President’s Message

Well, my dear, sweet, little West Virginia grandmother was named Clara Mae Bennett. She was the most unassuming, kindest person I knew. The only time she even came close to bragging was every April when she said, “April showers bring Clara Mae flowers.” So, every April I encourage the showers to begin so we’ll have an abundance of Clara Mae flowers!

Speaking of flowers, as my children were growing up, we had a Sunday dinner ritual. Each week, we presented a vase with an artificial flower to the person who best represented the “flower of our family” that week—the blooming idiot! It was a fun way to point out something ridiculous someone had done. (I will say, it usually went to my husband or our daughter).

It seems there may be lots of folks in Columbus who are worthy of the flower award. Let’s begin with the ones who want to have another August special election (with a price tag of about $20 million) to vote on requiring a 60% majority for a constitutional amendment instead of a simple majority. There are lots of other onerous requirements that go along with this bill, but the most bewildering thing is that just a couple months ago they voted to ban August elections because they are costly and voter turnout is very low. This new law goes into effect April 7. Is there any way to justify ignoring it and moving to yet another August special election? Does this sound a little bit like ignoring the Ohio Supreme Court ruling on our illegal districts?? And the impetus to do this is to make it more difficult to get an amendment to protect reproductive rights on the ballot for November.

A couple weeks ago, I attended a symposium presented by Dr. Paul Gaston, past provost of Kent State University. His topic was “Today Florida—Tomorrow Ohio?” The focus was on what Florida is doing to basically dismantle higher education as we know it. Gov. Ron DeSantis has declared war on public colleges and universities, calling them the “nexus of woke liberal priorities.” Other states, including Indiana, Oklahoma, and North Carolina, to name a few, are following suit. Right now, Ohio is focused on reengineering K-12, transferring power from the State Board of Education to the Governor’s cabinet. Don’t take your eyes off this issue. I’m betting it is all part of “model legislation” that is being pedaled around the United States by special interest groups.

Also, keep updated on voter registration changes. A huge thank-you to Terrie Nielsen for her presentations to Portage County residents about these changes. Many thanks to the Voter Service Committee for organizing three meetings around the county plus a candidate meeting. And another appreciation to our nominating committee, which is working hard to fill openings in our League leadership for the upcoming year. If you have any interest in being on our board, please contact Chris Schjeldahl right away at 330-714-9796. Elections are coming up soon. 

There are so many more things to talk about, but I think I’ll just focus on those April showers, looking forward to the blooms that will surely follow. Here’s to Clara Mae and her flowers!

In League, Unity and Equality,


Kent Wards 1 and 6 candidates talk with voters April 6

Voters in the contested Kent City Council primaries for Wards 1 and 6 will be able to talk with candidates at a meeting organized by the League of Women Voters of Kent on Thursday, April 6, 7 p.m., at the Kent Free Library.

The meeting is informal, and voters will be able to drop in any time during the event, which will run until 8:30 p.m. The library is located at 312 W. Main St., Kent. The meeting is free and open to the public. Ward 1 candidates Melissa Celko and Benjamin Tipton and Ward 6 candidates Jeff Clapper and Tracy Wallach have said they will attend. To download the flyer for the event, click here.

Voters with questions about Ohio election changes that went into effect this year will be able to talk with League members about new voter identification rules for in-person voting on Election Day, early voting (also known as absentee voting) and other changes.

The League will have forms available to apply for an absentee ballot. Absentee voting applications can be submitted at any time but note that they need to be in the hands of the Portage County Board of Elections by April 25 so voters can receive their ballots. Absentee ballots are mailed out starting April 4. Early in-person voting at the Portage County Board of Elections began April 4 and includes the Saturday and Sunday before Election Day. The schedule for in-person absentee voting has changed, with the elimination of voting at the Board of Elections the day prior to the election due to changes in election laws.

Voters can find helpful resources here:

Thanks to the Voter Service Committee for yet another election-related meeting!

Local Positions & Priorities planning meeting April 17 focuses on our Kent positions

Join fellow LWV Kent members as we gather at Kent Social Services for the All Member Meeting on Monday, April 17, 7 p.m., to discuss local positions and priorities for LWV Kent. Read the LWV Kent positions, click here.

