September 9, 2022
The FRWA Annual Conference is over and we are in the early planning stages of 2023 Focus on Change. So you ask what will we do for training? My staff needs CEUs and I need to have some of my staff certified so we need training classes. FRWA has good news for you! There are a variety of classes offered throughout the state before the end of the year. The best news is that as a member receiving this issue of eNews, your system will pay only $50.00 for each of your employees to receive their CEUs!

If your employees need CEUs, they can attend the "Hydrant Repairs and Installation and Sunshine 811" on October 5 in Newberry for 0.6 CEUs DW/WW/DS and 6.0 PDHs or in mid November, we are offering "PFAS and Operation Safety" in Edgewater for 1.0 CEUs DW/WW/DS and 10.0 PDHs. If you need wastewater CEUs, you will want to attend the ever popular class, "Pump Maintenance and Electrical Safety" in Debary at the Hydra Service Facility. This class is so popular that we usually sell out so we are offering it for your choice of days so you can attend on either October 26th or 27th.

We also have two "1/2/3 Water Distribution Certification" classes coming up in Bradenton on Monday of next week and one in Tallahassee on October 18th. This is a four day class that provides proof of educational eligibility to sit for the State Water Distribution Certification Exam.

A "B/C Wastewater Certification Review" class is being held on November 1st in Tavares. This training provides attendees with the knowledge needed to prepare for the wastewater B or C level exam. It can serve as a refresher for anyone taking their “B” or “A” level wastewater exam. 

We are always adding classes to our schedule, so if you don't see anything you like now, just keep watching our website by clicking here for a complete list of the training that is being offered at this time. This information is updated as soon as new training becomes available.

As always, we offer online courses through SunCoast Learning. We have just added a new course, "The Lead and Copper Rule Revisions: A Comprehensive Guide" that is good for 0.6 CEUs. Two of our courses have been updated: "Small Water Systems 2" and "Wastewater Fundamentals" (formerly "Basic Wastewater"). Though these classes may be a little more pricey than our onsite classes; you are able to take them at your convenience, in your home, or at your workplace, and save missed time off and travel expenses. For a complete list of our online courses available, click here.

For complete list of training opportunities, click here. Don't see anything that you like, then email us at and we will let you know of any upcoming classes that may be available.
Guidance for Developing and
Maintaining a Service Line Inventory
Congress passed the Reduction of Lead in Drinking Water Act (RLDWA) on Jan. 4, 2014 that amended Section 1417 of SDWA and updated the definition for “lead free” as a weighted average of not more than 0.25 percent lead calculated across the wetted surfaces of a pipe, pipe fitting, plumbing fitting, and fixture and not containing more than 0.2 percent lead for solder and flux. On September 1, 2020, EPA published the final regulation “Use of Lead-Free Pipes, Fittings, Fixtures, Solder, and Flux for Drinking Water” to make conforming changes to existing regulations based on the RLDWA.

The Benefits of a Comprehensive and Accurate Inventory

Service line inventories are the foundation from which water systems take action to address a significant source of lead in drinking water - lead service lines (LSLs). Establishing an inventory of service line materials and identifying the location of LSLs is a key step in getting them replaced and protecting public health. Lead service line replacement (LSLR) is not dependent on knowing the location of all LSLs; in fact,
simultaneously developing an inventory while conducting LSLR can have many benefits. For example, systems can save costs by replacing LSLs when crews find them onsite during service line investigations. Systems can also leverage the opportunity for LSLR by seeking customer consent and private property access during service line investigation. Replacing LSLs in a safe and prompt manner while crews are in the field for inventory development provides an opportunity for public health benefits for consumers by more quickly eliminating this potential source of lead exposure from drinking water. There is $111 million each year for 5 years that is available for inventory.

