Membership Newsletter
Brotherhood of St. Andrew
Welcome back to the current edition (Volume 24) of our bi-weekly newsletter "LEAD LIKE ANDREW." It's a quick read, multi-topic news channel for members to see what is going on, what is planned and successes from the previous weeks.

We urge you to contact us with news, tidbits, or notices of upcoming events in your area, so we can include them! We also want your feedback on this newsletter or how you are being served by the national office.

Please share this newsletter with other men in your parish or community.
Pray Day
Join us...
What better way to level set during the middle of the week! We will be holding a Wednesday, 12 noon (CDT) prayer time weekly over ZOOM open to all Brothers and guests. Let's pray for the Brotherhood, for our Brothers, and even share some stories of how Prayer has impacted you or someone you know!
We can all spare 30 minutes in prayer. It's like making a stop at the faith service station to fill up your prayer tank!
Please join us every week when you can to recharge your prayer batteries!
The Zoom link can be accessed by clicking hereYou must enter Passcode 0723

Craig Coleman, from the Alzheimer's Association, will present:
Alzheimer's and Dementia
Worldwide, 55 million people are living with Alzheimer's and other dementias.
Alzheimer’s disease is a degenerative brain disease and the most common form of dementia. Dementia is not a specific disease. It's an overall term that describes a group of symptoms.
In Craig's role with the association, he shared the following: My prior background was mostly sales. I was laid off during the pandemic and wanted to do something at the tail end of my career to give back to the community and people in general. Like most members of the Association, I was introduced to the disease with family members being stricken.

"Dear friends, we come to you today with difficult news. Our executive director, the Rev. Canon Scott Gunn, had a serious medical incident while on vacation in Singapore."
"We encourage your prayers for Scott, Sherilyn, the medical and pastoral team in Singapore, and all those who love and care for them."
Let us pray…
For Recovery from Sickness
O God, the strength of the weak and the comfort of sufferers: Mercifully accept our prayers and grant to your servant Scott the help of your power, that his sickness may be turned into health, and our sorrow into joy; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. (BCP, 458)

The "Summer Dip"
For years, our ministry has trudged through the "Summer Dip"... that period when very few membership pledges get paid. And although our ministry's expenses continue to occur (staff, rent, publishing the Cross, insurance, postage, ministry work and workshops, etc.) the majority of our members and chapters send in their dues between December and March. That's good because it helps us as we budget for the entire year. But aside from our 200+ new members this year, we have again suffered the normal drop off of pledge payments since April. And we have nearly 400 Brothers who made their 2021 pledge payments last year but have yet to make their 2022 payment...and we could sure use their help. We counted on those to make their faithful renewals again this year when we set our budget in November last year. Our executive Board is making calls to them this month to see if something is wrong, or if it is just a slip of the mind. Finally coming back together to meet after nearly two years of virtual meeting has certainly taken a toll.
If you or your chapter has just forgotten to "renew in '22", we sure hope and pray you will remit your pledge and help us avoid the summer dip. Our ministry to men and youth doesn't take the summer off, so we do need your help. Simply click here and you can easily make your pledge of $50 to keep you current and help us avoid "the dip"!
God's Blessings on you all!
Br. Conrad Jones
National President
2022 National Council will meet in November -Only Chapters in good standing will be allowed delegate voting!
We will be holding our Brotherhood National Council meeting in November to pass the proposed 2023 budget, elect a Treasurer, and vote on any proposed Constitution or Bylaws changes that have met notification requirements.
Only Chapters IN GOOD STANDING will be allowed voting delegates. Don't miss the opportunity for your chapter to have a voice and vote! "In Good Standing" indicates an Annual Chapter Report has been submitted and the chapter members are current in their dues for 2022.
Are you a retired or former CPA or accountant? Have you ever been part of your parish's annual financial review/audit team? If so, We could really use your assistance on a team to "review" our operational and Foundation financials for the years 2020 and 2021. Virtual work is all we'd need and it could help us meet our fiduciary requirements as an affiliate ministry of the Episcopal Church. WE REAALY COULD USE YOUR HELP!!! Contact our Treasurer Br. Bob Burdette at
There's LOTS of Opportunity for SERVICE!

