Sunday Worship:
In Person and
at 9:00 and
11:15 am
This Week at Pender
August 10, 2023
By following Jesus
and reaching out to others,
we seek God's transformation
of ourselves and our world. 
August 10, 2023
Pastor Bruce Johnson will preach on “New Identity in Christ: We Are Good News People” (Acts 2:5-21).

The gospel reading will be Luke 10:38-42.

We look forward to seeing you!

All of Pender's services are streamed live and in person. Masks are currently optional.

Join us live at Pender UMC
Pender's Traditional Service will be in person and live-streamed at 9:00 am
Pender's Contemporary Worship is in person and live-streamed at 11:15 am
Prayer Requests
"Be joyful always; pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances for this is God's will for you in Jesus Christ. " 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 

Pender is a church committed to the power of prayer. Our "prayer chain" is a group of church members constantly in prayer for the needs of our congregation. To make your prayer needs known, you may email the prayer chain by clicking here to send an email to our group of prayer warriors.
Pender has a powerful group of individuals who pray for the needs of the congregation. This group offers prayers of thanksgiving, for strength, for healing power for family and friends and for other issues in your life.

Please contact Iris Salcewicz with any prayer requests you have and if you would like to become a prayer warrior for Pender. 

Your joys and concerns will be added to the prayer list.
Dear Church Family:

I have now been privileged to meet with over 20 of you who have introduced yourselves and shared with me your passion for ministry in the service of Christ and his church at Pender. It has been a joy to get to know those who have taken the time to meet and to catch a glimpse of the willing and faithful spirit that is so prevalent in our congregation. If there are others who would like to meet with me, please contact JaiVon at the church office or me directly and I will be happy to schedule some time with you in the next couple weeks.  

As you may know, our Director of Music Ministries, Brian Stevenson, will soon step away from that role to begin serving as our Handbell and Ensemble Director. Also, our Common Ground music and worship leader, Uriah Moore, has resigned from his position effective August 27. Our great thanks to Brian and Uriah for their three years of faithful service to Christ and Pender UMC. The process of finding a new Director of Music Ministries and musical leadership for the Common Ground service is underway. Please keep the Staff/Pastor-Parish Relations Committee (SPPRC) in prayer as they discern our leadership needs and God’s will for our music ministry in this time.  

The needs of Christ’s church are always great, but God’s grace is ever reliable and overflowing. Beginning this Sunday (August 13) I invite you to stay after the Traditional service or arrive early for the Common Ground service to join with other church members and friends for half an hour (10:15-10:45) of prayer in the youth room. Our primary focus will be to call on the Lord together for the present needs and future ministry of PUMC. As one body, we will seek the leading of the Holy Spirit for our every need. I hope you will plan to join us as we live out our identity together as a ‘praying people’ in this faithful and timely way.  

Lastly, at this writing, we have collected $9420 for our Love Offering for Sergio Saez, our Facilities Manager that will help provide for two expensive upcoming surgeries. I am delighted and grateful for the faithfulness of the saints at Pender that is blessing our brother and faithful servant of Christ in such a tangible way. If you have not had a chance to contribute to the gift, you can make out your check to Pender UMC and designate it for “Love Offering,” or contribute online in the normal manner and designate your gift also in the Love Offering slot.  

It is good to be serving our Lord Jesus Christ with you,

Pastor Bruce    
Pender United Methodist Church, Staff/Pastor-Parish Relations Committee (S/PPRC) is announcing the following to Church Council leadership, our congregation, and the greater Pender UMC community:
1. Brian Stevenson is stepping down as Director of Music Ministries effective Friday, August 18, 2023. However, we are happy to report that he will not be leaving Pender, as he will assume the new position of Director of Handbells. This new appointment is effective as of Monday, August 21, 2023.
2. Uriah Moore is stepping down as Director of the Contemporary Worship Service. His last Sunday with us will be August 27th. He has both a new job (other than his musical pursuits) and a new baby which will keep him very busy. We want to wish Uriah the very best in his future endeavors. Uriah expressed that he is grateful for the opportunity to serve Pender and that he cherishes his interactions with many members of the congregation.
3. Charlie Tucker is stepping down as the Senior Nursery Worker. His last day of service in the nursery will be August 20th. We wish Charlie all the best in his new professional career journey in the Arlington, VA. area. 
We would like to extend our heartfelt thanks to Brian and Uriah for their outstanding service to Pender, and for their contributions to the advancement of the Lord’s kingdom. Pender has been privileged to witness their exceptional musical talents and exemplary performances for some time. Brian has been our Director of Music since August 2020 and Uriah has served as Worship Leader for the contemporary service since November 2020. We would also like to thank Charlie for his invaluable service to Pender in the nursery, which has afforded many Pender families the opportunity to attend worship services.
Please continue to keep our congregation and staff in your prayers as we prayerfully search for new music ministry leadership for Pender.
A Transformed People