For the DWSRF, 49 percent of the DWSRF funding must be provided to disadvantaged communities. Other federal programs also have available funding available for LSLR and related technical assistance.1

Purpose and Audience

This guidance covers the lifecycle of the inventory, including inventory creation, material investigations, system reporting, state review, public accessibility of service line information, and service line consumer notification.
The practices surrounding service line material inventories are rapidly evolving as water systems create their inventories and improve them over time. Additionally, emerging research on service line identification methods is ongoing. Given the potential for new, relevant information to become available, EPA anticipates that future updates to the guidance are possible. In addition, although EPA anticipates this guidance will be useful for water systems of all sizes, EPA intends to develop an additional tailored guidance for small community water systems (CWSs) and non- transient non-community water systems (NTNCWSs).

Overview of the LCRR Inventory Requirements
EPA published the LCRR in the Federal Register on January 15, 2021 (USEPA, 2021c). It applies to all CWSs and NTNCWSs. The initial inventory requirements of the LCRR specify:
• Information that water, systems must include in their service line inventory,
• When water systems must submit their initial inventories to their primacy agency2, 10/16/24
• Requirements for water systems to make their information publicly accessible and to notify all persons served by the water system at the service connection with a lead, GRR, or lead status unknown service line, and
• Reporting requirements for states. DEP reports to EPA more

Nominations for 2022 Plant Excellence Awards end September 30, 2022
CONTACT: Erin Rasnake at

Florida Department of Environmental Protection's
2022 Plant Excellence Awards
Deadline for Nominations: Sept. 30, 2022

The Florida Department of Environmental Protection's (DEP) Northwest District is seeking nominations for the 2022 Plant Excellence Awards.

This program recognizes water and wastewater facilities that demonstrate operational excellence in innovative treatment; operation, maintenance and compliance; waste reduction and pollution prevention; and recycling.

The award categories include:

Public Water Supply Facilities
  • Small Community (serving < 3,300 population).
  • Medium Community (serving 3,300 to 50,000 population).
  • Large Community (serving > 50,000 population).
  • Non‐Community (includes both transient and non‐transient).

Domestic Wastewater Facilities
  • Type I Domestic Wastewater Facility (permitted capacity of 500,000 gallons per day or greater).
  • Type II Domestic Wastewater Facility (permitted capacity of 100,000 up to but not including 500,000 gallons per day).
  • Type III Domestic Wastewater Facility (permitted capacity of over 2,000 up to but not including 100,000 gallons per day).

Instructions and application forms are posted on the DEP website.

Please email completed wastewater applications to and completed potable water applications to no later than Sept. 30, 2022.

If you are unable to meet this deadline, please contact Erin Rasnake for extension consideration.

If you have any questions about the nomination process, please contact the Northwest District at 850-595-8300.
The generators below are military units that overproduce the stated 60 kW unlike most other generators that don't achieve advertised kW output They were acquired in November of 2019. They have been exercised monthly with a load back test every six month.

For further information email or call 850.668.2746.
Bolted down on a treated wooden deck, tandem axle utility trailer with 90 gallon Alm tank and 27 gallon belly tank. 3500 lbs. axles. Acquired in November 2019 with 220 hours refurbished. Currently 1844.4 runtime hours. For more specs, click here. For gen set, click here.
Tandem axle fuel trailer bolted down to a steel deck with 90 gallon Alm external tank and 27 gallon on-board belly tank. Over production of kw. Acquired in November 2019 with 1646.8 hours refurbished. Currently 1701.8 runtime hours.  For more specs, click here. For gen set, click here.
MEP-806B-60kW military generator on 200 gallon fuel trailer. John Deere engine with 779.3 hours. Acquired in November 2019 fully refreshed/refurbished at 773.5 hours. For more specs, click here. For gen set, click here.
Articles of Interest
Which Countries Have the Safest Drinking Water for Tourists? - TravelPulse To find out which countries have drinkable tap water for tourists, The Family Vacation Guide looked at CDC data to reveal which tourist destinations are given the green light on their tap water for tourists to drink. more

