Dear LA Civil Rights Family,
Happy Summer! Just like July, LA Civil Rights is bringing the heat!
This summer, is hosting LA Civil Rights for citywide equity focused events on various topics, including homeownership, heritage month celebrations, participatory budgeting voting results, and reparations. To begin, we're celebrating all faiths, all people, and America's birthday, July 4th! We also recognize the Islamic New Year, or Hijri New Year, which takes place on the evening of July 7th and marks the beginning of the Islamic calendar. Happy Hijri New Year!

In July, we also acknowledge Disability Pride Month. Between the ages of 50-64 34.1% of people become disabled for the first time. As many as 1 in 4 adults with disabilities experience discrimination in the US, and the LA Civil Rights Enforcement Unit is here to help! We have the authority to address disability discrimination in commerce and education. Learn more about our civil rights enforcement jurisdiction, equitable programming, and events at This summer, join LA Civil Rights in creating a more equitable, inclusive, and accessible LA For All!
Keep the faith and keep the fight!

Capri Maddox, Esq.
Executive Director
LA Civil Rights Department