Prayer, Study and SERVICE....the three tenets foundational to our ministry. Sometimes we don't even think of very EASY but meaningful and impactful service opportunities! "The discipline of service is making continuous efforts, day by day, to bring others nearer to Christ through his church." I recently helped out at our church's Vacation Bible School (wearing my Brotherhood ballcap of course) and it struck me how easy it was to "bring others nearer to Christ". Teaching Sunday school, working with acolytes, ushering or welcoming at services, helping with coffee hour, serving on vestry, being a part of a mission team, leading a youth group meeting, serving as a Lay Eucharist, so many ways to show service JUST IN YOUR PARISH! And once you step our into the community, so many more ways.....lead a prayer group, check in on an elderly neighbor, help someone load or unload their groceries, water a vacationing neighbor's plants while they are away or pick up their mail..... the opportunities abound to do good deeds for others and maybe have a chance to witness to them or just have them know you are a part of a men's ministry community dedicated to Prayer, Study and Service.
Our service does not need to be big or include multiple men in our chapter. Sometimes the simplest service opportunities are the most personal to those whose lives we touch.

"Tidbits from Tom"

Pray for your bishop. Seven years ago this week I was priviledged to be at my parent's side as my father died. I came in the ER to find my mother softly singing a favorite song of theirs. Moments later our bishop arrived to administer Last Rites. With the "Amen" Daddy was gone. In all my life I had never seen a priest so humble at his work as I did that morning. Sometimes I think being a bishop is about as far away as being a pastor as one can get. This is especially so in times such as that morning. This week our bishops, nearly all of them, are at Lambeth Conference held every ten years at Canterbury Cathedral "across the pond." Pray that they have moments during their lives that they can be purely, simply and as much as possible solely a pastor again. I can't help but think sometimes they wish they were back "in the good ole days" of parish life. And all of God's people said, "Amen."
"That Son exists because the Father exists: but there never was a time before the Father produced the Son…In the same way we must think of the Son always, so to speak, streaming forth from the Father, like light from a lamp, or heat from a fire, or thoughts from a mind. He is the self-expression of the Father—what the Father has to say. And there never was a time when he was not saying it. …And that, by the way, is perhaps the most important difference between Christianity and all other religions: that in Christianity God is not a static thing—not even a person—but a dynamic, pulsating activity, a life, almost a kind of drama. Almost, if you will not think me irreverent, a kind of dance. The union between the Father and Son is such a live concrete thing that this union itself is also a Person. …This third Person is called, in technical language, the Holy Ghost or the “spirit” of God. Do not be worried or surprised if you find it (or Him) rather vaguer or more shadowy in your mind than the other two. I think there is a reason why that must be so. In the Christian life you are not usually looking ‘at’ Him: he is always acting through you. If you think of the Father as something ‘out there,' in front of you, and of the Son as someone standing at your side, helping you to pray, trying to turn you into another son, then you have to think of the third Person as something inside you, or behind you. Perhaps some people might find it easier to begin with the third Person and work backwards. God is love, and that love works through men—especially through the whole community of Christians. But this spirit of love is, from all eternity, a love going on between the Father and Son.” (CS Lewis, Mere Christianity, “Good Infection”)
Brooklyn Assembly feeding the less fortunate

Brothers and Associates the Brotherhood of St. Andrew the Brooklyn Assembly feeding of the less fortunate will be on Saturday August 6th 2022. Preparation for the food will be at St. Mark's day School location, 1346 President street on the corner of Brooklyn Avenue in Brooklyn. Members are asked to be there at 6:00 am in the morning, the menu for the lunch will be Rice, Chicken, Ham, Macaroni and Cheeses, Water and soft drinks for kids. Monetary donations are accepted, for your donation you can contact Brother Wentworth Jeffers at ( 646) 836 - 3732 or Brother Peter Holmes at (347) 348 - 2345 try and make your donation early. Directors please inform members in your chapter who do not have email so that they too could join in to help feed the less fortunate. Thank you, Blessing and peace.
Wentworth Jeffers
Brooklyn Assembly President. 
Kick off with the developer began the week of July 5-8, with an anticipated launch by Sept. 2!
If you have suggestions or pictures, drop an email to our Communications VP, Br. Gary Allman at or to Br. Conrad Jones at
Brooklyn and Queens Assemblies and Diocese of Chicago Bible Study