Have you ever had a major status change? Maybe you graduated from school, became a parent, or got a promotion at work. It can be disorienting waking up the next morning and everything has changed. We all go through an instant status change when we become Christians. Whatever labels others might put on us—or we might put on ourselves—God chooses to offer us transformation and give us a new identity as people of light, His beloved children. We read this in John’s gospel:

"Yet to all who did receive him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God— children born not of natural descent, nor of human decision or a husband's will, but born of God. We are all children of God." John 1:12-13 NIV

In 1 Peter 2:9-10, Peter also uses other descriptions, saying that we have become a royal priesthood and a holy people. God sought us out even when we were stuck in our own ways, and transformed us by His Spirit. Instead of being held captive by our past, we are blameless and free in Him.

The word “people” is important. This isn’t just about us as individuals. We are now part of God’s family, called to be in relationship with one another. We don’t have to go on the journey of following Jesus alone. We are given the gift of brothers and sisters who are often very different from ourselves. Through and with them, we see aspects of God we could never have discovered alone.

We are invited to see every person as someone made in God’s image, and to be curious about their story. Who are the people who come to mind whose story you don’t know so well?
Spend some time thanking God for welcoming you with open arms into His family. Think of a few ways that you could show others that they are welcome and valued this week.
A Transformed People.” YouVersion, 18 July 2023.
NOVA Onboarding with Pastor & Church Leadership August 17

Onboarding takes place after the start of the pastor new appointment and is done over two days, in three blocks of time, about 5 hours total. The experience brings staff and key lay leadership together, with a facilitator who leads them through questions about their hopes, dreams, landmines, sensitive areas, deepest longings for the church, and much more.

The facilitator will share those recorded responses with the pastor. the second session the pastor provides a response to church leadership.
Please join the Book Lover Group, on Sunday August 13, for a discussion of The Kindness of Color. We meet at 4 PM by Zoom. 

We normally meet for an hour and it’s fun hearing all the comments everyone has about the book.

Questions: please contact Iris Salcewicz
August 19, 2:00 PM, The Grow in God Cluster and Pender's Youth Group invites everyone to join us in the Gathering Place for a free ice cream social with all the fixings.

Please bring a friend. 
BackPack Blessings – calling all students (children and adults), teachers, day-care workers to bring their backpacks with them to church on Sunday, August 20th (either worship service) so that we can offer a special prayer for a safe and successful school year for you.
Children's Sunday School meets Sunday in person from 10:15 - 11am.

Welcome to Sunday School!

Any questions? Please speak with Miss Jane or Miss Maya!
Hi Sunday School Families & Friends, 

There are some wonderful family/children's activities happening ithis year. Please come and enjoy! All are welcome -- and invite a friend!
Starting Thursday, September 7. The Music Experience is a weekly 45 minute session for third through sixth grade children.

Children can perform, read, write, and experience music, no prior music knowledge necessary.
Cost is $25 for the first child and $15 for additional family members.

Turning Point Youth
Sunday Schoorol
Topic: Youth Sunday School
Time: Sundays @ 10:oo am-11am
At Pender
August 27, 12:30 PM, Back to Church Sunday

Traditional Southern Potluck, bring your favorite main course that serves six people. 

We will provide the salads and desserts.
Sanctuary Choir Rehearsals will resume Thursday, September 7 at 7:30 pm. All singers welcome!
Handbells are not just for children and teens! We have adult handbell groups for beginner to advanced ringers.  The difficulty level of handbell music is rated from Level 1 (easy) to Level 6 (most difficult). Each of the groups rings 6-8 times in worship between September and June and participates in the annual Christmas handbell concert. 

