Streams of Awareness

Scrambled Eggs

January 23, 2023

Scrambled Eggs

I can't even remember what we were talking about about...but my husband made the statement that you can't unscramble eggs. I just remember thinking...he's right. Once it is done you can not undo it.   

When I look back on some of those times...I can clearly see that God was not invited to be a part of my thinking or my doing. Hindsight is sometimes so very clear....oh, but at the time the fog had set in...the self-driven nature had demanded a front seat...and my weakness resulted in stirring up a pot that I was now stuck in...

I heard a sermon today by Brad Thomas at Austin Ridge Church.  He asked a question that I believe most of us can answer yes to.  It was have you ever been hurt?  And the next question was have you ever hurt anyone else?  Pretty sure we all fall into both of those categories at one time or another.   And where has forgiveness landed?

Have you forgiven that someone  who hurt you or did you wrong. And on the other hand  have you asked for forgiveness from someone who you may have hurt? 

He made the statement of how important it is to forgive or ask forgiveness (whatever side you have landed on) in a timely manner.. For if you hold tight to the hurt and do not release it unto the Lord, you are allowing Satan to slither (I love that analogy)  in and hold the reigns of your heart. And the result of that is God’s joy and peace have been taken captive and  are trapped by the fearless, uncompromising burden of holding a grudge or trying to figure out retaliation, or wallowing in self pity.  I know this because  I have wholeheartedly been that girl.

Today I was reminded again how many mess-ups I encounter, probably each day ,and how  many times God forgives me and has mercy on my soul.  My “rights” of not forgiving others or not asking others for forgiveness have no place in the Christian way of life.  God calls us as Christians to not dwell on what has been done to us rather embrace fully what was done to Christ, and the example of mercy he showed to others in spite of their horrendous actions.  God continues to pour out his mercy upon those who love him and seek to know him better.  

Take the example of David...there were a few times when he got scrambled up too.

Remember the story of David and Bathsheba...(2 Samuel 11 and 12...good story) David was told she was married but he was taken by her beauty and called for her anyway and slept with her. She became pregnant. David spoke with her husband...on more occlusions than one...He was a good man...a Godly man....a moral man....yet he selfishly made arrangements for her husband to be on the front line of battle and he was killed and and then David went on to marry Bathsheba. God sent word to David that he was not pleased....and told David there would be repercussions.... David admitted his sins unto the Lord...even though the Lord already knew them...the child became sick...and David fasted and wept knowing that he was the reason for the Lord's actions. The child died...but the Lord was a forgiving God and allowed David to continue with his reign, have another son with Bathsheba who they named Solomon....and you know the rest of the story....and Solomon was known for his great wisdom and strength.   

We can't unscramble....we can only accept responsibility, admit our mistakes, and allow God to lead us through the circumstances that have resulted. The pain of a noose that will choke us if we let it. We can’t undo something that has been done to us or that we have done to others.  God does not say be best friends with the culprit, he merely says, give it to me and let me handle it and don’t waste time and energy and get twisted up in knots over what has been.  Be humble.  Be honest and be forgiving of others and ask forgivness when you have been the culprit.  Whether they accept it or not is not your problem if it is done with sincerity and a pure motive.  

We are a sinful bunch...and there is no getting away from making mistakes. We make them each day....some are big and some are not so big...but we all are in the same boat with a nature that is selfish and is reflected in our thoughts which become our words and show up in our behavior.  

It is not until we admit them and ask for forgiveness from them that we are able to have that noose lifted from around our neck. God knows how heavy that weight is. It is not his call for us to be burdened by past mistakes...but what we are called to do is confess them in humility to Him. 

He will forgive us...he doesn't hold that forgiveness we in our human sides often do. He wants us to move on...and be able to stand up straight without the weight of past sins weighing us down. God, in his grace and strength, is able to lift from us the heavy regrets that we have packed on. 

But we have to allow Him to get close enough to touch mind.... in body.... and spirit.   We can be sure of this: if we ask God to walk along side of us....he will restore us and redeem us and we will be graced with His peace, His freedom, His joy and His ultimate riches of eternal life. Consider that a minute...are you missing peace...and what about freedom....and joy....they are ours to have...but in order to have them we must allow God to help us get rid of the other burdens that are barriers preventing peace and freedom and joy. To have their rightful place.     

James 4:10

Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will lift you up.  

David was a man after God's own heart and he made a huge mistake...but God is greater than any of our mistakes. Any of our sins. We cannot unscramble eggs but God can use whatever situation that is before us for His glory. For through them, there are lessons to be learned, confessions to be heard, forgiveness to be accepted, and God's grace and mercy poured out. 

If you have found yourself in a scrambled position....ask God to help you work through it. Trust him to forgive you and to help you move forward. Trust him to lift the burdens of guilt or shame or blame, that are all brought on by the enemy... that are strangling you...and keeping you from living the life that God has blessed you with. 

Ask and you will be forgiven and set free of the weights that are before you.  When we are heavy burdened we are unable to freely position ourselves for God's purposes...becasue instead of our focus being on what God wants we are consumed with our own fleshly concerns. You are loved....I am loved by an almighty God who wants nothing more than for us to seek him and accept his help and his guidance.....but most of all accept HIS LOVE! For God through His love is able to take our scrambled up messes and make a banquet of goodness from them....and IN US. It is through the hard stuff that we learn the greatest lessons from. 

Just try asking God...right lift from you the weights that are pulling you down. Just start by saying...God....are you there...and then tell him what is heavy on your heart....he is waiting...he is listening. And he will his own timing...for loves you more than you can ever imagine.  

Dear know us and you know our hearts and our hurts and our regrets. please help us to trust you to forgive us and set us free from the weights that we carry. Let us strive to do your will and not be stuck with a needless noose around our neck. Give us the wisdom to come to you, the grace to humble ourselves before you and the faith to trust all things. Amen  


Praise God wherever you are and whatever situation He has allowed you to be in . . . His glory will shine through!

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