive a
Liberal Arts Associate Degree alongside her high school diploma.
Students at Hope Partnership have been working hard throughout the 2021-2022 school year. Between schoolwork and after school activities, our students keep a busy schedule. Eighth Graders have an additional challenge to manage, an answer to the question of the year: “Where will I go to high school?”

Philadelphia's high school application process is detailed and complicated: a personal essay, academic portfolios, shadow days, interviews, and entrance exams. If you are overwhelmed by all of this, imagine how Eighth Graders feel! 
Despite this arduous process and the impacts of COVID, our current 8th graders have prevailed! 93% of the class have been accepted into a Special Admissions Public High School. This is a remarkable accomplishment, the highest percentage of students accepted to Special Admissions Schools of any Hope class to date! 

George Washington Carver School of Engineering and Science, Philadelphia High School for Girls, Mercy Career and Technical, Ss. John Neumann and Maria Goretti High School, Bodine High School for International Affairs, and Parkway Center City Middle College are but a small sampling of where our graduates will go. 
Watching the Class of 2022 mature has truly been a pleasure. The Hope Community is excited to see what life has in store for the Class of 2022 during their high school and college years. Congratulations to each and every one of our outstanding graduates.

Washington School for Girls (WSG)
Dr. Beth Reaves - Head of School
Washington School for Girls (WSG) Gala
celebrates its 25th anniversary.
Mistress of Ceremonies of Washington School for Girls 25th Anniversary Gala, Kami Simmons is a WSG 2009 graduate who earned a B.A. from Kalamazoo College and a M.S. from Columbia University. Kami has an extensive background in multimedia productions, including working as a television personality, media personality, content creator, and more.

The Founding Spirits Award given at the Gala recognizes significant contributions to WSG, embodying the spirits of our Founders: Dr. Mary McLeod Bethune, the Venerable Cornelia Connelly, and St. Claudine Thévenet. Each honoree is a visible testament to those values that daily inspire our school: Catholic social teaching, trust and reverence for every human being, and civic engagement. 
Following are the honorees and role models for the entire WSG community.

Sister Mary Bourdon, RJM
Sister Mary Bourdon earned a B.S. in Sociology from American University and an M.S. in Counseling from Loyola College of Maryland. Before co-founding WSG, she held teaching, counseling, and administrative roles at Regina High School in Hyattsville, Maryland, Jesus and Mary Academy in El Paso, Texas, and Catholic Charities. Additionally, she supported RJM initiatives in Haiti. Sister Mary has served on the boards of Thevenet Montessori School and Georgetown Preparatory School. Since "retiring" as WSG's Head of School for 20 years, she has remained active in her RJM community, continuing her commitment to service.

Sister Eileen McDevitt, SHCJ
Sister Eileen McDevitt has been a Sister of the Holy Child Jesus since 1965. With a passion for education, she initially served as a teacher and administrator, sharing SHCJ’s mission to help students grow in faith and commitment to service. Sister Eileen currently serves as Director of the Holy Child School Network in the United States, also working with leadership in Holy Child Schools in Europe and Africa. Sister Eileen has served as a WSG trustee since its beginning and continues to remain active in WSG’s growth.

Jennifer Gibbs Phillips (NCNW)
Jennifer Gibbs Phillips earned her B.A. from Howard University and her M.Ed. from the University of the District of Columbia. She spent more than 25 years as a teacher and administrator in the D.C. Public School system. Of special note, she was the first female principal in Calvin Coolidge High School's history. An integral part of the founding of WSG during its early years, Ms. Gibbs-Phillips served in several capacities, including Head of School from 2000-2006. Ms. Gibbs-Phillips remains a committed community advocate and member of the National Council of Negro Women.
Sponsored Ministries of the Society of Holy Child Jesus 
Casa Cornelia Law Center * Providence Center

Co-Sponsored Ministries of the Society of Holy Child Jesus
South Central Los Angeles Ministry Project (LAMP) * 
Cristo Rey St. Martin College Prep * Hope Partnership for Education * 
Cristo Rey New York High School * Washington School for Girls
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Ministry Connections is a monthly publication highlighting ministries sponsored or co-sponsored
by the Society of the Holy Child Jesus.