Updating Consumer Perceptions On The Value Of Water Ever since drinking water utilities eliminated the need for users to pump or carry water from its source, consumers have tended to take water for granted as a low-cost resource of virtually unlimited supply. more

WEF Honors Water Professionals, Organizations For Service And Contributions The Water Environment Federation (WEF) proudly announces the 2022 WEF Awards recipients for individuals and organizations that have made outstanding contributions to the sustainability of water resources and made a profound impact on the future of the water profession. more

EPA Proposes To Stop Authorized Use Of Certain PFAS In Pesticide Products  The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is proposing to remove 12 chemicals identified as per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) from the current list of inert ingredients approved for use in pesticide products to better protect human health and the environment. more

Jackson, Mississippi Reaches State Of Emergency Over Drinking Water Crisis An ongoing drinking water crisis in Mississippi’s capital city has now warranted an emergency declaration and a wave of mainstream attention on all the things that have gone wrong. more

FEMA director: Flood maps fall short amid extreme weather Flood maps used by the Federal Emergency Management Agency are out of date and understate the risks to homes and businesses from flooding and extreme rain triggered by climate change, FEMA Director Deanne Criswell said. more

Wastewater monitoring a detection tool for many viruses Early in the coronavirus pandemic, health officials closely monitored sewage samples for signs of the virus to track where it could be circulating. Now, that technique is being used to detect other infectious diseases: polio and monkeypox. more

Proposal designates two PFAS ‘hazardous substances’ The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) made public in August its proposed regulation that would declare two per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) “hazardous substances” under the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA), also known as Superfund, raising alarms throughout the water sector. more

EPA announces new PFAS health advisories EPA released new and revised drinking water lifetime health advisories (HAs) for four per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS). Lifetime HAs are intended, with a margin of safety, to represent levels at which adverse health effects are not expected to occur over a lifetime of exposure. more

AWWA, partners question proposed asbestos ban AWWA, Association of Metropolitan Water Agencies (AMWA) and National Rural Water Association (NWRA) filed comments with EPA expressing concern over a proposed rule that would prohibit the use of asbestos diaphragms in chlor-alkali facilities within two years of a final rule. more

Agencies send cybersecurity report to Congress EPA sent to Congress its plan for supporting public water systems in the face of cybersecurity threats. The report was required under last year’s Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act. more

AWWA joins amicus brief on "Waters of US" AWWA joined a Supreme Court amicus (“friend of the court”) brief along with the National Association of Wetland Managers, the Association of State Floodplain Managers, and the American Planning Association, on the pending Sackett v. EPA case regarding the definition of “Waters of the United States” (WOTUS). more

AWWA, AMWA: Asbestos ban will affect chlorine supply AWWA and AMWA, in a joint letter to a U.S. Senate committee, warned that proposed legislation and regulations banning asbestos could have a devastating effect on chlorine supplies for disinfection of water by U.S. drinking water utilities. more

PFAS and Water Quality: What We Know About Forever Chemicals Recently, greater numbers of people have learned about the existence of so-called “forever chemicals,” known as PFAS, or Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances. Over the years, PFAS have become widespread in the environment - including water supplies around the world. more

White House To Circumvent Congress, Impose Stricter Cybersecurity Requirements On Water Systems  As cyber-attacks have become more advanced, it’s been made clear that drinking water and wastewater systems across the U.S. are increasingly under threat. In recent months, hackers have attempted to access treatment facilities to poison drinking water in Florida, the Bay Area, and Baltimore, and have targeted wastewater systems in Maine and California as well. more

Save on Coagulant Chemical Costs Recent increases in the cost of coagulant chemicals – in some cases over 20-60% higher than the start of 2022 – are stressing the yearly budgets for water treatment plants. But there is a way to save as much as 30% of your chemicals budget by using the right amount of coagulant chemicals every time. more