The Brotherhood of St. Andrew, The Brooklyn and Queens Assemblies, and the Diocese of Chicago invite you to join us on Thursday July 28, at 7 pm CST, or 8 pm EST, for our 28th Bible Study lesson of 2022. (Click Here to join on Zoom). 
Our Leaders are: Rev. Dr. Fulton L. Porter, III  (Rector, St. Thomas Episcopal Church, Diocese of Chicago), Rev. Dickson Barasa Okaka (Priest in Residence, St. Thomas Episcopal Church, and Guest Celebrant and Preacher, St. Edmund’s Episcopal Church, Diocese of Chicago), Rev. Brenda Kilpatrick (Deacon, St. James Cathedral, Diocese of Chicago), Rev. Trilby Murray (Deacon, St. Thomas Episcopal Church, Diocese of Chicago), and Rev. Carmen Lewis (Chaplain, St. Thomas Episcopal Church, Diocese of Chicago)     
The assemblies and diocese urge you to come join us to gain deeper knowledge, awareness, and understanding of the Bible.The lessons for the Eighth Sunday after Pentecost can be accessed here. 
The Province II Brooklyn & Queens Assemblies and the Diocese of Chicago have collaborated and agreed to continue to bring this wonderful and blessed Bible Study Lesson to the community during the months of July and August while our regular clergy leaders are on vacation. Please share this message with other family members and friends. 
Let us continue to pray for the complete recovery of all infirmed, sick, and shut-in brothers and associates, family, friends and the deceased. Some are able to join this wonderful gathering but others cannot. We encourage you to submit their names so we may pray with and for them.
The readings and selected readers include:
  • The Collect:..................................Sis. Hyacinthe Miller, NY
  • The Brotherhood Collect.............Bro. Richard Williams, NY
  • The Old Testament.......................Bro. Cecil Buxo, NY 
  • The Psalm.....................................Sis. Phala Daniel Diggs, IL 
  • The Epistle....................................Sis. Rhona Sutherland, NY
  • The Gospel....................................Bro. Anthony Hinds, NY
  • Closing Prayers Leader...............Bro. Leon Dacon, NY
  • Closing Prayers People...............Sis. Meglan Soares, NY



BIBLE STUDY ID: 448 502 7479

ENTER ID#: 448 502 7479, THEN PRESS #

We do hope you are able to log/call in. Let us continue to keep God's Word alive while broadening and furthering Christ's ministry.
We are so blessed that Brother Dick Hooper, formerly our National Council Chairman and a Chapter Director, has agreed to chair our Membership committee. The committee is looking at ways to recognize current members and chapters with membership cards and/or coins, as well as how we can revitalize chapters that have fallen into a "quiet time" and we are trying to bring them back to the community! If you are passionate about Brotherhood membership, please join the committee by contacting Br. Hooper at

Brotherhood of St. Andrew makes contribution to Prison Ministry

On June 30, Dick Hooper, director of the Christ Church Brotherhood of St. Andrew Chapter, presented a check to the Rt. Rev. Russell Kendrick, bishop of the Diocese of the Central Gulf Coast and Deacon John Kendall, chair of the diocesan Commission on Prison Ministry and long-time Brotherhood member.

This particular contribution will be earmarked for the purchase of debit cards to be given as Christmas gifts to children of incarcerated people. Deacon John stated: “we want to invite other parishes in the diocese to contribute so we can reach as many needy children as possible and fulfill Christ’s promise: ‘when you do this to one of the least of these brothers of mine, you do it to me.’ ” Matthew 25: 34-37

In February and March, the Brothers prepared chili “to go” for parishioners attending coffee hour and dedicated the profits to the fund. Special kudos are given to Brother John Matthews, the master chef and supervisor for the chili fest.

Deacon John began his ministry as a staff member of Kairos and now hosts a weekly group of inmates for Bible study and reflection at Blackwater Prison. It is largely through his tireless effort that the Diocese has begun this new outreach.

