Our Digital Navigation Technical Support Helpline is now Open!

We are so excited to add the call center helpline to our Digital Navigation offerings. This ensures that people can receive one-on-one technical assistance for specific problems without having to attend a class or leave the comfort of their own homes. Support is available in multiple languages and is completely free.

This week, in our free classes, we are teaching how to create and customize a resume using Microsoft Word.

Click HERE to register for Digital Navigation services.

Now Announcing AHAP 2.0!

We were recently approved for our second round of the African Health Advocacy Project (AHAP). We are so excited to partner with Community Leaders and Youth Change Agents to educate our local communities about COVID testing and prevention, demystify stigma on the topics, and provide mental health support and guidance to those who test positive or have family members who test positive.

This project will help increase the prevention and detection of COVID-19 while providing much needed community support for the impact of the pandemic.

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