September 1, 2023

The Nose Knows

·        A dog’s nose print is unique, much like a person’s fingerprint.

·        dog’s sense of smell is legendary, but did you know that his nose has as many as 300 million receptors? In comparison, a human nose has about 5 million.

·        Dogs’ noses can sense heat/thermal radiation, which explains why blind or deaf dogs can still hunt.

·        The Bloodhound’s sense of smell is so accurate that the results of its tracking can be used as evidence in a court of law.

This is our 3rd in a series of 10th  Anniversary dog profiles. Anniversary dogs are those that came to the park in 2014 and who still visit the park today.

The 10th Anniversary logo used here will be used throughout 2024 and included on special edition anniversary branded merchandise we will release later this year.


Birch Sugar is the Same As Xylitol and Sorbitol

We ran the following article in June's newsletter. But now learn that Birch Sugar on a label is the same thing!

Xylitol and Sorbitol

NOT for Dogs

Check the Label


Some peanut butters and nut butters are manufactured with less sugar but may include xylitol as a sweetener. Xylitol is also used in sugarless gum. It can be deadly to dogs. Check the labels to be safe.

And, from this story, it appears the sweetening agent Sorbitol is in Benedryl gel caps. While Benedryl tablets is commonly used for allergies or stings, do not use gels or time release varieties.


Hurricane Season Planning

Although hurricane season lasts through November 30th, August through October are the peak months of hurricane season. If you and your dog(s) need to evacuate, have a plan in place. Consider all options about where you can go that will accept you and your pet(s). Shelter spaces fill on a first-come-first-serve basis. There are some eligibility requirements.

See County Emergency Management website HERE for info about creating your personal plan, shelters that will take you and your dog, sign up for county alerts, evacuation routes and more.

Rob Haughey and Jill Jones spent several hours on the ground with Sharpies filling in the brick inscriptions. Volunteers extraordinaire!

*Not a Vero Beach Dog Park sponsored event.