Dick Hooper stated: “our chapter will continue to support this ministry with ongoing fundraisers and other efforts which our Brother John needs.”

If you would like to make a contribution to this particular fund, send a check to the Diocese of the Central Gulf Coast, PO Box 13330, Pensacola, FL 32591-3330. Add Prison Ministry - Christmas gift card to the memo line.
Episcopal Evangelism Newsletter, July 2022

Evangelism Initiatives
This month we continue exploring our Episcopal Evangelism challenge for 2022: Creating authentic communities of friends within our churches to live out our baptismal promises and the church’s mission—to restore and be restored in unity with God and each other, in Christ. Our guest Evangelism Catalyst this month is Rachel Jones, who writes about sharing the gift of Good News with those closest to us.

“Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others…” (I Peter 4:10)
One of my favorite things to talk about with our Embracing Evangelism facilitators is what it means to be evangelists in our daily lives. A marvelous way to start practicing daily evangelism with our friends and coworkers is by becoming a spiritual cheerleader/hype person. Why? Because beginning to learn how to preach the Good News of Jesus’ love often looks like providing encouragement to the folks around us. 
We all understand the phrase, “If you see something, say something,” in the context of reporting scary things. But what if we flipped that script? What if, when we see people around us doing hard work, sharing, or loving well, being kind, being a good team player, being brave, showing or needing mercy—what if when we saw that, we said something right then? What if we named those words, those actions, as Good News – out loud?
Sure, we might feel awkward, but my sister-friend Jerusalem reminds me that sometimes we will need to feel awkward for the sake of the gospel. Telling someone that you see the Good News or peace or healing of Jesus in the way they live their lives in the world is a powerful way to remind someone of their belovedness. It is wonderful to remind them that their hard work is not going unnoticed. 
The more we practice this way of seeing Jesus and proclaiming his presence in love, the better we get at finding him and sharing his Good News with the world. By telling those we love and are around the most how we see Jesus’ presence in their words, actions, and attitudes, we grow more comfortable in speaking that Good News out loud. It helps us get over our nervousness and reinforces how special and holy our closest relationships can be. It’s also a massive, zero-cost gift of love and inclusion to give our friends and family this type of encouragement. 
You don’t have to preach a sermon or say anything eloquent or fancy. You might only say one word. Or you might get excited and gush over a beloved like a super-fan at a comic book convention. Both are okay. The important thing is to begin, to proclaim love and belovedness in all the places you go, starting right where you are. 
If you’re curious about a real-world application for what this practice looks like, I encourage you to watch this video of Senator Cory Booker speaking to now-Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson.
Hang in there. You’re doing great! 
With prayers for peace and joy, 
Rachel Jones 
Chapter Leadership Survey of Mission, Ministry, Methods, and Evangelism

The Brotherhood of St. Andrew is a National Men's Ministry that shares common bonds with all brothers in the organization. As a ministry that focuses on several fronts including prayer, study, and service, we want to grow, and grow in members and ministries. To better understand how to go about our evangelism efforts we need your input at the chapter leadership level.

Thank You Brothers--We had 106 responses to the recent survey. All Chapter Officers in our Neon Database were asked to participate. Of the 560 officers listed, we had 277 clicks or an opening of the invitation. Of these, we had 106 or 38% responding. This was a significant response.

At the most recent executive board meeting on June 28th, the survey results were presented for a first look review. The survey will be available for several committees within the brotherhood. Province Presidents will also review the data for guidance and planning. The responses and trends will serve as a guide as we strive to build community within the brotherhood. If you have a question or any suggestions regarding the survey, please contact Sr. VP for Administration, Roy Benavides at
Brothers--Praying the Anglican Rosary individually or together as a chapter......

"The Anglican Rosary connects us with God in the present moment. Praying with a Rosary engages our bodies as well as our spirits as we attune our hearts to listen to God's Word and receive inspiration. To learn more about praying with the Rosary click here. Use the buttons below for resources and more information."

