From the Desk of the Superintendent
Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,
It is wonderful to be able to share all that is going on across the Region with each of you. There are many positive things happening in our churches and among our people. I am looking forward to the summer which will be here before we know it. I am praying that COVID will allow our camps to open and our churches to gather in worship.
Thank you Pastors and churches who have filled out your report forms. There are still many churches who need a little motivation to get these report forms completed. We have had a wonderful season of conference meetings, with the Maine State conference meeting later this month and Nova Scotia gathering in June. It is great to be able to gather on a small scale with these local churches.
It has been a fantastic season over the last few weeks as Missie and I have celebrated Mother's Day, a birthday, an anniversary, and most importantly, Administrative Secretary's day. We were blessed by having my mom come for the Mother's Day weekend and having our son Brandon bring the message on spiritual growth with warm wished to all the mothers present, but especially his own mom and grandmother.
Conference and Regional meetings are a lot like a family reunion. It is great to get together 1-2 times per year with the grandparents, the kids, and your weird cousin Louie. I hope that you enjoy this newsletter and all the good news we have for our family of churches. I also hope you will put the Regional Convention (Oct. 21-22) on your calendar and make it a point to attend the family reunion will all the weird cousins. May God bless you, your church, and all you do in living for Jesus.
On Saturday April 9th, Josh Cheney, Pastor of the Dunntown AC Church, was ordained.
Goodwins Mills Donates Bibles
The Goodwins Mills AC Church raised enough money to send 255 Bibles to Myanmar and India. These will be given to new believers.
AC Witness Receives High Honors
The Evangelical Press Association held its annual convention April 10-12. There, ACGC’s quarterly magazine “Advent Christian Witness” received three awards: Award of Excellence (first place) for Most Improved, third place for Publication Redesign, and fifth place for Standing Column (Willie Batson’s “Marriage & Family”).
What's happening at your church? Send info and pictures to
Advent Christian ministry partnerships now exist in more than 20 countries. Indian pastors, Filipino missionaries, African pastors, children’s homes, a Bible college, discipleship groups, feeding ministries, training events and new church plants are all strengthened by money raised through Penny Crusade.
Annual Reports Due
We appreciate your participation!
The annual ministerial report form has been updated. Visit the Regional website to fill out your pastor's report for 2021.
Click the link below to fill out the annual church report for 2021.
Pastors Reports Received
Heritage - 50%
Maine - 85%
Maranatha - 39%
New Life - 67%
Church Reports Received
Heritage - 55%
Maine - 33%
Maranatha - 6%
New Life - 60%
Can you guess which church this is? The first person to email the office ( with the correct answer will receive a small prize. If this is your home church, we ask that you refrain from answering.
The April Church was Calvary Advent Christian Church in Bristol, CT. Bill Knight guessed it correctly.
Send an outside picture of your church, without the sign/name, to
"Reading the Bible is not where your engagement with the Bible ends. It's where it begins." Theodore Roosevelt
Over Half of U.S. Adults Say the Bible is Without Error
Interestingly, most descriptions of what the Bible actually is still fall within the realm of Christian orthodoxy. One-quarter of respondents (26%) believes the Bible is the actual word of God and should be taken literally. Three in 10 (29%) hold the view that the Bible is the word of God, and though it does not have errors, parts of it can be interpreted both literally and symbolically. Sixteen percent say the Bible has some historical or factual errors but is still the word of God. Taken together, seven in 10 Americans claim a view that regards scripture as the word of God (71%). Over half of American adults (55%) hold what is known to be a "high" view of scripture, which deems the Bible without error.
BIBLE STUDY MAGAZINE - Gen Z (ages 9-24) is lower than previous generations in every measurement of faith and flourishing, but the exceedingly small sample size ought to caution us against drawing any firm conclusions. Based on their previous studies of Millennials, American Bible Society remains hopeful that Gen Z will just prove to be late bloomers. (by Josh Kelley p. 18 March/April 2022 issue)
2 Timothy 3:16 "All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness."
Compiled by Greg Twitchell
Monthly Devotional Thought
A Distortion of the Gospel
Galatians 1:6-7 ESV "I am astonished that you are quickly deserting him who called you in the grace of Christ and turning to a different gospel - not that there is another one, but there are some who trouble you and want to distort the gospel of Christ."