The groups also like to participate in the various festivals that are held by the regional handbell guild (Handbell Musicians of America – Area 3). Our rehearsals are full of laughing and ringing (sometimes more laughing than ringing!) You do not have to know how to read music to learn how to ring handbells! 

Carillon Ringers group is for ringers who ring Level 2 and Level 3 music.
Carillon Ringers rehearse at 6:45 Tuesday. The handbells will play during the Traditional Service about once every four to six weeks. 

Joy Ringers group is for advanced ringers who ring Level 4 and Level 5 music
Joy Ringers rehearse at 7:30 Tuesday. The handbells will play during the Traditional Service about once every four to six weeks. 

Brian will make out the usual schedule at the beginning of rehearsals starting on September 5th

Interested? Contact Brian or the Music Ministry

Western Fairfax Christian Ministries ("WFCM") Current Request for Donations

WFCM has been providing food and services to the community for 35 years. Pender was one of the twelve founding churches that set the path and began the journey.

Thanks goes out to all of you who continue to support WFCM many programs.


The WFCM blue cart is outside the church.

All donations of food and toiletries are welcomed and needed.

Item of the Week: Refried Beans

Please no:
* Expired food
* Glass jars

Thank you for your continuing generous support of WFCM.

The WFCM Food Pantry is accepting outside donations at their address below. There is a greater need for food but fewer donations.

You can also help by ordering from Amazon for delivery to WFCM. Rice, beans, canned fruit, diapers (Sizes 4, 5, 6), pasta, pasta sauce, etc.

                   4511 Daly Drive, Suite J
                   Chantilly, VA 20151

Financial contributions are also accepted (cash, check or through our website). Please mark your tax deductible donation "WFCM Food Pantry." This will be recorded on your giving statement.

Thank you for your continuing support of WFCM. In 2021, Pender donated 6,128.74 pounds of food and personal care items to help the needy in the community. Thank you for your ongoing and generous support of WFCM.
Pender is an open and welcoming church. We accept and embrace all persons, period. All people are blessed children of God. Pender is a caring and praying church community; we believe as Christians that we are called to follow and practice the ways of Jesus Christ, who is our ever present and living God.

Our mission is to practice and embrace, providing unconditional love and acceptance of all of God's children as He loves and accepts all of us.

We do not discriminate based on age, mental, physical, or intellectual ability, culture, gender, race, religious belief or unbelief, or sexual orientation.
Save the Date

  • August 13, Book Lover's Group
  • August 16, ROMEOs
  • August 17, NOVA Onboarding with Pastor & Church Leadership, part 2
  • August 19, Prayer Shawl Ministry
  • August 19, The Grow in God Cluster and Pender's Youth Group invites everyone to join us in the Gathering Place for a free ice cream social with all the fixings. Please bring a friend.
  • August 20, Blessing of the Backpacks
  • August 27, Searching? A Special Music Service of Songs and Stories during Common Ground Worship
  • August 27, Back to Church Sunday with the Pender Praise Band. Traditional Southern Potluck, bring your favorite main course that serves six people. We will provide the salads and desserts.
  • August 27, JDC - Juvenile Detention Center
  • August 30-31, Pender Hill School Open House
  • September 5, Handbell Rehearsals return. Contact Brian Stevenson for more info.
  • September 7. Every Thursday from 4:30 to 5:15 PM, all third through sixth grade children are invited to The Music Experience! Children can perform, read, write, and experience music. No prior music knowledge necessary. Cost is $25.00 for the first child and $15.00 for additional family members.
  • September 7, Sanctuary Choir Rehearsals resume
  • September 16, United Women in Faith General Membership Meeting
  • October 2, Fun With Music resumes
  • October 21, Fall Festival/Trunk or Treat

Weekly Events

  • Sunday
  • Children's Sunday School Class at 10:15 am.
  • Youth Sunday School Class meets at 10:00 am.
  • The Seeker Sunday School Class meets at 10:15 am.
  • The Turning Point Youth Group at 4:00 pm
  • Monday
  • Mary Martha Circle, online
  • Tuesday
  • Recorder Consort rehearsal on hiatus until fall.
  • Handbell Rehearsals on hiatus until fall.
  • Wednesday
  • Ruth Circle meets in person the second and fourth Wednesday of each month
  • 3rd Wednesdays Romeos at 11:45
  • Thursday
  • Lectio Divina Prayer Group Learn more here
  • Choir Rehearsals on hiatus until fall.