Instructional Videos:
Slip Your Mind?
We could sure use your help!
Have you remembered to make your $50 annual membership payment for 2022? It's easy to slip your mind, but we do need your faithful financial support to continue our communications and support of our SEVEN key ministries. It's easy to catch up on your dues by clicking here, and you can even make an extra donation by clicking here if you feel moved to support this ministry of and for men for nearly 140 years!
CURRENT ISSUE... Episcopal Relief and Development Fund:

Topic: “Why and How to Disciple Men”
Saturday, September 24, 2022
 9:00am – 4:00pm
St. Philip’s Episcopal Church, Frisco, TX
6400 Stonebrook Pkwy, Frisco, TX 75034
Early Registration Fee of $45
Register by August 15 to avoid a late fee registration of $55
Your Registration Fee Includes:
Breakfast snacks; All -Day Coffee, Tea, Water, Soft Drinks,
      Full Catered Lunch
      Takeaway: The Four Priorities by Dr. Tolson

Did you know, the more you "share" or "like" one of our daily Facebook or Instagram posts, the more it will be visible to other people on the platforms. Make it a habit to check out our daily posts each day and like and share them!!

Brotherhood of St. Andrew Asset Map
Check it out!
Prayer Requests
If you have a personal prayer request please contact (502) 450-5809 to access the list and/or submit your requests. Accessing the list to join in the power of praying for those in need.

Many chapters have used various methods of keeping track of their prayer request. One such form has been used that organizes the requests and corporate prayers.

Brotherhood Membership Updates
Welcome to New Members of the Brotherhood:
Mary Lacy George Womble Duncan Bell Shawn Duesberry George Chafee Rolen Martin Basden Danny Mansfield Jeffrey Peters Charles Schindler David Boehmer Carter Sinclair Doug Lewis David Mansfield Mike Nickelsburg David Totten Tom Lacy Bob Larmore William Duke David Harrison Ray Morgan Joseph Stiles Rev. Ellis Clifton

New Chapters: Emmanuel Episcopal, Virginia Beach, VA

Brothers entering the greater life: Larrie Dombos, Ronald Huskey, Edward Reid, Tom Lewis, Richard Jones

Brothers-At-Large Wednesday Monthly Meeting
Wednesday, August 17th7:00 – 8:15pm CDT (8:00 PM EDT, 6:00 PM MDT, 5:00 PM PST)

Monthly on the third Wednesday, until Oct 20, 2022

Recovery Ministry

Recurring Zoom Recovery Meetings for addicts, family, and friends. 

For all addictions such as alcohol, narcotics, sex, pornography, gambling, codependency, and overeating. Anonymity is maintained - first names only:

  • Every Wednesday at 7 PM (Central) 12-step recovery meeting for all addictions. Sponsored by the Recovery Ministry of the Episcopal Church (RMEC). Zoom ID 923 8806 4304.
  • 1st and 3rd Wednesday of every month at 8 PM (Central) 12-Step Recovery Eucharist for all addictions. Sponsored by All Saints Episcopal Church, Pasadena, Ca. Zoom ID 875 5107 8462.

Helpful Websites
A Quick Guide for Finding Help with Recovery from Addiction 
Find recovery group meetings at these websites:
Al-Anon Family Groups (Al-Anon) –
Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) –
Celebrate Recovery (CR) –
Co-Dependents Anonymous (CoDA) –
Gamblers Anonymous (GA) –
Narcotics Anonymous (NA) –
Overeaters Anonymous (OA) –
Pornography Addicts Anonymous (PAA) –
Sexaholics Anonymous (SA) – 
Sex Addicts Anonymous (SAA) –
A Reminder: Website Notes

We now have a Member's Only tab that is password-driven for members. The password for access to Brotherhood documents is "1883BSTA0122". This area is still under construction for the next few weeks.

SMS Text Messaging is now available

SMS messaging from the Brotherhood is now available. You can easily subscribe by texting (502) 305-5498. You will receive text events, meetings, and articles from the Brotherhood.

Books and Articles
Some Suggested Books

Who Moved My Cheese
Spencer Johnson, MD

The Shack
William Paul Young

The Tipping point
"How Little Things Can Make a Big Difference"
Malcolm Gladwell

Daniel Coleman

Do you have any book recommendations? Write to us and give us the title and author, so we can share it with your Brothers!

We Always Need Cross Articles and Ideas!
Send any stories you have about Brotherhood activity in your area to