Is it possible that we can distort the gospel of Jesus Christ? Absolutely. In the above scripture the word "distort" can be translated pervert, turn, change, corrupt. The Greek word is meta-and strepho which means to change direction or to go another way about face. In other words, we turn to a false gospel, especially to attract a larger following.
In the context of the Galatians church, Judaizers wanted to turn the believers from Jesus to circumcision to be saved. The Galatian churches were charged with following or deserting the grace of the gospel, and thereby abandoning Christ.
Yes, in these dark and evil days, the gospel of Jesus Christ can be perverted and changed. The so-called "name it and claim it" gospel; a "Feel Good" gospel, "Prosperity" gospel, "Legalism" and Good Works, "Just believe your miracle into being." This kind of preaching is really idolatrous preaching - turning to a different gospel.
These are the days of apostasy - turning from the truth of God to a false gospel. Someone once said, "the worst forms of wickedness consists in perversions of the truth." The book of Jude warns us about denying the only master and Lord Jesus Christ.
1 Timothy 4:1 says, "the spirit clearly says in the later times some will depart from the faith and follow deceiving spirits and things taught by demons."
Hebrews 3:12 says, "See to it, brothers and sisters, that none of you has a sinful, unbelieving heart that turns away from the living God."
1 Timothy 4:3 says, "for the time will come when people will not put up with sound doctrine."
"You therefore, beloved, knowing this beforehand, take care that you are not carried away with the error of lawless people and lose your own stability (secure position). " 2 Peter 3:17
"At that time many will turn away from the faith and will betray and hate each other..." Matthew 24:10
The apostle Paul says to those turning to a different gospel: "let them be anathema (Galatians 1:8-9). May this serve as a warning for us to remain faithful to preach the true gospel of Jesus Christ, the Son of God who came into this world, born of a virgin, lived in humiliation, was betrayed, tried, condemned, crucified, and died. He was buried and rose again from the dead. This is the good news - the great news - the glorious gospel that we need to be faithful in proclaiming in these last days.
Pastor Jim Caron ~ Faith Bible Church, Plainville, CT
An Interstate Conference
Excerpts from Advent Christian History
By Albert C. Johnson
In 1861 steps were taken to organize, at a campmeeting held at Dover, N. Y., a conference to be called the Eastern New York, Western Massachusetts and Connecticut Second Advent Conference of which Geo. L. Teeple was secretary, who by direction of conference sent out an address to the churches within limits of proposed territory appealing for the promotion of order, the concentration and co-operation of effort for the improvement of the churches. The next meeting was called at Pawlings, N. Y., for Nov. 14th, at which they formally organized by adopting a constitution, and elected S. b. Munn, president, B. St. John, vice-president, Geo. L. Teeple, secretary and treasurer. The boundary of this conference was thus defined: "North by line between Massachusetts and Vermont, east by Connecticut River, south by Atlantic Ocean including Long Island, west by the Hudson River." Later this territory was taken over in part, at least, by the Connecticut, Massachusetts and New York Conferences and this conference was thus absorbed by others which were more centrally or conveniently located with the principal churches of these States.
Massachusetts Conference
For some time the conferences were a kind of union fellowship, leading ministers of both the Evangelical and Christian Adventists heartily co-operating in the work, hence some of the Advent Christian conferences were not organized until the sixties, and some of the conferences appear to have merged bodily into the Advent Christian ranks. The Advent Christian Conference of Massachusetts was organized at Springfield, Mass., in the summer of 1867, while its constitution was adopted at a meeting held four months later in Worcester. At first, its membership was not confined to residents of Massachusetts, but was open to those of other States "adjoining." At what was called its first annual meeting held in Boston in 1868, its committee reported, in addition to its sixteen ministerial members and twenty-six delegates from ten churches, the presence of thirty-five visitors-fifteen from Massachusetts, eight from New Hampshire, three from Maine, two each from Vermont, Connecticut, New York and Michigan, and one from Rhode Island. This general gathering accounts, in part at least, for the frequent large attendance in those early days compared with a more local attendance later.
