Subject:  Important Medicare Participation Resources for BH Providers
Date: April 19, 2022
The New Jersey Association of Mental Health and Addiction Agencies (NJAMHAA) in coordination with Novitas Solutions (New Jersey’s Medicare Fiscal Intermediary) has posted recordings of several helpful webinars for providers who are eligible to enroll in Medicare. These include:
  • 9/17/2021 Preventing common provider enrollment development reasons
  • 9/15/2021 Reviewing the Identity and Access (I&A) System, National Plan and Enumeration System (NPPES), and PECOS
  • 9/15/2021 Understanding provider enrollment applications
  • 9/15/2021 Mastering the basics of the provider enrollment process
  • 8/27/2021 Understanding behavioral health integration (BHI) service
Directions for accessing the recorded webinars:
  • Go to
  • Select Jurisdiction L (JL).
  • You will receive a pop-up:
  • Select either “health care professional.”
  • Select either Part A or Part B. (You can change this later if needed.)
  • Select “accept terms and conditions.”
  • Select “set preference.”
  • You need to make sure you have a selection for each. You will continue to receive the pop-up if you do not make a selection for each referenced above.
  • At this point, you should see the Novitas website (without the pop-up). Please see the below instructions on how to access the webinar recordings:
  • At the top right, in the search box, type “webinar recordings” and click on “search.”
  • Click on the first link that states “Webinar recordings.”
  • This page will list all webinar recordings that are available.
Novitas also has a specialty page that reviews resources related to behavioral health. You can visit Novitas’ event calendar to view all upcoming online webinars. In addition, you can request education by completing and submitting the education request form.