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Dear LA Civil Rights Family,

Happy Summer! Just like July, LA Civil Rights is bringing the heat!

This summer, is hosting LA Civil Rights for citywide equity focused events on various topics, including homeownership, heritage month celebrations, participatory budgeting voting results, and reparations. To begin, we're celebrating all faiths, all people, and America's birthday, July 4th! We also recognize the Islamic New Year, or Hijri New Year, which takes place on the evening of July 7th and marks the beginning of the Islamic calendar. Happy Hijri New Year!

In July, we also acknowledge Disability Pride Month. Between the ages of 50-64 34.1% of people become disabled for the first time. As many as 1 in 4 adults with disabilities experience discrimination in the US, and the LA Civil Rights Enforcement Unit is here to help! We have the authority to address disability discrimination in commerce and education. Learn more about our civil rights enforcement jurisdiction, equitable programming, and events at This summer, join LA Civil Rights in creating a more equitable, inclusive, and accessible LA For All!

Keep the faith and keep the fight!

Capri Maddox, Esq.

Executive Director

LA Civil Rights Department

Juneteenth in LA

The LA Civil Rights Department celebrated Juneteenth across Los Angeles with three exciting events! Our Reparations Advisory Commissioners: Khansa Jones-Muhammad, Mandla Kayise, and Chair Ambassador Michael Lawson, started the day with "The Black Experience Study LIVE!" at the All Peoples Community Center. Thank you to the community members who shared their experiences and Councilmember Curren Price, Jr. (CD 9) for showing up and providing refreshments for our event.

Attendees were eager to delve into the study results presented by California State University, Northridge (CSUN) Principal Investigator Dr. Marquita Gammage. Stay tuned for the release of the comprehensive report later this summer. For now, check out this news story from Spectrum News 1 SoCal on "The Black Experience Study Live!"

In the afternoon, the Langston M. Bar Association hosted "Reparations through an Intellectual Property Lens," a compelling panel discussion as part of LA Civil Rights' Minimum Continuing Legal Education (MCLE) series. The discussion was moderated by Human Relations Commission President Brittany McKinley, Esq. and included Almuhtada Smith, Esq., Gary Watson, Esq., Dr. Logan Westbrooks, and Professor Kevin J. Greene Esq., Kamilah V. Moore, Esq., and our Reparations Advisory Commissioner Virgil Roberts, Esq. This insightful panel discussion provided a deep dive into the intersection of reparations and intellectual property law. This event wouldn't have been possible without the expertise and dedication of these distinguished professionals, photography by Foxx Media, and facilitation from Human Relations Advocate Monet Bagneris-Tolbert .

Evening celebrations wrapped up at the KBLA Talk 1580 AM Anniversary Celebration at Kenneth Hahn Park. There was live music, food, and fun for all who attended.

Thank you to everyone who participated in any or all of our Juneteenth commemoration events. Stay up to date on upcoming events and announcements by following us on social media!

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Praiseworthy Pride Month

Pride Month has officially ended, and we have to take a moment to reflect on the momentous month.

Thank you to all of our partners, including Mayor Karen Bass, Councilmembers Traci Park (CD11), Hugo Soto-Martinez (CD13), and Tim McOsker (CD15); Mayor Bass' Chief Housing and Homelessness Officer Lourdes Castro Ramirez; our Human Relations Commission; our Transgender Advisory Council (TAC); our LGBTQIA+ Community Liaison Carla Ibarra; our Management Assistant Chloe Coventry ; and everyone who celebrated with us! Special thanks to the California Endowment for hosting our TGi2+ Housing Resource Fair. YOU helped us celebrate PRIDE and are force multipliers in making an #LAForAll.

Watch our June recap!

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Civil Rights Enforcement Unit

Last week, our Assistant General Manager of the Civil Rights Enforcement Unit Kim Kasreliovich, and Lead Investigator Liliana Calderon were featured on the "Platicando y Mejorando" show on 101.5 FM where they discussed how we fight hate and discrimination in LA. Listen to this interview in English to learn more about the Civil Rights Enforcement Unit. Escuche esta entrevista en Español para conocer más sobre la oficina de Derechos Civiles de LA.

For a more in-depth look at our civil rights enforcement vision, Channel 35 LA Currents host Anita Bennett invited LA Civil Rights Executive Director Capri Maddox and Director of Civic Participation & Human Rights Joumana Silyan-Saba for a conversation about the history of the department and the civil right complaint process.

Office of Wage Standards

July 1: Minimum Wage Increases

Did you know the new Minimum Wage Rate goes into effect every year on July 1? Effective today, the new minimum wage rate is now $17.28.

The Office of Wage Standards (OWS) of the Bureau of Contract Administration is responsible for implementing and administering LA Minimum Wage and Minimum Wage Enforcement Ordinances guidelines.

OWS and LA Civil Rights are working together to create a more equitable Los Angeles for All. While LA Civil Rights Enforcement Unit can investigate private sector workplace discrimination, the OWS administers and enforces Ordinances related to:

  • Minimum Wage and Paid Sick Leave: Minimum Wage Ordinance (MWO) (LAMC 187.00) and Office of Wage Standards Ordinance (LAMC 188.00)
  • Ban-the-Box and Fair Chance Process: Fair Chance Initiative for Hiring Ordinance (FCIHO) (LAMC 189.00)
  • Fair Work Week Ordinance (FWWO) (LAMC 185.00)

More detailed information is available on the Office of Wage Standards website.

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Climate Equity Los Angeles

Beat the Heat this Summer!

According to the Climate Emergency Mobilization Office (CEMO), this Heat Season is anticipated to shatter temperature records worldwide, with devastating images already emerging of people and animals succumbing to extreme heat. These tragic events serve as a stark warning to prepare for unprecedented temperatures.

To help prepare, the City of Los Angeles is relaunching the Heat Relief 4 LA Campaign and has multilingual heat safety materials available. These vital resources will also be accessible at every City Library and Council District Office.

Here is a list of other Heat & Climate Resources available through CEMO:


LA Civil Rights Department

201 N. Los Angeles St., Suite 6

Los Angeles, CA 90012

(213) 978-1845

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