It is important for all of our members to know where the League stands on issues as a local organization. New members will find it helpful to learn more about our League and the state League by attending these meetings.

Here is how the process works. First, we review the current positions. Then we decide whether we think the positions are still relevant, need to be updated or should be dropped. Next, we consider whether we want to take an official stand on any new issues. It is important to note, however, that any new positions must be preceded by the completion of a study before the position can be voted on and adopted. 

At the local level, the LWV Kent board finalizes the results from the meeting in April and then places them on the agenda for the League's Annual Meeting in June, at which time the members vote on what the board has presented. 

To learn more about the positions-and-priorities process, check out these links: 

Kent Social Services is located at 1066 S. Water St., Kent. Here is a map. The event is open to the public.

Attending the April meeting? Please consider bringing nonperishable food items for Kent Social Services. A special request is for peanut butter and ramen noodles. Thank you, good people!

Welcome new member!

Karen Elmo

LWV Kent introduces TECHLab, a comfort zone to up your social media know-how, April 17, 6 p.m.

LWV Kent is launching a new feature where you can work with fellow members one-on-one to learn how to use social media. The first meeting is April 17, 6 p.m., before the All Member Meeting. We will help you set up a Facebook page, learn the basics and introduce you to League social media sites we know you will find informative. It will be a go-at-your-own pace experience. The labs will be offered quarterly, and we will put them on our website calendar.

Bring your laptop or tablet!

Need more information? Email us here. The instruction is free, and no registration is needed. The All Member Meetings are held at Kent Social Services, 1066 S. Water St., Kent. Here is a map.

KSU Reproductive Health Collective hosts health

and justice workshop on April 11

The Kent State University Reproductive Health Collective will be hosting a "Reproductive Health to Reproductive Justice Teach In" on Tuesday, April 11, from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. at the Kent Student Center. You are welcome to come and go as needed. The schedule is as follows:

Opening Session 1 p.m.- 2:15 p.m. (Room 306)

The Law & Access

Workshops 2:30 p.m.-3:30 p.m. (Third-floor classrooms)

  • Student Activism and Collaboration
  • The Power of Words
  • Organizing for Change

Closing 3:45 p.m.-5 p.m. (Room 306)

Intersections & Debates

Registration is appreciated but not required, and you are welcome to attend any of the sessions. Tor register, Click here to register, use the QR code on the flyer image to register, or download and print the flyer here. Email your questions here. The Reproductive Health Collective is a collective of KSU staff, faculty, and students interested in reproductive health.

KIFA's Education and Race, Part 3: Family Perspectives, April 12, online and in person

As a parent, how do you talk about race and inequality with your children? How do your children talk about these issues with their peers? Hear from a panel of parents, children and adolescents about how they approach discussions about these often-contentious issues when KIFA (Kent Interfaith Alliance for Racial Reconciliation and Justice) presents the third installment of its Education and Race series, this time focusing on family perspectives. The free event is scheduled for Wednesday, April 12, 7 p.m., in Hobbs Hall, behind Unitarian Universalist Church, 228 Gougler Ave., Kent. A Zoom option also is available. 

Free parking in the city lot just north of the building. You can download the flyer here (the link in the flyer is not clickable). Questions? Contact KIFA or Kent LWV member Christie Anderson.

In you missed parts 1 and 2 of the series, video links to the presentations are available here:

Education and Race, Administrators’ Perspectives, Part 1, Nov. 29, 2022

Education and Race, Teachers’ Perspectives, Part 2, Feb. 8, 2023

Please note that there were technical difficulties at the beginning of the Part 2 recording. By minute 6, both the audio and the video are working. The missing parts include the welcome, an explanation of the education and race series, and the first half of the opening prayer. 

The series is a project of KIFA. To learn more about KIFA, check out its Facebook page

2023 Edith Chase Symposium on May 18 to focus on 'Invasive Species in Ohio: A Threat to Biodiversity'; LWV Kent a cosponsor of the event

Mary Mertz, director of the Ohio Department of Natural Resources, will be the featured speaker at the 2023 Edith Chase Symposium on Thursday, May 18, 7 p.m. in the Kent State University College of Architecture and Environmental Design, 132 S. Lincoln St. Kent.