At the session held in Chelsea in 1872, it is recorded that many of the ministers in reporting their labors spoke of having access occasionally to orthodox pulpits which would have been denied them in former years, and all found a live interest to hear regarding man's nature and destiny and the signs of the Saviour's speedy return... The Sunday following, which was the closing day of the conference, is also recorded as a "very, very remarkable one." During this meeting, forty anxious ones came forward for prayers. As a result of this spiritual blessing and the aggressive measures adopted, the cause advanced in the following years, a number of the churches built suitable chapels for worship, and a better system of order among them for more effective work was agitated. In 1875 its by-laws were revised and it was made a State conference.
In 1880 Eld. James Hemenway reported, as one of two State evangelists, which were appointed at a previous conference, that a profitable work had been done, and also he had tried to ascertain the number of Adventist churches in the State, and had found thirty-five, with a book membership of 1,822, and Adventists in the State, including these recorded members, to make a total of 3.650. In 1887 at the annual session held in Lynn, Thursday, Fast Day, was entirely given to devotional services, and the attendance was so "very large," that it was necessary to hold overflow meetings in a near-by hall. And this all day observance became a regular custom of the Massachusetts Conference.
Meetinghouse Village reminds active and retired AC pastors that they may stay free of charge on Sunday and Monday overnights at our Tower Memorial Suite. Other nights are available at the reduced rate of $25 per night. Availability is dependent on prior bookings and certain Covid-19 protocols. To inquire about a reservation, email
The Maine State Conference annual meeting is scheduled for May 21 at the Bangor Advent Christian Church starting at 8 am.
June 26-July 2 in Alton Bay
Green Mountain Bible Camp
July 5-7 Day Camp
July 10-15 Senior Camp
July 17-22 Intermediate Camp
July 24-29 Junior Camp
August 12-14 Family Camp
July 10-15 Junior Camp
July 17-22 Intermediate Camp
July 31-August 5 Senior Camp 1
August 7-12 Senior Camp 2
July 10-16 Camp MACC
July 17-22 Junior Camp
July 24-31 Teen & Family Camp
July 16-24 Youth & Family Camp
July 18-23 Senior Camp
July 25-30 Junior Camp
July 31-August 7 Family Camp
July 24-30 Junior Camp
July 31-August 6 Senior Camp
July 31-August 7 Family Camp
Family Camp July 30-August 6
The Annual Convention is scheduled for October 21-22 and will be held at Gordon Conwell Seminary. More information to come as the details are worked out.
Click on Willie's picture to visit his website for upcoming events.
Seminary-level teaching brought to your local New England church in partnership with Gordon Conwell Theological Seminary.
We believe that as leaders and lay people in the local church are equipped (Ephesians 4), churches will thrive. These courses will be offered in area churches in two, two-day intensives starting in Sept. Visit their website to see course offerings and schedules.
Previous copies of the monthly newsletter are on our website.
Have a mobile phone? You can now give to the Region through Venmo!
Online Prayer Meeting Tuesdays from 9-10 AM
ERA Board of Directors
Rev. George Karl, President -
Rev. Dwight Dean, Vice President -
Rev. Allen Latimore, Clerk -
Mr. John Jones, Treasurer -
Rev. Doug Tourgee, Heritage Conf. President -
Rev. Alan Chamberlin, Maine Conf. Vice President -
Rev. Josh Rice, Maranatha Conf. President -
Rev. Derek Irvine, New Life Conf. President -
Mr. Adam Facteau, New York Conf. President -
Rev. Ken Perkins, Nova Scotia Conf. President -
Mrs. Deb Reed, ERA Representative to ACGC -
Rev. Steve Lawson, ACGC Executive Director -
The Eastern Regional Association Newsletter is published as a ministry of the Eastern Regional Association of the Advent Christian General Conference.
Eastern Regional Association
32 Four Rod Road, Rochester, NH 03867
Phone: 603-332-1412 / Fax: 603-332-1648