Hope Harbor
December 2021 - January 2022
Happy New Year 2022!!!
We are thanking God for you!!!

January 2022

Thank you for your strong support in 2021. With your generous contributions and gifts this past year we were able to:

·      Complete most of the outside of the building with siding, paint, doors and trim.

·      Hire more construction workers and professional contractors to move toward completing utilities and construction.

·      Hire more support staff to prepare for opening operations and to improve social media and technology.

·      Start a bi-monthly support group for women in trauma to help women that we cannot house.

·      Meet our goal of $250,000 needed to complete the construction.

Because of you, our mission to lift women and children out of hopelessness will be realized.

Thank you for partnering with us, listening to God, and joining Him in this mission.

God bless you all.

Women's Trauma Resilience Support Group Starts Tuesday Feb 1, 2022
We will be able to begin outreach now as we prepare the building to open.
Save the date!!!
An Afternoon of Hope
April 30, 2020
2-4 PM at ENMU Ruidoso
more details coming soon... you don't want to miss this!
We were able to give a tour to partners from Ruidoso Community Methodist Church
(right) Ed McLeod, Missions Chair and
(left) Aaron Beltran, Youth Pastor.
If you want to visit and see how you can help please call or email hopeharbornm@gmail.com 575-686-0990
In Honor Of
Gifts may be made in Honor of loved ones for special occasions. Giving a donation in the name of family and friends is a wonderful way to make a meaningful gift that impacts lives for Jesus.

A Donation was given by Beth Baughn in Honor of Nadine Booth for completing a Masters Degree in Theater Arts at Texas A&M Commerce. Congratulations!

A Donation was given by Anita Hinton in Honor of Ann Thompson Rexroat.
In Memory Of
When someone close to you goes home to be with the Lord you may want to make a meaningful gift to honor them. Through Memorial Gifts to Hope Harbor their memory can continue to impact lives for Jesus Christ. You will receive an acknowledgement of your gift and the family of the person remembered will receive a note that there was a gift in their loved one's memory or honor with no mention of the amount. Their memory will continue to bless and bring hope to others. Gifts may also be made in honor of loved ones special occasions.These living gifts will be listed in future newsletters.

A Donation was given by Spencer and Frances Mulkey, and Lorna and Tara Fike In Memory of Renea (Rollins) Fike's father
Lindy Rollins

Donate today! 
Partner with us to give hope and healing to women with children! Donate online through the website donate button on each page,
use the Donate button below,
or mail a check to:
Hope Harbor
P.O.Box 1296
Ruidoso, NM 88355
*Note: Puerto Esperanza Inc is the 501c3 registered name and we are doing business as Hope Harbor.
Another way to support Hope Harbor is through smile.amazon.com 
Look for our non-profit name: Puerto Esperanza Inc (EIN: 46-5453890)
The mission of Hope Harbor is to offer a Christ-centered program of hope, healing, and supportive guidance for women and children escaping domestic violence.
This up to two-year program offers safe housing, life-skills training, counseling and the opportunity for further education to promote financial stability.
Who we are:
Puerto Esperanza dba Hope Harbor is a 501(c) (3) tax-deductible organization (registered as Puerto Esperanza Inc. dba Hope Harbor) for women and children who have been affected by domestic violence.

Hope Harbor is a safe Christ-centered two-year transitional home at no cost for women and their children who have experienced domestic violence/abuse. Education, job skills, life skills, professional counseling and case management are offered to equip these families to succeed on their own.
Location in Capitan by appointment only.
Executive Director:
Lorna Fike
Amanda Wright
Rebecca Tryon
Tara Fike
Board of Directors:

Rick Hutchison,
Shippen Salas,
Ryan Trosper
Jennifer Barnwell
Marci Butchofsky
Sue McCaw
Billie Wieland
Sue Hutchison
Sandy Pape
Lyman Stanton
Donate using the donate button by credit or debit card or PayPal to HopeharborNM@gmail.com
and at