Spring 2023 | Issue IV

Updates and Events from the Sherrod Library
In This Issue


  • Sherrod Library Virtual Tour
  • Course Reserves
  • Graduate Research Help
  • Research Help Appointments
  • Library Ambassadors
  • Annotated Bibliography Help
  • Center for Academic Achievement
  • Citation Help
  • Counseling Center
  • Bucky's Food Pantry and Career Closet


  • Rare Book and Map Event

  • Diverse Characters Book Club

  • Library Workshops
Want to get to know your library? Watch this video to see a virtual tour with all your need-to-know information!

e upcoming workshops are listed below.
Library Resources and Activities

Rare Book and Map Event

On March 23, the Government Information, Law, and Maps department will host a rare books and map event on the fourth floor of Sherrod Library. This event will display rare books relating to women’s history, as well as a select collection of maps--some over one-hundred years old! This event will take place from 9:00 A.M. to 3:00 P.M. on the fourth floor of the library.

Sherrod Library's Government Documents specialist, Paul Nease described this type of event as "a thing where people can come in, walk through and go, 'Wow, you have this?!'” Nease will be available throughout the event for questions, as will Katy Libby, Sherrod Library's Cataloging librarian and Rare Books enthusiast.

Free Online Textbooks!

Course Reserves

ETSU provides free access to some online textbooks for students.

Once you submit a request form and are approved, you get four hours to read the chapters you need!

View what course materials are available and submit a request form here.
Need to get help from a librarian?
Watch this video to learn how to make an appointment with a librarian for research help.

Schedule an in-depth individual appointment for research assistance with a librarian today!
Click here!
Diverse Characters Book Club
Sherrod Library Room 309 or by Zoom

Join the Sherrod Library Book Club this Spring! We are reading Steven Rowley's "The Guncle."

Our first meeting will be on February 13th at 4 P.M. Light refreshments will be served as we discuss the first 15 chapters of the book!

The second meeting will take place on April 17th!

The first 30 students to register will receive a free copy of the book!
Register for the Diverse Characters Book Club!

Library Workshops

Sherrod Library offers Graduate Workshops on a variety of topics, from time and project management, to academic topic creation, resource searching, and literature review.

Here is a list of upcoming March Workshops:

Intro to Legal Research - 3/1/23

  • By Zoom
  • Have you ever wondered how to look up a law or court case but weren't sure where to begin? Find out the basics of legal research including a quick introduction to the Westlaw Next Campus Research Database and discuss the Cooperative Law Collection.
  • Register here!

Citation Management - 3/8/23

  • By Zoom
  • Learn the differences between the major citation styles, how to generate (mostly) accurate citations in OneSearch and our databases and discover how citation management platforms help you organize your resources for longer projects, theses, and dissertations.
  • Register here!

Discover Fine Arts - 3/21/23

  • By Zoom
  • Spend the first 30 minutes learning the essential databases in Fine Arts. After librarians introduce the audiences to 3-5 databases they are available for the rest of the half-hour to answer questions about these and other subject-specific databases.
  • Register here!

How to Give an Academic Presentation - 3/22/23

  • By Zoom
  • Learn how to create a solid presentation to promote and present your research, impress your professors, and influence future employers. We will discuss requirements, strategies, and tips for giving a memorable presentation at the Boland or ASRF events.
  • Register here!

Graduate Student Help

Welcome, Graduate Students! I’m Dr. Wendy Doucette, and I’m delighted to partner with you on your research journey. 

  • In addition to the Library 101 Workshop Series, we have a series on graduate-level research. Sponsored by GPSA, this series takes place on Fridays from 12-1PM from September 30-October 14. All workshops offered by Sherrod Library are free, with different content every semester. You can find more information and register here: 

  • If you’re in your second year or later and working on capstone, thesis or dissertation, check out the offerings for Graduate Boot Camp It’s too late to join this semester, but Boot Camp starts again in January. 

  • If you have questions concerning research, please don’t hesitate to contact me ( and we’ll talk about it. 

Good luck with Fall Semester, and I hope to see you soon!

The Graduate Success Specialist


The Graduate Success Specialist is a confidential service to assist graduate students with:

  • Setting realistic personal and academic goals
  • Addressing obstacles you may be having in day-to-day life
  • Resolving problems and providing support
  • Finding services on campus and in the community

A graduate student might have pressures due to demanding classes, social life, family matters, financial problems, and sometimes a job; all these things can create stress and affect performance in class, progress toward degrees, and attaining goals.

