University Unitarian Church eNewsletter
June 28, 2024
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Sunday, June 30
Worship service at 9:30 a.m. in the chapel and via live stream
Sunny McMillan will lead our service. Music by Susan Telford, flute; and Dwight Beckmeyer, harpsichord.
Sermon: "Mind Your Mind – According to the 8th-century Buddhist monk Shantideva, "there is no greater bane than mind itself." He calls it an elephant, wandering where it will, bringing us down to torment. Today, we will explore how to tame the elephant of mind--and maybe even live with it peacefully!" [Continue reading]
Order of Service
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Message from Jon and Annie |
A dear colleague who attended the service on June 16 remarked that she had never felt so much love in our chapel ever before. That certainly is a feeling Annie and I and our family experienced as well.
Where and how can we begin to thank you for such a generous outpouring of love and gratitude as we celebrated not only our twenty-five years together but also all that we have become?
[Continue reading]
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Farewell and Thank You from UUC Board President Patricia Graesser |
With the end of the church year, Patricia Graesser, the outgoing President of the Board of Trustees, has a message for members and friends of the church that outlines some of our challenges ahead. She encourages everyone to bring their full support to the work that will be led by Interim Minister Rev. Doug Wadkins and the Board of Trustees during this important time of transition for UUC starting in August.
[Click to read Patricia's letter]
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On the home page of our website ( you can view
- the June 16 “Jon Luopa Day” Sunday service
- a farewell message from Jon, and
- an introductory message from our Interim Senior Minister, the Rev. Dr. Doug Wadkins.
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UUA General Assembly Voting Results |
Each year, congregational delegates are convened in General Assembly to conduct the business of the Unitarian Universalist Association. Our church is a member congregation, and this year we credentialed eight delegates to represent us. Thanks to Becca Hutcheson, Debbie Maranville, Catherine Ruha, Margaret Sutro, Jonathan Tweet, Michelle Vaughan, and Betty Williams for their service as delegates. Two seats remained unfilled. Aria Curtis also represented UUC as one of our eligible religious professionals; this year, none of our ministers or ministers affiliated attended GA as delegates.
Below is a summary of results from General Assembly voting by delegates. Our UUC delegates may schedule one or more opportunities to meet with congregants, or may provide a written report on their experience of GA 2024. [Continue reading]
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Help Tent City 3 Move
Saturday, June 29
Tent City 3 (TC3) will end their stay near the Mount Baker light rail station soon. On June 29 they will pull up stakes, and load up pallets and tents so they can move to their next home. St. Mark's Episcopal Cathedral, on Capitol Hill, welcomes TC3 back for the 17th time. Once again, the TC3 community welcomes (and needs) help, loading up at the current site, and then unloading and setting up at St. Mark's. Your help at either end is much appreciated! [Continue reading]
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“Insight”—Art Exhibit and Reception
Opening and reception on Sunday, June 30, 11 a.m.–1 p.m. in the chapel and Nathan Johnson Hall
Watercolor paintings by UUC member Ann Smith will grace the walls of our chapel beginning June 30. All are invited to visit with the artist and learn more about her work at the reception. Refreshments will be served.
Smith paints lush, expressive, large-scale watercolor paintings. She explains, “Watercolor offers endless possibilities for uniquely personal expression, but is famously unpredictable. Embracing this quality, rather than dreading unexpected pigment interactions or uneven humidity influences, allows me to see such occurrences as gifts to help guide the way.” [Continue reading]
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UU's in Seattle's Pride Parade
Sunday, June 30, 1:30 p.m. downtown
UUC will join forces with the Eastshore and Westside UU congregations to march in this year’s Pride Parade on Sunday, June 30. It’s a festive atmosphere and a great way to make connections with UUs from other congregations. [Continue reading]
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Care Team Asks "How Can We Help You?" | |
The UUC Care Team serves people in the UUC community when they encounter illness, grief, medical events, and other life issues. We all need a little help sometimes. If you find yourself needing a listening ear or a little help, please email the Care Team or leave a message on our confidential voicemail at (206) 454-7722. We are trained lay volunteers. We check for messages twice daily and keep your information confidential.
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Sunday, July 7, 9:30 a.m.
Summer pulpit guest: Rev. Bruce Davis. Music: Cally Lindenmier, mezzo; Dwight Beckmeyer.
Sunday, July 14, 9:30 a.m.
Rev. Beth Chronister will lead the service. Music: Camille Watson, soprano; Dwight Beckmeyer.
Sunday, July 21, 9:30 a.m.
Summer pulpit guest: Emily Melcher. Music: Camille Watson, soprano; Dwight Beckmeyer.
Sunday, July 28, 9:30 a.m.
Summer pulpit guest: Rev. Bruce Bode. Music: Cally Lindenmier, mezzo; Dwight Beckmeyer.
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Sunday Worship
Join us for our Sunday morning service in our chapel or via our live stream.
Click here for information on Sunday programs for children, teens and parents, and about special summer events.
Current health safety protocols at UUC: Facemasks are optional but welcomed, especially while singing. For the well-being of everyone in our community, please STAY HOME if you have cold or flu-like symptoms, even if you're sure it’s "just a cold."
UUC monitors Public Health – Seattle & King County COVID-19 data dashboards and advisories, updating our health safety protocols accordingly. We also consult CDC About COVID-19 resources to inform our decisions. We additionally track Washington State Department of Public Health Resources and Recommendations for Business and Workers for guidance around COVID-19 safeguards for staff and visitors.
Please continue to check in at a kiosk or on the paper sign-in sheet when entering the building. This helps us better understand attendance on Sundays and for programs and meetings throughout the week. If you would like to be added to our email list for church-wide announcements, please include your email address and phone number on the paper sign-in sheet.
Click here for more information about Sunday mornings..
The Gateway eNewsletter is sent out each Friday. Announcements received by 9 a.m. Tuesday will be included each week.
Email submissions to Please put the date and name of your event in the Subject: line of the email.
Click here to subscribe. (There is an Unsubscribe link below.)
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(206) 525-8400 | | | | | |