The annual event, which is free and open to the public, is sponsored by the Edith Chase Symposium Association, Inc. Mertz will talk about how invasive species can disrupt food webs, alter habitats, and reduce biodiversity, all of which can have far-reaching consequences in Ohio and across the Midwest. Mertz also will discuss actions that individuals can take to protect Ohio’s natural resources. 

In conjunction with the Edith Chase Symposium, a “Songs for Wild Ohio” poetry reading will be held on Saturday, May 20, 4 p.m. at the Wick Poetry Center Plaza, 120 S. Lincoln St. Kent. Local writers read original poems at this free event.

For more information about the Edith Chase Symposium and the sponsoring organization, click here. For more information about Edith Chase, long-time member of both LWV Kent and Kent Environmental Council, click here

Voters' Guide for May 2 primary election candidates and issues now available!

The Voters' Guide for the May 2 primary election is now available for online viewing and downloading to printed. To access the guide, click here.

Want personalized voting information? VOTE 411 is the place to go!

At VOTE 411, you can . . .  

  • See what's on your ballot
  • Check your voter registration
  • Find your polling place
  • Discover upcoming debates in your area
  • Find candidate and issue information for Portage County and all of its municipalities that has been uploaded by the League of Women Voters of Kent

The information is nonpartisan, free and accessible 24 hours, seven days a week.

Join the LWV Kent delegation

to State Convention, June 9-11

State Convention is a wonderful time to come together in League, participate in dynamic workshops, share ideas and successes, plan for the League's future, and catch up with old friends and make new ones. Every two years, League members from across the Buckeye State gather to share success stories, learn best practices, and hear about the latest developments with the Ohio League. For more information, including a schedule of events and the Saturday Gala, click here, or call LWV Kent President Debbie Barber at 330-221-1205 before April 14 if you are interested in joining the delegation.

Honesty for Ohio Education April 7 online event focuses on higher education

Join Honesty for Ohio Education every first Friday of the month to connect with practitioners, advocates and experts across Ohio. Learn about student and family-centered approaches to learning and wellness that support students, ​engage families, and build stronger communities throughout Ohio.

Friday, April 7, 12pm, ONLINE Presentation

Education Matters: Higher Education Censorship and LGBTQ+ Rights


  • Professor David Jackson, Political Science, Bowling Green State University; Ohio Conference of American Association of University Professors
  • Equality Ohio


Senate Bill 83 is a sweeping bill that bans DEI programs, affinity spaces, academic relationships with China and worker rights in higher education. House Bills 6, 8, and 68  ban transgender students from sports, ban gender-affirming healthcare for minors and ban private discussions with teachers and staff.

Join Honesty for Ohio Educaiton for lunch in April to learn about these bills and their impact on Ohio students and education.

Read the latest from the LWV Kent Observer Corps. Click here. Interested in an outreach activity that puts you in the rooms where it happens? Click here.

SAVE THE DATE...All events are free except where noted


Apr 5 | Wednesday | 1:30 p.m. | LWV Kent Book Club | Meeting time is 1:30 p.m., 1768 Elm Dr., Kent | Click here to email for details.

Apr 6 | Thursday | 7-8:30 p.m. | Drop-In and Meet Ward 1 & 6 Candidates | Kent Free Library, 312 W. Main St., Kent | Free and open to the public.

Apr 12 | Wednesday | 7 p.m. | KIFA Education Series: Education and Race, Part 3, Family Perspectives | ONLINE & IN PERSON | Hobbs Hall, Unitarian Universalist Church, 228 Gougler, Kent.

Apr 17 | Monday | 6 p.m. | TECHLab Hands-on time for members to learn about social media and practice | Kent Social Services, 1066 S. Water St., Kent. 

Apr 17 | Monday | 7 p.m. | All Member Meeting Positions & Priorities (local issues) | Kent Social Services, 1066 S. Water St., Kent.

May 2 | Wednesday | 1:30 p.m. | LWV Kent Book Club Click here to email for details. 

May 11 | Monday | 7 p.m. | All Member Meeting DEI Presentation: Who Should Decide What Children Learn? Kent Social Services, 1066 S. Water St., Kent 

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