The Graduate Student Success Specialist is now available to listen to you and help you find the resources you need to be successful at ETSU. Contact us by phone, email, or come visit us.  

Visit our Website!

The Undergraduate Student Success Specialist


The Undergraduate Student Success Specialist is a service to assist students with:

  • Setting realistic personal goals
  • Managing the challenges of day-to-day life
  • Resolving issues associated with academic study, family life, employment, etc.
  • Locating support services and resources on campus and in the community, including:  
  • Food assistance and resources
  • Housing 
  • Childcare
  • Mental health services and counseling 
  • Tutoring and academic support
  • Emergency funding
  • Referrals to community agencies and assistance
Visit our Website!
Library Ambassadors
Library Ambassadors are deployed in various academic buildings across campus and in the CFAA to help students with library research and to connect students requiring in-depth help to librarians.
Library Ambassadors can help you:
  • Define your information needs, and show you how to find background information on your topic
  • Assist you in determining the appropriateness of materials for use with academic assignments
  • Show you how to use the library databases to complete academic assignments using
  • Online databases
  • OneSearch
  • LibGuides
  • Refer your information request to a librarian if needed

Ambassador Schedule

Writing and Citation Style Guides
ETSU Library has many different citation tools and guides to help you finalize your papers and make sure your citations are correct and accurate. Check out the ETSU writing and citation guides and tools for help on citations and writing styles fir many different layouts and formats.
Click Here
The TRIO-Student Support Services (SSS) program is a federally-funded program through the Department of Education. We are a needs-based program, serving students currently enrolled at ETSU who belong to one or more of the following populations:
· First-generation
· Low-income
· Disability

If you belong to one or more of these groups, you are eligible to enroll in the SSS Program. We offer five critical services to support students. These include:
· Academic support
· Advising support
· Financial support
· Financial literacy training
· Graduate-school/Career/Life-planning
All services are provided to SSS participants at no-cost! Once in the program, you will have all of the support listed above, as well as other resources to help you reach the finish line of graduation!
Apply Here!

Featured Resource:

How to Prepare an Annotated Bibliography

Need to write an annotated bibliography and don't know where to start? We have a tutorial for that! Check out our guide on how to prepare an annotated bibliography on our How to Guides & Tutorials Page. 

Annotated Bib Help!
The CFAA offers FREE individual tutoring in writing, math, science, many general education core courses, and select upper level courses. Individual tutoring is conducted on a by-appointment basis, but walk-ins are welcome when tutors are available. The CFAA uses a web-based tutoring schedule so students may easily set and modify their own appointments.

The CFAA offers appointments online and in-person 7 days a week. Don't hesitate to make an appointment!
Schedule Here

Featured Database:

Gale's Opposing Viewpoints


Each newsletter the library is proud to feature one of our unique databases. This issue’s featured database is Gale's Opposing Viewpoints, a database containing various perspectives on current events, hot-topics, and social issues. Content includes scholarly and popular articles, news reports, data, images, video, and audio. Opposing Viewpoints is the perfect resource for a speech or debate or an argumentative essay.

Visit the Database
Counseling Center
ETSU's Counseling Center offers many different mental health options to make sure that you can get the help that you need. Click the button below to explore all Counseling Center's website.

Click Here!

BucsCARE is a program for ETSU students to be able to easily find resources. They have an abundant supply of resources on their website, along with contact information. Explore their website, to see what some of the resources offered to you are!

Click Here!
ETSU Pride Center

The Pride Center is located on the 2nd floor of the D.P. Culp Student Center and offers a space for gathering, programming, support and resources for LGBTQI+ students, faculty, staff, and allies. The Pride Center is a popular gathering spot for students of all backgrounds and it facilitates an area for dialogue, support, and inclusion.
Bucky's Food Pantry

Bucky's Food Pantry is a great resource for the ETSU community. Applying to receive free food and/or resources that you may need has never been easier! Just click the link, explore their website, fill out their forms, and someone will be in contact you in no time.
Bucky's Food Pantry Website!
Bucky's Career Closet

ETSU students in need of professional interview clothing can set an appointment to come to the closet and get one complete, interview-ready outfit per semester to keep free of charge! This career closet is on the second floor of the D.P. Culp center. However, if you would like to make donations to the closet, please drop those off at Bucky's Food Pantry.
Bucky's Career Closet Website!
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