The Kids are Back(pack) to School!
Now that we've passed Labor Day, school is back in session for all of the children in our programs. As summer wanes, their parents often struggle with worries about how they will scrape together the funds to provide their kids with the school supplies they need to start the year on the right foot.

With rising prices across the board, it is more financially challenging than ever to set their kids up for success. Only 36% of parents said they would be able to pay for everything their kids need this school year. And we know this number is far lower for single-parent and low-income households.

That is where you, our community, stepped in. Big time.

We are so grateful to have received enough backpacks and school supplies for every single one of the kids in our programs. Providing ample school supplies and backpacks for over 200 kiddos is truly a massive undertaking, and YOU made this possible.

Our admin staff spent hours sorting and packing backpacks, and over the past few weeks our Community Advocates and Case Managers picked up backpacks and school supplies and delivered them to all of the survivors in our programs.. We've heard stories of elementary-aged girls giddy with excitement seeing their LOL Doll-themed backpacks and young boys thrilled to see notebooks and folders with cars and trucks on the covers.

Thank you for not only setting them up for success in the classroom, but also for bringing smiles and excitement to their faces.

The work never ends. Up next...our Fall Coat Drive! If you'd like to contribute, we've linked our Amazon Wishlist of sizes we know we'll need. We'll be updating this as we start to receive coats.
Staff Spotlight
They say the people make the places-- and our staff are some of the most talented, resourceful, compassionate people who make My Sister's Place a soft place for domestic violence survivors to land.

We'll be introducing you to our staff over the coming months, starting with James!

"Hello! My name is James & I am a Community Advocate/Case Manager with MSP's RISE Plus Team. My main responsibility is to ensure that each client has every tool needed while promoting self-sufficiency. My favorite part about working at MSP is connecting with our clients and developing relationships. A fun fact about me is that I am working in the same community that I grew up in."
Thank you, E2M Fitness!
1,000 people working out on a Saturday morning? Benefitting an amazing cause? Count us in!

Eager to Motivate Fitness (E2M) is a community fitness program that helps people get stronger and reach their goals.

In early August, E2M hosted an in-person event at President's Park where their team came together and sweat to support DV survivors.

Corporate partnerships allow My Sister's Place to expand and adapt our programming to support our clients' needs. Thank YOU E2M Fitness for this generous donation!

Current Needs
We are running low on key hygiene and cleaning supplies at our shelter. Please consider purchasing these supplies through our Amazon Wishlist.

As young children make up the largest population in our shelter and our transitional housing programs, we are always looking for more diapers and pull-ups, particularly in sizes 4T and above. If you have unopened boxes of diapers in size 4T or above that you are able to donate, please email Gabby Deutsch to schedule a drop-off.

Please also consider donating Walmart gift cards.

And please remember to select My Sister's Place
when shopping on Amazon Smile!

Coming Soon...Domestic Violence Awareness Month
October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month and we are preparing for an impactful month. Check out the events and consider our sponsorship opportunities linked here.

If you'd like to get involved another way, please reach out to our Director of Development, Elena Romanova.
MSP Board Of Directors:
Shawn Wright, Board Chair
Santina Rocca, Vice Chair
Mairzy Webster Krulic, Secretary
Gilbert Smith, Treasurer
Sara Adland
Beverly Allen
Amy Berger
Deborah Berkowitz
Jenny Brody
Shelley Guiley
Michelle Kisloff
Rebecca Carr Rizzo
Lisa Rosenthal
Diana Rubin
Zoe Sharp
Kimberlee Ling Sheldon
Sharon Denise Wise
Bailey Williams