October 2021
Aloha Friends and Neighbors,
We hope this note finds you happy and healthy. We wanted to share some Hanahau‘oli updates with you.
Joyous Work on Campus
We are fortunate that all students are able to learn in-person this year. We are implementing a multi-layered mitigation approach to COVID-19, including masking, physical distancing, mandatory employee vaccinations, and regular COVID-19 screening for employees. 
We apologize for the additional traffic during the earlier part of the school year due to the extra COVID-19 related precautions in place. We have since made modifications that returned traffic flow back to normal around our campus.  
1911 Ke‘eaumoku Street Property
Our initial goal remains: to clear the property and create a safe open area where students can play. We have made good progress, considering the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic. Since our last communication, we have successfully completed the soil remediation process, mitigated any dust issues and obtained a permit from the City & County for grading the property and building walls around key areas. We are committed to working at a steady pace to complete this initial goal of creating an open space for children to play. We are also committed to being good and connected neighbors so please don’t hesitate to reach out with questions or concerns. Once this initial phase is complete, we will then begin the process of engaging stakeholders and our community in long-term use planning. 
Safety and Security
In the interest of supporting the safety of our neighborhood while supporting our community at large, we are attaching some helpful resources shared with us by Councilmember Carol Fukunaga’s office.
We will continue to keep you informed as we make progress. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact Tony Yee, Director of Operations, at ayee@hanahauoli.org or at 697-2633 anytime. 


Lia Woo
Head of School

Reporting Illegal Dumping 

City Department of Environmental Services
Phone: (808) 768-3203 Email: illegaldumping@honolulu.gov
Name/contact information; kind of material (e.g., bulky, hazardous, vehicle).

Reporting Illegal Encampments

Office of the Governor’s Coordinator on Homelessness
Phone: (808) 586-0193 Email: gov.homelessness@hawaii.gov

Support services for homeless individuals

Hawaii Health and Harm Reduction Center (HHHRC)
HHHRC builds relationships with homeless individuals and provides housing linkage services.
Phone: (808) 723-1475 Email: hlusk@hhhrc.org

Burglaries, break-ins, abandoned and derelict vehicles, vandalism

Call Honolulu Police Department at 911 to report