EPA Releases Guidance To Support Bipartisan Infrastructure Law Investments New Guidance Advances Biden-Harris Administrations Efforts to Invest in Underserved Communities, Deliver Environmental, Economic Benefits for All. more

EPA’s Science Advisory Board Releases Two Drinking Water Reports Earlier in August, EPA’s Science Advisory Board (SAB) released two advisory reports on significant drinking water topics. more

EPA moves to label 'forever chemicals' hazardous, kickstarting Superfund cleanups  In what has been a long awaited decision, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency last week moved to designate the two most common toxic “forever chemicals” once-widely used in firefighting foams and in consumer products as "hazardous substances" under the Superfund Act — the nation's premier environmental cleanup law. more

FYI-Tropics Update: Danielle Becomes Post-Tropical, and Earl Forecast to Strengthen to a Major Hurricane Later Today; Invest 95L Now Has a 70% (High) Chance of Development [Thursday 9/8/2022] more

Florida's groundwater is extremely valuable and running low | Column - Tampa Bay Times The state’s politicians and water managers need to make sure that groundwater extractions are monitored and paid for. more

Sarasota, Florida, Contains an Approximate 48000 Gallons of Untreated Sewage Spill Approximately 48,000 gallons of untreated sewage spilled into a drainage canal in Sarasota’s Park East neighborhood on Sept. 1. more

Study shows fertilizer ordinances improve water quality | Okeechobee News A new University of Florida study has found that local residential fertilizer ordinances help improve water quality in nearby lakes, but the timing of fertilizer restrictions influences how effective they are. more

Lynn Haven sewage rates increase | My Panhandle  Lynn Haven residents will soon see an increase in their water and sewer rates. City Commissioners have approved the rates as part of their annual budget process. more

Nominations for 2022 Plant Excellence Awards end September 30, 2022 Each year, the department presents awards to drinking water and domestic wastewater facilities around the state that demonstrate excellence in operation, maintenance, innovative treatment, waste reduction and pollution prevention, recycling, or other special achievements. more

King Tides expected to roll throughout Miami Beach | Local 10  According to city officials, King Tides are expected to roll throughout Miami Beach. During the king tide period, water levels are higher than average, which can cause massive flooding. more

Septic to Sewer grants and MSBU funding mechanism approved | Hernando Sun  At the regular meeting on August 23, 2022, the Board of County Commissioners voted unanimously to pass three items related to the Septic to Sewer Conversion project. more

Supply chain delays could slow restoring power if Florida gets hit by hurricane As hurricane season hits its peak, Florida’s top emergency manager is warning of the potential for major electrical problems after a storm hits. more

Naples changing water disinfection process through September | WINK Naples residents may notice their tap water tastes a little different on Thursday, as the city is changing its water disinfection process. more
This Week in Water History
Houston Water Supply Contaminated
September 6, 1893: The Houston Daily Post ran a series of investigative articles about the Water Works Company and the pollution in Buffalo Bayou–an early surface water supply for the City of Houston, Texas. In a September 6, 1893 article, Houston Cotton Exchange officials charged that the bayou was “an immense cesspool, reeking with filth and emitting a stench of vilest character.” The newspaper noted in 1895 that a dozen privies, a smallpox graveyard, a dead cow, oil mill, and cattle yards had been sighted in the waters above the Water Works’ dam. In another article later that year, reporters wrote that cattle from the Southern Oil Mill stockyards were discovered wading in the bayou alongside decomposing cow carcasses. A drain from the mill ran directly into the bayou creating additional unsanitary conditions. “It is our opinion that the use of this water is a menace to the lives of the people of this community,” avowed the investigative reporters.

Update: With the devastation of the Houston by Hurricane Harvey in 2017, it is astonishing that water service in Houston was never lost, nor was a boil water order ever issued. Houston OBVIOUSLY made a lot of improvements in their water supply over 124 years.
To enjoy more opportunities to take a look at the past in water history, go to this link.